Select Publications
2016, Socialising the Biomedical Turn in HIV Prevention, Anthem Press, London, UK,
,2015, Escape Routes, Pluto Press,
,2008, Escape Routes: Control and Subversion in the 21st Century, Original, Pluto Press, London,
,2006, Analysing Everyday Experience: Social Research and Political Change, Palgrave, Houndsmill, Basingstoke
,Book Chapters
2020, 'Newspaper coverage of childhood immunisation in Australia', in Media Analysis and Public Health, Routledge, pp. 106 - 117,
,2017, 'Memory Work', in Willig C (ed.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology, pp. 122 - 141
,2016, 'Infectious Disease and Globalization', in Turner BS; Holton R (ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Globalization Studies, Routledge, Oxon, pp. 216 - 237,
,2012, 'The disappearing act of global health security', in Enemark C; Selgelid MJ (ed.), Ethics and Security Aspects of Infectious Disease Control, Ashgate Publishing Group, Surrey, pp. 97 - 110,
,2007, 'Travelling experience: Rethinking the limits of empirical evidence in social science', in Deventer V; Blanche T; Fourie ; Segalo (ed.), Citizen City: Between Constructing Agent and Constructing Agency, edn. 1, Captus, York, Canada, pp. 128 - 139
,2005, 'Interrogating the political value of psychology', in Contemporary Theorizing in Psychology: Global Perspectives, edn. 1, Captus Press Inc., York, pp. 124 - 131
,Edited Books
Stephenson N; Radtke L; Jorna R; Jorna H, (eds.), 2003, Theoretical Psychology: Critical Contributions, Captus Press, York
Morss J; Stephenson N; Van Rappard H, (eds.), 2001, Issues in Theoretical Psychology, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Journal articles
2023, 'Techno-legal expertise and the datafication of the state: Big data, accountability and the value of a social license with institutional roots', Futures, 154,
,2023, 'Centring equity in data-driven public health: a call for guiding principles to support the equitable design and outcomes of Australia's data integration systems', Medical Journal of Australia, 218, pp. 341 - 343,
,2023, 'Understanding the relationship between the public sector healthcare workers and NGO-based HIV counsellors while providing HIV counselling and testing services to pregnant women: A Qualitative Study in Suva, Fiji', Midwifery, 120,
,2022, 'Health and public sector data sharing requires social licence negotiations', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 46, pp. 426 - 428,
,2022, 'Pill testing policy: A comparative analysis using the Advocacy Coalition Framework', Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, pp. 275 - 284,
,2020, 'What factors shape doctors' trustworthiness? Patients' perspectives in the context of hypertension care in rural Tanzania', Rural and remote health, 20, pp. 5826,
,2018, 'Newspaper coverage of childhood immunisation in Australia: a lens into conflicts within public health', Critical Public Health, 28, pp. 1 - 12,
,2018, 'Erratum: Under-reporting giardiasis; Time to consider the public health implications (Epidemiology and Infection (2017) 145:14 (3007-3011) DOI: 10.1017/S0950268817001959)', Epidemiology and Infection, 146, pp. 408,
,2018, 'Trust matters: Patients’ and providers’ accounts of the role of trust in hypertension care in rural Tanzania', Tanzania Journal of Health Research, 20, pp. 1 - 15,
,2017, 'Under-reporting giardiasis: Time to consider the public health implications', Epidemiology and Infection, 145, pp. 3007 - 3011,
,2017, '“Simply providing information”: Negotiating the ethical dilemmas of pregnancy termination as they arise in the obstetric ultrasound clinic', Feminism & Psychology, 27, pp. 72 - 91,
,2016, 'Introduction to Alan Brotherton’s ‘“The Circumstances in Which They Come”: Refiguring the Boundaries of HIV in Australia’', Australian Humanities Review, pp. 39 - 43,
,2016, 'Speculating on health: public health meets finance in ‘health impact bonds’', Sociology of Health and Illness, 38, pp. 1203 - 1216,
,2016, 'Ambiguous encounters, uncertain foetuses: Women's experiences of obstetric ultrasound', Feminist Review, 113, pp. 17 - 33,
,2016, 'Understanding pandemic influenza behaviour: An exploratory biopsychosocial study', Journal of Health Psychology, 21, pp. 759 - 769,
,2016, 'Australia’s pandemic influenza ‘Protect’ phase: emerging out of the fog of pandemic', Critical Public Health, 26, pp. 99 - 113,
,2015, 'Beyond resistance: Social factors in the general public response to pandemic influenza', BMC Public Health, 15, pp. 436,
,2015, 'Immunity, Biopolitics and Pandemics: Public and Individual Responses to the Threat to Life', Body & Society, 22, pp. 130 - 154,
,2015, '‘Fuzzy’ virus: indeterminate influenza biology, diagnosis and surveillance in the risk ontologies of the general public in time of pandemics', Health, Risk and Society, 17, pp. 115 - 131,
,2014, '"We became sceptics": Fear and media hype in general public narrative on the advent of pandemic influenza', Sociological Inquiry, 84, pp. 499 - 518,
,2014, 'Neglected tropical disease and emerging infectious disease: An analysis of the history, promise and constraints of two worldviews', Global Public Health, 9, pp. 995 - 1007,
,2014, 'The scope and impact of community participation: The views of community representatives in an Australian health service', Journal of Health Organization and Management, 28, pp. 405 - 421,
,2014, 'Mobilising "vulnerability" in the public health response to pandemic influenza', Social Science and Medicine, 102, pp. 10 - 17,
,2014, 'Biography, pandemic time and risk: Pregnant women reflecting on their experiences of the 2009 influenza pandemic', Health (United Kingdom), 18, pp. 493 - 508,
,2014, 'We had to do what we thought was right at the time: Retrospective discourse on the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in the UK', Sociology of Health and Illness, 36, pp. 369 - 382,
,2013, 'Between Individual Agency and Structure in HIV Prevention: Understanding the Middle Ground of Social Practice', American Journal of Public Health, 103, pp. 1367 - 1375,
,2013, 'Facilitating the action of community representatives in a health service: the role of a community participation coordinator', BMC Health Services Research, 13, pp. 154,
,2013, 'Sidestepping questions of legitimacy: How community representatives manoeuvre to effect change in a health service', Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Health Illness and Medicine,
,2012, 'Pandemic influenza preparedness: Africa at the crossroads', Journal of Public Health in Africa, 3, pp. 116 - 120,
,2012, 'Beyond the distinction between biomedical and social dimensions of HIV prevention through the lens of a social public health', American Journal of Public Health, 102, pp. 789 - 799,
,2012, 'Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: Africa at the crossroads', Journal of Public Health in Africa, 3, pp. 116 - 120
,2012, 'Response to Biomedical and Social Dimensions of HIV Prevention by Sevgi O. Aral & James Blanchard', American Journal of Public Health, 102, pp. e9 - e10,
,2012, 'The reach and limits of the US President's Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR) funding of Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV in Nigeria', African Journal of Reproductive Health, 16, pp. 23 - 34,
,2012, 'This is class war from above and they are winning it. What is to be done?', Rethinking Marxism, 24, pp. 448 - 457,
,2011, 'A Social Public Health', American Journal of Public Health, 101, pp. 1159 - 1159,
,2011, 'Compliant, complacent or panicked? Investigating the problematisation of the Australian general public in pandemic influenza control', Social Science and Medicine, 72, pp. 912 - 918,
,2011, 'Emerging infectious disease/Emerging forms of biological sovereignty', Science Technology and Human Values, 36, pp. 616 - 637,
,2011, 'Exit from the Regime of Life Control: Biopolitics, Anticipatory Risk and the Excess of Experience', Somatechnics, 1, pp. 412 - 433,