Select Publications

Book Chapters

Reeves A; Shaghaghi A; Krebs S; Ashenden D, 2025, 'Data After Death: Australian User Preferences and Future Solutions to Protect Posthumous User Data', in , pp. 213 - 227,

Shaghaghi A; Kaafar MA; Buyya R; Jha S, 2019, 'Software-Defined Network (SDN) data plane security: Issues, solutions, and future directions', in Handbook of Computer Networks and Cyber Security: Principles and Paradigms, pp. 341 - 387,

Desmedt Y; Shaghaghi A, 2018, 'Function-based access control (FBAC): Towards preventing insider threats in organizations', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 143 - 165,

Journal articles

Gill SS; Xu M; Ottaviani C; Patros P; Bahsoon R; Shaghaghi A; Golec M; Stankovski V; Wu H; Abraham A; Singh M; Mehta H; Ghosh SK; Baker T; Parlikad AK; Lutfiyya H; Kanhere SS; Sakellariou R; Dustdar S; Rana O; Brandic I; Uhlig S, 2022, 'AI for next generation computing: Emerging trends and future directions', Internet of Things (Netherlands), 19,

Maroof U; Shaghaghi A; Michelin R; Jha S, 2022, 'iRECOVer: Patch your IoT on-the-fly', Future Generation Computer Systems, 132, pp. 178 - 193,

Syed NF; Shah SW; Shaghaghi A; Anwar A; Baig Z; Doss R, 2022, 'Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA): A Comprehensive Survey', IEEE Access, 10, pp. 57143 - 57179,

Shah SW; Syed NF; Shaghaghi A; Anwar A; Baig Z; Doss R, 2021, 'LCDA: Lightweight Continuous Device-to-Device Authentication for a Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA)', Computers and Security, 108,

Stephens B; Shaghaghi A; Doss R; Kanhere SS, 2021, 'Detecting Internet of Things Bots: A Comparative Study', IEEE Access, 9, pp. 160391 - 160401,

Gill SS; Shaghaghi A, 2020, 'Security-aware autonomic allocation of cloud resources: A model, research trends, and future directions', Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 32, pp. 15 - 22,

Ali Shah SW; Shaghaghi A; Kanhere SS; Zhang J; Anwar A; Doss R, 2020, 'Echo-id: Smart user identification leveraging inaudible sound signals', IEEE Access, 8, pp. 194508 - 194522,

Conference Papers

Deldari S; Goudarzi M; Joshi A; Shaghaghi A; Finn S; Salim FD; Jha S, 2024, 'AuditNet: A Conversational AI-based Security Assistant', in MobileHCI 2024 Adjunct Proceedings - Publication of the 26th International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction,

Goudarzi M; Shaghaghi A; Finn S; Jha S, 2024, 'Lack of Systematic Approach to Security of IoT Context Sharing Platforms', in 2024 21st Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, PST 2024,

Maroof U; Batista G; Shaghaghi A; Jha S, 2024, 'Towards Detecting IoT Event Spoofing Attacks Using Time-Series Classification', in Proceedings - Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN,

Rivera A CA; Shaghaghi A; Nguyen DD; Kanhere SS, 2022, 'Is This IoT Device Likely to Be Secure? Risk Score Prediction for IoT Devices Using Gradient Boosting Machines', in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, pp. 115 - 127,

Kamenski D; Shaghaghi A; Warren M; Kanhere SS, 2021, 'Attacking with bitcoin: Using bitcoin to build resilient botnet armies', in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 3 - 12,

Abaid Z; Shaghaghi A; Gunawardena R; Seneviratne S; Seneviratne A; Jha S, 2021, 'Health access broker: Secure, patient-controlled management of personal health records in the cloud', in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Nature, pp. 111 - 121,

Shah SW; Syed NF; Shaghaghi A; Anwar A; Baig Z; Doss R, 2020, 'Towards a lightweight continuous authentication protocol for device-to-device communication', in Proceedings - 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2020, pp. 1119 - 1126,

Puggioni E; Shaghaghi A; Doss R; Kanhere SS, 2020, 'Towards Decentralized IoT Updates Delivery Leveraging Blockchain and Zero-Knowledge Proofs', in 2020 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, NCA 2020,

Rivera A CA; Shaghaghi A; Kanhere SS, 2020, 'Towards a Distributed Defence Mechanism against IoT-based Bots', in Proceedings - Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN, pp. 449 - 452,

Jha S; Zhou J; Michelin R; Ahmed N; Shaghaghi A, 2020, 'Massage from the chairs', in Proceedings - 2020 Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Security in IoT, ETSecIoT 2020, pp. VI,

Maroof U; Shaghaghi A; Jha S, 2019, 'PLAR: Towards a Pluggable Software Architecture for Securing IoT Devices', in IoT S and P 2019 - Proceedings of the 2nd International ACM Workshop on Security and Privacy for the Internet-of-Things, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), ENGLAND, London, pp. 50 - 56, presented at Proceedings of the 2nd International ACM Workshop on Security and Privacy for the Internet-of-Things, ENGLAND, London, 15 November 2019,

Shaghaghi A; Kanhere SS; Kaafar MA; Jha S, 2018, 'Gwardar: Towards protecting a software-defined network from malicious network operating systems', in NCA 2018 - 2018 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, IEEE, Cambridge, MA, USA, presented at The 17th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA 2018), Cambridge, MA, USA, 01 November 2018 - 03 November 2018,

Shaghaghi A; Kanhere SS; Kaafar MA; Bertino E; Jha S, 2018, 'Gargoyle: A Network-based Insider Attack Resilient Framework for Organizations', in Proceedings - Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN, pp. 553 - 561,

Shaghaghi A; Kaafar MA; Scott-Hayward S; Kanhere SS; Jha S, 2017, 'Towards Policy Enforcement Point as a Service (PEPS)', in 2016 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks, NFV-SDN 2016, pp. 50 - 55,

Shaghaghi A; Kaafar MA; Jha S, 2017, 'WedgeTail: An intrusion prevention system for the data plane of software defined networks', in ASIA CCS 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, pp. 849 - 861, presented at 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 02 April 2017 - 06 April 2017,

Desmedt Y; Shaghaghi A, 2016, 'Function-based access control (FBAC): From access control Matrix to access control tensor', in MIST 2016 - Proceedings of the International Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threats, co-located with CCS 2016, pp. 89 - 92,

Conference Abstracts

Shaghaghi A; Hong J; Jha S, 2014, 'An SDN-based framework for detection of illegal rebroadcasting of channels in P2PTV', in VideoNEXT 2014 - Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Design, Quality and Deployment of Adaptive Video Streaming, pp. 47 - 49,


A CAR; Chen X; Shaghaghi A; Batista G; Kanhere S, 2025, Predicting IoT Device Vulnerability Fix Times with Survival and Failure Time Models,

A. CAR; Shaghaghi A; Batista G; Kanhere SS, 2024, Towards Weaknesses and Attack Patterns Prediction for IoT Devices,

Maroof U; Batista G; Shaghaghi A; Jha S, 2024, Towards Detecting IoT Event Spoofing Attacks Using Time-Series Classification,

Deldari S; Goudarzi M; Joshi A; Shaghaghi A; Finn S; Salim FD; Jha S, 2024, AuditNet: A Conversational AI-based Security Assistant [DEMO],

Reeves A; Shaghaghi A; Krebs S; Ashenden D, 2024, Data After Death: Australian User Preferences and Future Solutions to Protect Posthumous User Data,

Gill SS; Xu M; Ottaviani C; Patros P; Bahsoon R; Shaghaghi A; Golec M; Stankovski V; Wu H; Abraham A; Singh M; Mehta H; Ghosh SK; Baker T; Parlikad AK; Lutfiyya H; Kanhere SS; Sakellariou R; Dustdar S; Rana O; Brandic I; Uhlig S, 2022, AI for Next Generation Computing: Emerging Trends and Future Directions,

Alvarez CAR; Shaghaghi A; Nguyen DD; Kanhere SS, 2021, Is this IoT Device Likely to be Secure? Risk Score Prediction for IoT Devices Using Gradient Boosting Machines,

Puggioni E; Shaghaghi A; Doss R; Kanhere SS, 2020, Towards Decentralized IoT Updates Delivery Leveraging Blockchain and Zero-Knowledge Proofs,

Shah SW; Syed NF; Shaghaghi A; Anwar A; Baig Z; Doss R, 2020, Towards a Lightweight Continuous Authentication Protocol for Device-to-Device Communication,

Abaid Z; Shaghaghi A; Gunawardena R; Seneviratne S; Seneviratne A; Jha S, 2020, Health Access Broker: Secure, Patient-Controlled Management of Personal Health Records in the Cloud,

Kamenski D; Shaghaghi A; Warren M; Kanhere SS, 2020, Attacking with bitcoin: Using Bitcoin to Build Resilient Botnet Armies,

Shaghaghi A; Kanhere SS; Kaafar MA; Jha S, 2018, Gwardar: Towards Protecting a Software-Defined Network from Malicious Network Operating Systems,

Shaghaghi A; Kanhere SS; Kaafar MA; Bertino E; Jha S, 2018, Gargoyle: A Network-based Insider Attack Resilient Framework for Organizations,

Shaghaghi A; Kaafar MA; Buyya R; Jha S, 2018, Software-Defined Network (SDN) Data Plane Security: Issues, Solutions and Future Directions,

Shaghaghi A; Kaafar MA; Jha S, 2017, WedgeTail: An Intrusion Prevention System for the Data Plane of Software Defined Networks,

Shaghaghi A; Ali M; Kaafar ; Scott-Hayward S; Kanhere SS; Jha S, 2016, Towards Policy Enforcement Point as a Service (PEPS),

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