Select Publications

Journal articles

Sun D; Womersley RS; Qi H, 2002, 'A feasible semismooth asymptotically Newton method for mixed complementarity problems', Mathematical Programming, 94, pp. 167 - 187

Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2002, 'Good approximation on the sphere, with application to geodesy and the scattering of sound', Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 149, pp. 227 - 237

Womersley RS; Sloan IH, 2001, 'How good can polynomial interpolation on the sphere be?', Advances in Computational Mathematics, 14, pp. 195 - 226

Gonsalkorale K; Womersley RS, 2001, 'Multistage quadratic stochastic programming', Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 129, pp. 105 - 138

Womersley RS, 2000, 'A continuous minimax problem for calculating minimum norm polynomial interpolation points on the sphere ANZIAM journal', Journal of Australian Mathematical Society B, pp. 1536 - 1557

Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2000, 'Constructive polynomial approximation on the sphere', Journal of Approximation Theory, 103, pp. 91 - 118

Chen X; Womersley RS, 2000, 'Random test problems and parallel methods for quadratic programs and quadratic stochastic programs', Optimization Methods and Software, 13, pp. 275 - 306

Sun D; Womersley RS, 1999, 'A new unconstrained differentiable merit function for box constrained variational inequality problems and a damped Gauss-Newton method', SIAM Journal on Optimization, pp. 388 - 413

Khoury F; Standish RK; Womersley RS, 1998, 'Parallel triangular system solvers', New South Wales Centre for Parallel Computine, pp. 21 - 22

Chen X; Womersley RS, 1998, 'Stochastic programming', New South Wales Centre for Parallel Computine, pp. 10 - 10

Qi L; Womersley RS, 1996, 'On extreme singular values of matrix valued functions', Journal of Convex Analysis, pp. 153 - 166

Tin Loi FS; Qi L; Wei Z; Womersley RS, 1996, 'Stochastic ultimate load analysis: models and solution methods', Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 17, pp. 1029 - 1043

Chen X; Qi L; Womersley RS, 1995, 'Newton's method for quadratic stochastic programs with recourse', Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 60, pp. 29 - 46,

Qi L; Womersley RS, 1995, 'An SQP algorithm for extended linear-quadratic problems in stochastic programming', Annals of Operations Research, pp. 251 - 285

Overton ML; Womersley RS, 1995, 'Second derivatives for optimizing eigenvalues of symmetric matrices', SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 16, pp. 697 - 718

Overton ML; Womersley RS, 1993, 'Optimality conditions and duality theory for minimizing sums of the largest eigenvalues of symmetric matrices', Mathematical Programming, 62, pp. 321 - 357,

Overton ML; Womersley RS, 1992, 'On the Sum of the Largest Eigenvalues of a Symmetric Matrix', SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 13, pp. 41 - 45,

Osborne MR; Womersley RS, 1990, 'Strong uniqueness in sequential linear programming', The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series B. Applied Mathematics, 31, pp. 379 - 384,

Overton ML; Womersley RS, 1988, 'On Minimizing the Special Radius of a Nonsymmetric Matrix Function: Optimality Conditions and Duality Theory', SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 9, pp. 473 - 498,

Womersley RS; Fletcher R, 1986, 'An algorithm for composite nonsmooth optimization problems', Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 48, pp. 493 - 523,

Womersley RS, 1986, 'Censored Discrete Linear $l_1 $ Approximation', SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 7, pp. 105 - 122,

Osborne MR; Pruess SA; Womersley RS, 1986, 'Concise representation of generalised gradients', The Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series B. Applied Mathematics, 28, pp. 57 - 74,

Womersley RS, 1985, 'Local properties of algorithms for minimizing nonsmooth composite functions', Mathematical Programming, 32, pp. 69 - 89,

Teo KL, 1983, 'A Control Parametrization Algorithm for Optimal Control Problems Involving Linear Systems and Linear Terminal Inequality Constraints', Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 6, pp. 291 - 313,

Conference Papers

Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2002, 'The uniform error of hyperinterpolation on the sphere', in 3rd International conference on multivariate approximation theory, Witten-Bommerholz, Germany, presented at 5th International Conference on Multivariate Approximation, Witten-Bommerholz, Germany, 22 September 2002 - 27 September 2002

Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 1999, 'The search for good polynomial interpolation points on the sphere', in Griffiths DF; Watson GA (ed.), 18th Dundee Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, University of Dundee, pp. 211 - 229, presented at 18th Dundee Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, University of Dundee, 29 June 1999 - 02 July 1999

Womersley RS; Lau YK, 1995, 'Portfolio optimisation problems', in Computational Techniques and Applications: Proceedings, Singapore, presented at Computational Techniques and Applications: CTAC 1995, Singapore, 11 July 1995 - 14 July 1995

Chen X; Womersley RS, 1994, 'A parallel inexact Newton method for stochastic programs with recourse', in Annals of Operations Research, Kluwer Academic Publ, Dordrecht, Netherlands, presented at IFIP Workshop, Lillehammer, Norway

Working Papers

Hamann J; Gia QTL; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2019, A New Probe of Gaussianity and Isotropy applied to the CMB Maps,,

Gia QTL; Sloan IH; Womersley RS; Wang YG; Le Gia Q, 2018, Sparse Isotropic Regularization for Spherical Harmonic Representations of Random Fields on the Sphere,


Chafaï D; Matzke RW; Saff EB; Vu MQH; Womersley RS, 2024, Riesz Energy with a Radial External Field: When is the Equilibrium Support a Sphere?,

Hamann J; Gia QTL; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2023, Removing the mask -- reconstructing a scalar field on the sphere from a masked field,

Brauchart JS; Grabner PJ; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2022, Needlets Liberated,

Chafaï D; Saff EB; Womersley RS, 2022, Threshold condensation to singular support for a Riesz equilibrium problem,

Chafaï D; Saff EB; Womersley RS, 2021, On the solution of a Riesz equilibrium problem and integral identities for special functions,

Hamann J; Gia QTL; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2019, A New Probe of Gaussianity and Isotropy applied to the CMB Maps,

Wang YG; Womersley RS; Wu H-T; Yu W-H, 2019, Numerical computation of triangular complex spherical designs with small mesh ratio,

Gia QTL; Sloan IH; Womersley RS; Wang YG, 2018, Sparse Isotropic Regularization for Spherical Harmonic Representations of Random Fields on the Sphere,

Brauchart JS; Dragnev PD; Saff EB; Womersley RS, 2017, Logarithmic and Riesz Equilibrium for Multiple Sources on the Sphere --- the Exceptional Case,

Brauchart JS; Reznikov AB; Saff EB; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2015, Random Point Sets on the Sphere --- Hole Radii, Covering, and Separation,

Wang YG; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2015, Riemann localisation on the sphere,

Wang YG; Gia QTL; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2015, Fully discrete needlet approximation on the sphere,

Brauchart JS; Dick J; Saff EB; Sloan IH; Wang YG; Womersley RS, 2014, Covering of spheres by spherical caps and worst-case error for equal weight cubature in Sobolev spaces,

Chernih A; Sloan IH; Womersley RS, 2012, Wendland functions with increasing smoothness converge to a Gaussian,

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