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A CAR; Chen X; Shaghaghi A; Batista G; Kanhere S, 2025, Predicting IoT Device Vulnerability Fix Times with Survival and Failure Time Models

A. CAR; Shaghaghi A; Batista G; Kanhere SS, 2024, Towards Weaknesses and Attack Patterns Prediction for IoT Devices,

Maroof U; Batista G; Shaghaghi A; Jha S, 2024, Towards Detecting IoT Event Spoofing Attacks Using Time-Series Classification,

Deldari S; Goudarzi M; Joshi A; Shaghaghi A; Finn S; Salim FD; Jha S, 2024, AuditNet: A Conversational AI-based Security Assistant [DEMO],

Reeves A; Shaghaghi A; Krebs S; Ashenden D, 2024, Data After Death: Australian User Preferences and Future Solutions to Protect Posthumous User Data,

Gill SS; Xu M; Ottaviani C; Patros P; Bahsoon R; Shaghaghi A; Golec M; Stankovski V; Wu H; Abraham A; Singh M; Mehta H; Ghosh SK; Baker T; Parlikad AK; Lutfiyya H; Kanhere SS; Sakellariou R; Dustdar S; Rana O; Brandic I; Uhlig S, 2022, AI for Next Generation Computing: Emerging Trends and Future Directions,

Alvarez CAR; Shaghaghi A; Nguyen DD; Kanhere SS, 2021, Is this IoT Device Likely to be Secure? Risk Score Prediction for IoT Devices Using Gradient Boosting Machines,

Puggioni E; Shaghaghi A; Doss R; Kanhere SS, 2020, Towards Decentralized IoT Updates Delivery Leveraging Blockchain and Zero-Knowledge Proofs,

Shah SW; Syed NF; Shaghaghi A; Anwar A; Baig Z; Doss R, 2020, Towards a Lightweight Continuous Authentication Protocol for Device-to-Device Communication,

Abaid Z; Shaghaghi A; Gunawardena R; Seneviratne S; Seneviratne A; Jha S, 2020, Health Access Broker: Secure, Patient-Controlled Management of Personal Health Records in the Cloud,

Kamenski D; Shaghaghi A; Warren M; Kanhere SS, 2020, Attacking with bitcoin: Using Bitcoin to Build Resilient Botnet Armies,

Shaghaghi A; Kanhere SS; Kaafar MA; Jha S, 2018, Gwardar: Towards Protecting a Software-Defined Network from Malicious Network Operating Systems,

Shaghaghi A; Kanhere SS; Kaafar MA; Bertino E; Jha S, 2018, Gargoyle: A Network-based Insider Attack Resilient Framework for Organizations,

Shaghaghi A; Kaafar MA; Buyya R; Jha S, 2018, Software-Defined Network (SDN) Data Plane Security: Issues, Solutions and Future Directions,

Shaghaghi A; Kaafar MA; Jha S, 2017, WedgeTail: An Intrusion Prevention System for the Data Plane of Software Defined Networks,

Shaghaghi A; Ali M; Kaafar ; Scott-Hayward S; Kanhere SS; Jha S, 2016, Towards Policy Enforcement Point as a Service (PEPS),

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