Select Publications

Journal articles

Moustaqil MD; Fontaine F; Overman J; Giles ND; Bhumkar AD; O'Caroll AD; Francois M; Gambin YD; Sierecki ED, 2017, 'SOX18 transcription factor interactome: Protein‐Protein interaction a new road for anti‐cancer drug discovery', The FASEB Journal, 31,

Sierecki E; Giles N; Bowden Q; Polinkovsky ME; Steinbeck J; Arrioti N; Rahman D; Bhumkar A; Nicovich PR; Ross I; Parton RG; Böcking T; Gambin Y; Ariotti N, 2016, 'Nanomolar oligomerization and selective co-aggregation of α-synuclein pathogenic mutants revealed by single-molecule fluorescence', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 37630,

Gambin Y; Polinkovsky M; Francois B; Giles N; Bhumkar A; Sierecki E, 2016, 'Confocal Spectroscopy to Study Dimerization, Oligomerization and Aggregation of Proteins: A Practical Guide', International journal of molecular sciences, 17,

Hussein WM; Choi PM; Zhang C; Su M; Sierecki E; Johnston W; Fagan V; Alexandrov K; Skwarczynski M; Gambin Y; Toth I; Simerska P, 2016, 'Evaluation of lipopeptides as toll-like receptor 2 ligands', Current Drug Delivery, 13,

Chai YJ; Sierecki E; Tomatis VM; Gormal RS; Giles N; Morrow IC; Xia D; Götz J; Parton RG; Collins BM; Gambin Y; Meunier FA, 2016, 'Munc18-1 is a molecular chaperone for α-synuclein, controlling its self-replicating aggregation', Journal of Cell Biology, 214,

Martin S; Papadopulos A; Tomatis VM; Sierecki E; Malintan NT; Gormal RS; Giles N; Johnston WA; Alexandrov K; Gambin Y; Collins BM; Meunier FA, 2014, 'Increased polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of a Munc18-1 disease-linked mutant causes temperature-sensitive defect in exocytosis', Cell Reports, 9, pp. 206 - 218,

Reyes G; Niederst M; Cohen-Katsenelson K; Stender JD; Kunkel MT; Chen M; Brognard J; Sierecki E; Gao T; Nowak DG; Trotman LC; Glass CK; Newton AC, 2014, 'Pleckstrin homology domain leucine-rich repeat protein phosphatases set the amplitude of receptor tyrosine kinase output', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, pp. E3957 - E3965,

Sierecki E; Stevers LM; Giles N; Polinkovsky ME; Moustaqil M; Mureev S; Johnston WA; Dahmer-Heath M; Skalamera D; Gonda TJ; Gabrielli B; Collins BM; Alexandrov K; Gambin Y, 2014, 'Rapid mapping of interactions between human SNX-BAR proteins measured in vitro by alphascreen and single-molecule spectroscopy', Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 13, pp. 2233 - 2245,

Sierecki E; Newton AC, 2014, 'Biochemical characterization of the phosphatase domain of the tumor suppressor PH domain leucine-rich repeat protein phosphatase', Biochemistry, 53, pp. 3971 - 3981,

Wang P; Zhou Z; Hu A; Pontede Albuquerque C; Zhou Y; Hong L; Sierecki E; Ajiro M; Kruhlak M; Harris C; Guan KL; Zheng ZM; Newton AC; Sun P; Zhou H; Fu XD, 2014, 'Both decreased and increased SRPK1 levels promote cancer by interfering with PHLPP-mediated dephosphorylation of Akt', Molecular Cell, 54, pp. 378 - 391,

Han SP; Gambin Y; Gomez GA; Verma S; Giles N; Michael M; Wu SK; Guo Z; Johnston W; Sierecki E; Parton RG; Alexandrov K; Yap AS, 2014, 'Cortactin scaffolds Arp2/3 and WAVE2 at the epithelial zonula adherens', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289, pp. 7764 - 7775,

Gambin Y; Ariotti N; McMahon KA; Bastiani M; Sierecki E; Kovtun O; Polinkovsky ME; Magenau A; Jung WR; Okano S; Zhou Y; Leneva N; Mureev S; Johnston W; Gaus K; Hancock JF; Collins BM; Alexandrov K; Parton RG, 2014, 'Single-molecule analysis reveals self assembly and nanoscale segregation of two distinct cavin subcomplexes on caveolae', eLife, 2014, pp. e01434,

Brooks AJ; Dai W; O'Mara ML; Abankwa D; Chhabra Y; Pelekanos RA; Gardon O; Tunny KA; Blucher KM; Morton CJ; Parker MW; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Gomez GA; Alexandrov K; Wilson IA; Doxastakis M; Mark AE; Waters MJ, 2014, 'Mechanism of activation of protein kinase JAK2 by the growth hormone receptor', Science, 344,

Gambin Y; Ariotti N; McMahon KA; Bastiani M; Sierecki E; Kovtun O; Polinkovsky ME; Magenau A; Jung W; Okano S; Zhou Y; Leneva N; Mureev S; Johnston W; Gaus K; Hancock JF; Collins BM; Alexandrov K; Parton RG, 2014, 'Single-molecule analysis reveals self assembly and nanoscale segregation of two distinct cavin subcomplexes on caveolae', eLife, 3, pp. e01434,

Gambin Y; Sierecki E; Polinkovsky M; Alexandrov K; Parton R, 2014, 'Single molecule analysis reveals self assembly and nanoscale segregation of two distinct cavin subcomplexes on caveolae (602.1)', The FASEB Journal, 28,

Sierecki E; Giles N; Polinkovsky M; Moustaqil M; Alexandrov K; Gambin Y, 2013, 'A cell-free approach to accelerate the study of protein-protein interactions in vitro', Interface Focus, 3,

Sinko W; Sierecki E; De Oliveira CAF; McCammon JA, 2012, 'Guide to virtual screening: Application to the akt phosphatase PHLPP', Methods in Molecular Biology, 819, pp. 561 - 573,

Sierecki E; Errasti G; Martens T; Royer J, 2010, 'Diastereoselective α-allylation of secondary amines', Tetrahedron, 66, pp. 10002 - 10007,

Sierecki E; Sinko W; McCammon JA; Newton AC, 2010, 'Discovery of small molecule inhibitors of the ph domain leucine-rich repeat protein phosphatase (PHLPP) by chemical and virtual screening', Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 53, pp. 6899 - 6911,

Gambin Y; Reffay M; Sierecki E; Homblé F; Hodges RS; Gov NS; Taulier N; Urbach W, 2010, 'Variation of the lateral mobility of transmembrane peptides with hydrophobic mismatch', Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114, pp. 3559 - 3566,

Sierecki E; Newton AC, 2009, 'Modulation of PHLPP activity: screening for specific inhibitors', The FASEB Journal, 23,

Turcaud S; Sierecki E; Martens T; Royer J, 2007, 'Asymmetric α‐Alkynylation of Piperidine via N‐Sulfinyliminium Salts.', ChemInform, 38,

Turcaud S; Sierecki E; Martens T; Royer J, 2007, 'Asymmetric α-alkynylation of piperidine via N-sulfinyliminium salts', Journal of Organic Chemistry, 72, pp. 4882 - 4885,

Brognard J; Sierecki E; Gao T; Newton AC, 2007, 'PHLPP and a Second Isoform, PHLPP2, Differentially Attenuate the Amplitude of Akt Signaling by Regulating Distinct Akt Isoforms', Molecular Cell, 25, pp. 917 - 931,

Sierecki E; Turcaud S; Martens T; Royer J, 2006, 'Phosphorus-derived chiral auxiliaries for α-alkylation of secondary amines by anodic oxidation', Synthesis, pp. 3199 - 3208,

Gambin Y; Lopez-Esparza R; Reffay M; Sierecki E; Gov NS; Genest M; Hodges RS; Urbach W, 2006, 'Lateral mobility of proteins in liquid membranes revisited', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103, pp. 2098 - 2102,

Turcaud S; Martens T; Sierecki E; Perard‐Viret J; Royer J, 2005, 'Anodic Oxidation of Chiral Sulfinylamines: A New Route to Highly Diastereoselective α‐Alkylation of Piperidine.', ChemInform, 36,

Turcaud S; Martens T; Sierecki E; Pérard-Viret J; Royer J, 2005, 'Anodic oxidation of chiral sulfinylamines: A new route to highly diastereoselective α-alkylation of piperidine', Tetrahedron Letters, 46, pp. 5131 - 5134,

Conference Papers

Monserrat-Martinez A; Redpath G; Govendir MA; O'Carroll A; Murillo ADA; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2019, 'Enteropathogenic E. coli Hijacks Programmed Host-Cell Death Pathways by Interfering with the Higher Order Oligomerization of Immune System Proteins', in FASEB JOURNAL, WILEY, FL, Orlando, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting (EB), FL, Orlando, 06 April 2019 - 09 April 2019,

Moustaqil M; Overman J; Fontaine F; Bailey T; Francois M; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2016, 'Establishing a transcription factors protein network for lymphangiogenesis: identification of binding domains, impact of pathological mutations and perturbations by small molecules', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, San Diego, CA, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA, 02 April 2016 - 06 April 2016,

Moustaqil M; Overman J; Fontaine F; Bailey T; Francois M; Gambin Y; Sierecki E, 2016, 'Establishing a transcription factors protein network for lymphangiogenesis: identification of binding domains, impact of pathological mutations and perturbations by small molecules', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, CA, San Diego, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, CA, San Diego, 02 April 2016 - 06 April 2016,

O'Carroll A; Ve T; Lau D; Giles N; Moustaqil M; Bhumkar A; Hunter D; Kobe B; Boecking T; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2016, 'Prion - like protein polymerisation underlies signal transduction in innate immunity: the emergence of a universal mechanism ?', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, CA, San Diego, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, CA, San Diego, 02 April 2016 - 06 April 2016,

O'Carroll A; Ve T; Lau D; Giles N; Moustaqil M; Bhumkar A; Hunter D; Kobe B; Boecking T; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2016, 'Prion - like protein polymerisation underlies signal transduction in innate immunity: the emergence of a universal mechanism ?', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, San Diego, CA, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA, 02 April 2016 - 06 April 2016,

Gambin Y; Sierecki E; Jung W; Ariotti N; Giles N; Bastiani M; Parton R, 2016, 'Redefining caveolae as signalling platforms: specificity of interactions on endocytic caveolae in response to stress', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, CA, San Diego, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, CA, San Diego, 02 April 2016 - 06 April 2016,

Gambin Y; Sierecki E; Jung W; Ariotti N; Giles N; Bastiani M; Parton R, 2016, 'Redefining caveolae as signalling platforms: specificity of interactions on endocytic caveolae in response to stress', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, San Diego, CA, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA, 02 April 2016 - 06 April 2016,

Giles N; McCann A; Moustaqil M; Overman J; Fontaine F; Francois M; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2016, 'Tracking Dynamics of Vascular Development in Time and Space using Sox18 Dimer split-Fluorescent Protein Biosensors', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, CA, San Diego, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, CA, San Diego, 02 April 2016 - 06 April 2016,

Giles N; McCann A; Moustaqil M; Overman J; Fontaine F; Francois M; Sierecki E; Gambin Y, 2016, 'Tracking Dynamics of Vascular Development in Time and Space using Sox18 Dimer split-Fluorescent Protein Biosensors', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, San Diego, CA, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA, 02 April 2016 - 06 April 2016,

Bhumkar A; Gambin Y; Leitao A; Bowden Q; Giles N; Francois B; Hunter D; Boecking T; Sierecki E, 2016, 'What pathological mutants tell us about synuclein aggregation pathways', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, San Diego, CA, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA, 02 April 2016 - 06 April 2016,

Bhumkar A; Gambin Y; Leitao A; Bowden Q; Giles N; Francois B; Hunter D; Boecking T; Sierecki E, 2016, 'What pathological mutants tell us about synuclein aggregation pathways', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, CA, San Diego, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, CA, San Diego, 02 April 2016 - 06 April 2016,

Brooks AJ; O'Mara ML; Dai W; Abankwa D; Chhabra Y; Tunny KA; Parker MW; Sierecki E; Gambi Y; Gomez GA; Haxholm GW; Nikolajsen LF; Doxastakis M; Mark AE; Waters MJ, 2016, 'Mechanism of JAK2 Activation by the Archetype Class I Cytokine Receptor, the Growth Hormone Receptor', in BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, CELL PRESS, CA, Los Angeles, pp. 31A - 31A, presented at 60th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, CA, Los Angeles, 27 February 2016 - 02 March 2016,

Brooks A; Dai W; O'Mara ML; Abankwa D; Chhabra Y; Pelekanos RA; Gardon O; Tunny KA; Blucher KM; Morton CJ; Parker MW; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Gomez GA; Alexandrov K; Wilson IA; Doxastakis M; Mark AE; Waters MJ, 2015, 'Going downstream - how does GH binding activate JAK2', in CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, WILEY, AUSTRALIA, Adelaide, pp. 16 - 16, presented at Annual Scientific Meeting of the Endocrine-Society-of-Australia, AUSTRALIA, Adelaide, 23 August 2015 - 26 August 2015,

Brooks AJ; Chhabra Y; Abankwa D; O'Mara M; Dai W; Gardon O; Tunny KA; Blucher KM; Morton CJ; Parker MW; Sierecki E; Gambin Y; Gomez GA; Alexandrov KK; Doxastakis M; Mark AE; Waters MJ, 2014, 'A new cytokine receptor activation paradigm: Activation of JAK2 by the growth hormone receptor', in CYTOKINE, ACADEMIC PRESS LTD- ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, pp. 22 - 22, presented at 2nd Annual Meeting of the International-Cytokine-and-Interferon-Society (ICIS), AUSTRALIA, Melbourne, 26 October 2014 - 29 October 2014,

Giles N; Sierecki E; Polinkovsky M; Schroder K; Alexandrov K; Gambin Y, 2014, 'A novel approach to investigate the assembly of the NOD-like receptor inflammasomes', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, CA, San Diego, presented at Experimental Biology Meeting, CA, San Diego, 26 April 2014 - 30 April 2014,

Sierecki E; Polinkovsky M; Giles N; Moustaqil M; Alexandrov K; Gambin Y, 2014, 'Probing the architecture of the Mediator complex', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL,

Polinkovsky M; Sierecki E; Giles N; Alexandrov K; Gambin Y, 2014, 'Uncovering transcription factor binding pockets in the tail subdomain of the human mediator complex', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL,

Sinko W; Sierecki E; Newton AC; McCammon JA, 2012, 'Virtual and chemical screening leads to the discovery of small molecule inhibitors of the Akt phosphatase PHLPP', in ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, AMER CHEMICAL SOC, CA, San Diego, presented at 11th International Biorelated Polymer Symposium / 243rd National Spring Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), CA, San Diego, 25 March 2012 - 29 March 2012,

Sierecki E; Sinko W; Mc Cammon JA; Newton AC, 2010, 'Small molecule inhibitors of PHLPP determined by chemical and virtual screening', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL,

Gambin Y; Reffay M; Sierecki E; Homble F; Genest M; Hodges RS; Gov N; Taulier N; Urbach W, 2010, 'Modulation of the Lateral Mobility of Transmembrane Peptides with Hydrophobic Mismatch', in BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, CELL PRESS, pp. 224A - 225A,

Sierecki E; Newton AC, 2008, 'Biochemical characterization of the PP2C domain of PHLPP', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL,

Brognard J; Sierecki E; Gao T; Newton AC, 2007, 'Akt signaling is differentially terminated by the phosphatase PHLPP and a new isoform, PHLPP2', in FASEB JOURNAL, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, DC, Washington, pp. A619 - A619, presented at Experimental Biology 2007 Annual Meeting, DC, Washington, 28 April 2007 - 02 May 2007,

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