Select Publications

Conference Presentations

Olupeliyawa A; Balasooriya CD; Hughes CS, 2010, 'Developing teamwork as an outcome in an outcome-based medical education program', presented at 7th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, Singapore, 04 February 2010 - 08 February 2010

Olupeliyawa A; Balasooriya CD; Hughes CS, 2010, 'Teamwork competencies in healthcare for undergraduate medical education: understanding the context', presented at 7th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference, Singapore, 04 February 2010 - 08 February 2010

Balasooriya CD; Di Corpo SK; Hawlins N, 2009, 'Facilitation of small group learning: What works?', presented at OECD Quality of Teaching in Higher Education Conference, Istanbul

Conference Abstracts

Ashraf MM; Hinchcliff R; Agaliotis M; Narasimhan P; Pardosi J; Asante A; Harrison R; Heslop D; Meyer L; Balasooriya C, 2016, 'The role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Health Management education: a global perspective', Sydney, presented at 10th annual Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Global Health Program Workshop, Sydney, 28 October 2016 - 01 October 2016

Working Papers

Iqbal MP; Velan G; O'Sullivan A; Balasooriya C, 2020, The Collaborative Learning Development Exercise (CLeD-EX): an educational instrument to promote key collaborative learning behaviours in medical students, http://dx.doi.org10.21203/rs.2.18690/v2

Iqbal MP; Velan GM; Sullivan AOSJO; Balasooriya C, 2019, The Collaborative Learning Development Exercise (CLeD-EX): an educational instrument promoting key collaborative learning behaviours in medical students, http://dx.doi.org10.21203/rs.2.18690/v1,


Shamim MS; Baig L; Torda A; Balasooriya C, 2021, Impact of a Novel Approach for Undergraduate Medical Ethics Education in The Middle East and South Asia,

Shamim MS; Torda A; Baig L; Zubairi N; Balasooriya C, 2020, Systematic Development and Refinement of a Contextually Relevant Strategy for Undergraduate Medical Ethics Education: a qualitative study,

Shamim MS; Torda A; Baig L; Zubairi N; Balasooriya C, 2020, Systematic Development and Refinement of a Contextually Relevant Strategy for Undergraduate Medical Ethics Education: a qualitative study,

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