
My Expertise

I have led a focused program of research that targeted specific educational problems. I have conducted this work utilising 12 educational grants including a Category 1 research grant from the National Heart Foundation of Australia. My research comes under the umbrella of Educational Design Research (McKenney & Reeves 2015), which is a process of iterative development of solutions to complex practical educational problems. Examples of outputs from this work include guidelines to increase student engagement in small group learning and an instrument to better engage clinician engagement with clinical guidelines. Doctoral projects supervised by me have led to the design of educational instruments that enhance collaborative learning skills and clinical collaborative skills.  



Fields of Research (FoR)

Deep learning, Curriculum and pedagogy, Teacher education and professional development of educators, Higher education, Primary health care, Medicine, nursing and health curriculum and pedagogy

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Dr Chinthaka Balasooriya is a nationally recognised expert in Medical Education. His expertise has been recognised by a range of university and national level wards which include the Faculty of Medicine Teaching Excellence award, a Vice-Chancellors Award for Teaching Excellence, and an Australian Learning & Teaching Council Citation.

Full details available on myEducation Portfolio: view more


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