Select Publications


Maes MJA; Pirani M; Booth ER; Shen C; Milligan B; Jones KE; Toledano MB, 2021, Benefits of natural habitat particularly woodland on children’s cognition and mental health,

parikh P; diep L; hofmann P; Tomei J; Campos L; Teh T-H; Mulugetta Y; Milligan B; Lakhanpaul M, 2021, Synergies and Trade-offs between Sanitation and the Sustainable Development Goals,

parikh P; diep L; hofmann P; Tomei J; Campos L; Teh T-H; Mulugetta Y; Milligan B; Lakhanpaul M, 2020, Synergies and Trade-offs between Sanitation and the Sustainable Development Goals,

Fairbrass A; Mace G; Ekins P; Milligan B, 2020, The Natural Capital Indicator Framework (NCIF): A framework of indicators for national natural capital reporting,

parikh P; Diep L; Hofmann P; Tomei J; Campos LC; Teh T-H; Mulugetta Y; Milligan B; Lakhanpaul M, Mapping Synergies and Trade-Offs between Sanitation and the Sustainable Development Goals,

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