Select Publications


, 1997, Computational nonsmooth optimization, Qi L; Ruszczynski A; Womersley RS, (eds.), Mathematical Programming Society, North Holland

Du D-Z; Qi L; Womersley RS, 1995, Recent Advances in Nonsmooth Optimization, WORLD SCIENTIFIC,

Book Chapters

Brauchart JS; Dragnev PD; Saff EB; Womersley RS, 2018, 'Logarithmic and riesz equilibrium for multiple sources on the sphere: The exceptional case', in Contemporary Computational Mathematics - A Celebration of the 80th Birthday of Ian Sloan, pp. 179 - 203,

Hesse K; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2015, 'Numerical integration on the sphere', in Handbook of Geomathematics: Second Edition, Springer Nature, pp. 2671 - 2710,

Hesse K; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2015, 'Numerical Integration on the Sphere', in Handbook of Geomathematics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1 - 35,

Hesse K; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2013, 'Numerical Integration on the Sphere', in Handbook of Geomathematics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1 - 35,

Hesse K; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2010, 'Numerical Integration on the Sphere', in Freeden W; Nashed MZ; Sonar T (ed.), Handbook of Geomathematics, Springer, Berlin, pp. 1187 - 1220

Hesse K; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2010, 'Numerical Integration on the Sphere', in Handbook of Geomathematics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1185 - 1219,

Journal articles

Chafaï D; Matzke RW; Saff EB; Vu MQH; Womersley RS, 2024, 'Riesz Energy with a Radial External Field: When is the Equilibrium Support a Sphere?', Potential Analysis,

Brauchart JS; Grabner PJ; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2024, 'Needlets liberated', Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 73,

Hamann J; Le Gia QT; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2024, 'Removing the mask—reconstructing a real-valued field on the sphere from a masked field by spherical fourier analysis', SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 17, pp. 1820 - 1843,

Wang YG; Womersley RS; Wu HT; Yu WH, 2023, 'Numerical computation of triangular complex spherical designs with small mesh ratio', Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 421,

Chafaï D; Saff EB; Womersley RS, 2023, 'Threshold condensation to singular support for a Riesz equilibrium problem', Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 13,

Chafaï D; Saff EB; Womersley RS, 2022, 'On the solution of a Riesz equilibrium problem and integral identities for special functions', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 515,

Sourisseau M; Wang YG; Womersley RS; Wu HT; Yu WH, 2021, 'Improve concentration of frequency and time (ConceFT) by novel complex spherical designs', Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 54, pp. 137 - 144,

Hamann J; Le Gia QT; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2021, 'A new probe of Gaussianity and isotropy with application to cosmic microwave background maps', International Journal of Modern Physics C, 32,

Hesse K; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2021, 'Local RBF-based penalized least-squares approximation on the sphere with noisy scattered data', Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 382,

Sourisseau M; Wang YG; Womersley RS; Wu H-T; Yu W-H, 2020, 'Improve Concentration of Frequency and Time (Conceft) by Novel Complex Spherical Designs', ,

Wang YG; Womersley RS; Wu H-T; Yu W-H, 2019, 'Numerical computation of triangular complex spherical designs with small mesh ratio',

Gia QTL; Sloan IH; Womersley RS; Wang YG, 2019, 'Isotropic sparse regularization for spherical harmonic representations of random fields on the sphere', Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis,

Womersley RS, 2018, 'Efficient spherical designs with good geometric properties', , pp. 1243 - 1285,

Brauchart JS; Reznikov AB; Saff EB; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2018, 'Random Point Sets on the Sphere—Hole Radii, Covering, and Separation', Experimental Mathematics, 27, pp. 62 - 81,

Brauchart JS; Reznikov AB; Saff EB; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2018, 'Random Point Sets on the Sphere—Hole Radii, Covering, and Separation', Experimental Mathematics, 27, pp. 62 - 81,

Brauchart JS; Reznikov AB; Saff EB; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2018, 'Random Point Sets on the Sphere—Hole Radii, Covering, and Separation', Experimental Mathematics, 27, pp. 62 - 81,

Brauchart JS; Reznikov AB; Saff EB; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2018, 'Random Point Sets on the Sphere-Hole Radii, Covering, and Separation', EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS, 27, pp. 62 - 81,

Chen X; Womersley RS, 2018, 'Spherical designs and nonconvex minimization for recovery of sparse signals on the sphere', SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 11, pp. 1390 - 1415,

Hesse K; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2017, 'Radial basis function approximation of noisy scattered data on the sphere', Numerische Mathematik, 137, pp. 579 - 605,

Wang YG; Le Gia QT; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2017, 'Fully discrete needlet approximation on the sphere', Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 43, pp. 292 - 316,

Le Gia QT; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2017, 'Needlet approximation for isotropic random fields on the sphere', Journal of Approximation Theory, 216, pp. 86 - 116,

Brauchart JS; Reznikov AB; Saff EB; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2016, 'Random Point Sets on the Sphere—Hole Radii, Covering, and Separation', Experimental Mathematics, pp. 1 - 20,

Wang YG; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2016, 'Riemann Localisation on the Sphere', Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 24, pp. 1 - 43,

Brauchart JS; Reznikov AB; Saff EB; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2015, 'Random Point Sets on the Sphere --- Hole Radii, Covering, and Separation',

Brauchart JS; Dick J; Saff EB; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2015, 'Covering of spheres by spherical caps and worst-case error for equal weight cubature in Sobolev spaces', Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 431, pp. 782 - 811,

Brauchart JS; Saff EB; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2014, 'QMC designs: Optimal order Quasi Monte Carlo integration schemes on the sphere', Mathematics of Computation, 83, pp. 2821 - 2851,

An C; Chen X; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2014, 'Erratum: Regularized least squares approximations on the sphere using spherical designs (SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (2012) 50 (1513-1534))', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 52, pp. 2205 - 2206,

Chernih A; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2014, 'Wendland functions with increasing smoothness converge to a Gaussian', Advances in Computational Mathematics, 40, pp. 185 - 200,

Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2012, 'Filtered hyperinterpolation: a constructive polynomial approximation on the sphere', International Journal on Geomathematics, 3, pp. 95 - 117,

Hesse K; Womersley RS, 2012, 'Numerical integration with polynomial exactness over a spherical cap', Advances in Computational Mathematics, 36, pp. 451 - 483,

An C; Chen X; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2012, 'Regularized least squares approximations on the sphere using spherical designs', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 50, pp. 1513 - 1534,

Chen X; Womersley RS; Ye JJ, 2011, 'Minimizing the condition number of a gram matrix', SIAM Journal on Optimization, 21, pp. 127 - 148,

An C; Chen X; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2010, 'Well conditioned spherical designs for integration and interpolation on the two-sphere', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 48, pp. 2135 - 2157,

Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2009, 'A variational characterisation of spherical designs', Journal of Approximation Theory, 159, pp. 308 - 318

Polak E; Womersley RS; Yin H, 2008, 'An algorithm based on active sets and smoothing for discretized semi-infinile minimax problems', Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

Evans JR; Womersley RS; Wong D; Woodbury G, 2008, 'Operational Risk in Banks', JASSA - Journal of the Securities Institute of Australia, 2, pp. 9 - 16

Leopardi PC; Womersley RS, 2008, 'Porting a sphere optimization program from LAPACK to ScaLAPACK', The ANZIAM Journal, 50, pp. C204 - C219

Kuo FY; Dunsmuir WT; Sloan IH; Wand MP; Womersley RS, 2008, 'Quasi-Monte Carlo for highly structured generalised response models', Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 10, pp. 239 - 275

Chen X; Womersley RS, 2006, 'Existence of solutions to systems of underdetermined equations and spherical designs', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 44, pp. 2326 - 2341

Jeyakumar V; Ormerod JT; Womersley RS, 2006, 'Knowledge-based semidefinite linear programming classifiers', Optimization Methods and Software, 21, pp. 693 - 706

Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2004, 'Extremal systems of points and numerical integration on the sphere', Advances in Computational Mathematics, 21, pp. 107 - 125

Polak E; Royset JO; Womersley RS, 2003, 'Algorithms with adaptive smoothing for finite minimax problems', Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 119, pp. 459 - 484

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