Select Publications

Journal articles

Smith C; Vajdic CM; Stephenson N, 2023, 'Techno-legal expertise and the datafication of the state: Big data, accountability and the value of a social license with institutional roots', Futures, 154,

Smith C; Vajdic CM; Stephenson N, 2023, 'Centring equity in data-driven public health: a call for guiding principles to support the equitable design and outcomes of Australia's data integration systems', Medical Journal of Australia, 218, pp. 341 - 343,

Razzaq A; Stephenson N; Raynes-Greenow C; Travaglia J; Alam NA, 2023, 'Understanding the relationship between the public sector healthcare workers and NGO-based HIV counsellors while providing HIV counselling and testing services to pregnant women: A Qualitative Study in Suva, Fiji', Midwifery, 120,

Stephenson N; Smith C; Vajdic CM, 2022, 'Health and public sector data sharing requires social licence negotiations', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 46, pp. 426 - 428,

Sommerville K; Ritter A; Stephenson N, 2022, 'Pill testing policy: A comparative analysis using the Advocacy Coalition Framework', Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, pp. 275 - 284,

Isangula KG; Seale H; Jayasuriya R; Nyamhanga TM; Stephenson N, 2020, 'What factors shape doctors' trustworthiness? Patients' perspectives in the context of hypertension care in rural Tanzania', Rural and remote health, 20, pp. 5826,

Stephenson N; Chaukra S; Katz I; Heywood A, 2018, 'Newspaper coverage of childhood immunisation in Australia: a lens into conflicts within public health', Critical Public Health, 28, pp. 1 - 12,

Currie SL; Stephenson N; Palmer AS; Jones BL; Hawkins G; Alexander CL, 2018, 'Erratum: Under-reporting giardiasis; Time to consider the public health implications (Epidemiology and Infection (2017) 145:14 (3007-3011) DOI: 10.1017/S0950268817001959)', Epidemiology and Infection, 146, pp. 408,

Isangula KG; Seale H; Nyamhanga T; Jayasuriya R; Stephenson N, 2018, 'Trust matters: Patients’ and providers’ accounts of the role of trust in hypertension care in rural Tanzania', Tanzania Journal of Health Research, 20, pp. 1 - 15,

Currie SL; Stephenson N; Palmer AS; Jones BL; Alexander CL, 2017, 'Under-reporting giardiasis: Time to consider the public health implications', Epidemiology and Infection, 145, pp. 3007 - 3011,

Stephenson N; Mills C; McLeod K, 2017, '“Simply providing information”: Negotiating the ethical dilemmas of pregnancy termination as they arise in the obstetric ultrasound clinic', Feminism & Psychology, 27, pp. 72 - 91,

Race K; Stephenson N, 2016, 'Introduction to Alan Brotherton’s ‘“The Circumstances in Which They Come”: Refiguring the Boundaries of HIV in Australia’', Australian Humanities Review, pp. 39 - 43,

Rowe R; Stephenson N, 2016, 'Speculating on health: public health meets finance in ‘health impact bonds’', Sociology of Health and Illness, 38, pp. 1203 - 1216,

Stephenson N; McLeod K; Mills C, 2016, 'Ambiguous encounters, uncertain foetuses: Women's experiences of obstetric ultrasound', Feminist Review, 113, pp. 17 - 33,

Flowers P; Davis M; Lohm D; Waller E; Stephenson N, 2016, 'Understanding pandemic influenza behaviour: An exploratory biopsychosocial study', Journal of Health Psychology, 21, pp. 759 - 769,

Waller E; Davis M; Stephenson N, 2016, 'Australia’s pandemic influenza ‘Protect’ phase: emerging out of the fog of pandemic', Critical Public Health, 26, pp. 99 - 113,

Davis MDM; Stephenson N; Lohm D; Waller E; Flowers P, 2015, 'Beyond resistance: Social factors in the general public response to pandemic influenza', BMC Public Health, 15, pp. 436,

Davis M; Flowers P; Lohm D; Waller E; Stephenson N, 2015, 'Immunity, Biopolitics and Pandemics: Public and Individual Responses to the Threat to Life', Body & Society, 22, pp. 130 - 154,

Lohm D; Davis M; Flowers P; Stephenson N, 2015, '‘Fuzzy’ virus: indeterminate influenza biology, diagnosis and surveillance in the risk ontologies of the general public in time of pandemics', Health, Risk and Society, 17, pp. 115 - 131,

Davis M; Lohm D; Flowers P; Waller E; Stephenson N, 2014, '"We became sceptics": Fear and media hype in general public narrative on the advent of pandemic influenza', Sociological Inquiry, 84, pp. 499 - 518,

Jackson Y; Stephenson N, 2014, 'Neglected tropical disease and emerging infectious disease: An analysis of the history, promise and constraints of two worldviews', Global Public Health, 9, pp. 995 - 1007,

Nathan S; Braithwaite J; Stephenson N, 2014, 'The scope and impact of community participation: The views of community representatives in an Australian health service', Journal of Health Organization and Management, 28, pp. 405 - 421,

Stephenson N; Davis M; Flowers P; MacGregor C; Waller E, 2014, 'Mobilising "vulnerability" in the public health response to pandemic influenza', Social Science and Medicine, 102, pp. 10 - 17,

Lohm D; Flowers P; Stephenson N; Waller E; Davis MDM, 2014, 'Biography, pandemic time and risk: Pregnant women reflecting on their experiences of the 2009 influenza pandemic', Health (United Kingdom), 18, pp. 493 - 508,

Davis M; Flowers P; Stephenson N, 2014, 'We had to do what we thought was right at the time: Retrospective discourse on the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in the UK', Sociology of Health and Illness, 36, pp. 369 - 382,

Kippax SC; Stephenson N; Parker R; Aggleton P, 2013, 'Between Individual Agency and Structure in HIV Prevention: Understanding the Middle Ground of Social Practice', American Journal of Public Health, 103, pp. 1367 - 1375,

Nathan SA; Braithwaite J; Stephenson N, 2013, 'Facilitating the action of community representatives in a health service: the role of a community participation coordinator', BMC Health Services Research, 13, pp. 154,

Nathan SA; Stephenson N; Braithwaite J, 2013, 'Sidestepping questions of legitimacy: How community representatives manoeuvre to effect change in a health service', Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Health Illness and Medicine,

Ijamakinwa OC; Stephenson N, 2012, 'Pandemic influenza preparedness: Africa at the crossroads', Journal of Public Health in Africa, 3, pp. 116 - 120,

Kippax SC; Stephenson N, 2012, 'Beyond the distinction between biomedical and social dimensions of HIV prevention through the lens of a social public health', American Journal of Public Health, 102, pp. 789 - 799,

Ijamakinwa O; Stephenson N, 2012, 'Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: Africa at the crossroads', Journal of Public Health in Africa, 3, pp. 116 - 120

Kippax SC; Stephenson N, 2012, 'Response to Biomedical and Social Dimensions of HIV Prevention by Sevgi O. Aral & James Blanchard', American Journal of Public Health, 102, pp. e9 - e10,

Ezegbe C; Stephenson N, 2012, 'The reach and limits of the US President's Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR) funding of Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV in Nigeria', African Journal of Reproductive Health, 16, pp. 23 - 34,

Tsianos V; Papadopoulos D; Stephenson N, 2012, 'This is class war from above and they are winning it. What is to be done?', Rethinking Marxism, 24, pp. 448 - 457,

Stephenson N, 2011, 'A Social Public Health', American Journal of Public Health, 101, pp. 1159 - 1159,

Davis M; Stephenson N; Flowers P, 2011, 'Compliant, complacent or panicked? Investigating the problematisation of the Australian general public in pandemic influenza control', Social Science and Medicine, 72, pp. 912 - 918,

Stephenson N, 2011, 'Emerging infectious disease/Emerging forms of biological sovereignty', Science Technology and Human Values, 36, pp. 616 - 637,

Stephenson N; Papadopoulos D, 2011, 'Exit from the Regime of Life Control: Biopolitics, Anticipatory Risk and the Excess of Experience', Somatechnics, 1, pp. 412 - 433,

Magnani E; Stephenson N, 2010, 'A review of Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the College de France, 1977–78', Subjectivity, 3, pp. 211 - 218,

Wraith C; Stephenson N, 2009, 'Risk, insurance, preparedness and the disappearance of the population: The case of pandemic influenza', Health Sociology Review, 18, pp. 220 - 233

Stephenson N; Jamieson M, 2009, 'Securitising health: Australian newspaper coverage of pandemic influenza', Sociology of Health and Illness, 31, pp. 525 - 539,

Stephenson N, 2008, 'From the feminist politics of lived experience to the social spaces of epidemics', Australian Feminist Studies, 23, pp. 531 - 536

Diprose RJ; Stephenson N; Mills CJ; Race KD; Hawkins G, 2008, 'Governing the future: The paradigm of prudence in political technologies of risk management', Security Dialogue, 39, pp. 267 - 288,

Stephenson N, 2006, 'Breaking alignments between `the personal` and `the individual` or What can psychology do for feminist politics now', Feminism and Psychology, 16, pp. 79 - 85

Holt M; Stephenson N, 2006, 'Living with HIV and negotiating psychological discourse', Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Health Illness and Medicine, 10, pp. 211 - 231,

Stephenson N; Papadopoulos D, 2006, 'Outside Politics/Continuous Experience', Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 6

Stephenson N; Kippax SC, 2006, 'Transfiguring relations - Theorizing political change in the everyday', Theory and Psychology, 16, pp. 391 - 415

Stephenson N, 2005, 'Kippax, S. & Stephenson, N. (2005) How to conduct meaningful evaluations of sex and relationship eduation', Sex Education, 5, pp. 359 - 373

Stephenson N, 2005, 'Living History, Undoing Linearity: Memory-work as a Research Method in the Social Sciences', International Journal for Social Research Methodology, 8, pp. 33 - 45

Stephenson N, 2004, 'Elaborating Sociability: the mattering of unspeakable excess', Critical Psychology: the INternational Journal of Critical Psychology, 12, pp. 163 - 186

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