My Expertise
Multigeneration Households, adult children living at home
Housing decision-making
Housing estate regeneration
Energy poverty & deprivation
Ageing in place
Fields of Research (FoR)
Housing policy, Community planning, Urban and regional planning, Urban planning and health, Family and household studies, Social program evaluationSEO tags
Edgar is a Senior Research Fellow at the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture's City Futures Research Centre. He first joined City Futures in April 2009 soon after completing his PhD in cultural geography (also at the University of New South Wales). His research primarily focuses on assessing the effectiveness of public housing estate regeneration in Australia; multigenerational family housing; ageing in place; and concepts of community and...view more
Edgar is a Senior Research Fellow at the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture's City Futures Research Centre. He first joined City Futures in April 2009 soon after completing his PhD in cultural geography (also at the University of New South Wales). His research primarily focuses on assessing the effectiveness of public housing estate regeneration in Australia; multigenerational family housing; ageing in place; and concepts of community and place. Between July 2021 and January 2025, Edgar was also a Senior Research Fellow (0.6 FTE) at the Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise's Healthy Populations and Environments Platform (formerly the Healthy Urban Environments Collaboratory), and was based at the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research (2021-2024) and the University of Technology Sydney's Institute for Sustainable Futures as a Research Director (2024-2025).
My Qualifications
- 2009 - PhD (Geography), UNSW
- 2001 - B Sc (Applied Economic Geography) Hons I, UNSW
My Awards
- Research Excellence Award 2017 – Level B – Faculty of Built Environment, University of New South Wale
- 2016 Awards for Planning Excellence – Commendation in Cutting edge research and teaching (with Robert Freestone) – Planning Institute Australia (NSW chapter)
- Built Environment Dean’s Award for Research Excellence (Level A) 2013 – Faculty of Built Environment, University of New South Wales
My Research Supervision
Supervision keywords
My Engagement
In the media
- 10 December: live radio broadcast [multigenerational living], ABC Sydney Mornings, Emma Crowe.
- 5 December: Share with parents or rent forever: 'I have put life on hold while trying to buy a house', The Guardian, Daisy Dumas.
- 29 August: Ageing and Your Home, New Ideas in Ageing Podcast, Keryn Curtis.
- 15 May: Almost 40 per cent of young adults still living with parents, study finds, 9News, Mikala Theocharous
- 24 February: Why moving back in with your parents is suddenly all the rage, Sydney Morning Herald, Wendy Tuohy.
- 16 November: The Rise of Multigenerational Living: A New Normal in Australian Society, World Report Now, Jesse Jo Stark.
- 26 October: Surge in Demand and Regulatory Reforms Propel Granny Flat Developments in Australia, Tycoon Story, staff writer.
- 3 September: New data has found that men are more likely to live with their parents,, staff writer.
- 3 September: Sydney suburbs where adult children still live at home with their parents, Sydney Morning Herald, Andrew Taylor.
- 31 August: Increasing number of families opting for multi-generational living, ABC News, Ros Childs.
- 18 August: Green Square, a means to an end, Sydney Morning Herald, Michael Koziol and Megan Gorrey, p.10-11 [It’s the suburb Sydneysiders love to hate - but is it really that bad?].
- 13 August: When adult children stay at home: The increasing resemblance of family homes to share houses, Vigour Times, Jacob Essler.
- 13 August: ‘It’s become a lot more like a share house’: when adult children stay in the parental home, The Guardian Australia, Maddie Thomas. [Irish Examiner]
- 6 July: Family affair: Granny flats and the rise of multi-generational living, The Urban Developer, Clare Burnett.
- 8 June: Young people are moving back in with their families — and it's not just them benefiting from it, ABC News, Shalailah Medhora.
- 6 June: How to make it as an Aussie on Broadway [multigenerational living], Triple J Hack, Dave Marchese.
- 29 May: live radio broadcast [multigenerational living], ABC NSW Drive, Anna Moulder.
- 28 May: Should children pay their parents board?, Sydney Morning Herald, Caitlin Fitzsimmons.
- 26 May: Good harvest, Gardening Australia, Costa Georgiadis. [YouTube]
- 27 April: House prices and rents are forcing adult children back home. How should we handle it?, Sydney Morning Herald, Samantha Selinger-Morris.
- 13 April: live radio broadcast [multigenerational family living], ABC North Coast Breakfast, Bridie Tanner.
- 4 March: Three generations of Lisa's family live under one roof. Is this a growing trend?, SBS News, Emma Brancatisano.
- 15 February: My street's bedroom secrets could help solve the housing crisis, Sydney Morning Herald, Jenna Price.
- 7 February: live radio broadcast [multigenerational living], ABS Sydney's Evenings, Indira Naidoo.
- 17 January: Under one roof: How multi-generational living can work for everyone, House of Wellness, Andrea Beattie.
- 15 December: Downsizing with flexibility: Multi-generational apartment living takes over Seafearers,, Alison Warters
- 9 November: 相見好同住呢?老中青三代同住背後的故事, SBS 中文, Xinyu Li.
- 8 November: 相见好 同住呢:澳洲多代同堂居住背后有怎样的故事?, SBS 中文, Xinyu Li.
- 1 November: Australia needs age-friendly cities to support elders, The Wire, Tamar Pilobisian
- 1 October: All in the family, The Australian Women’s Weekly, Jenny Brown.
- 14 September: live radio broadcast [share-housing in later life | multigenerational living], ABC Far North Drive, Adam Stephen.
- 5 September: Under one roof: The rise of multi-generational living, from parents who move in to kids who neve leave,, Caroline Riches
- 31 August: live radio broadcast [multigenerational living], ABC Sydney Mornings, Cassie McCullagh.
- 30 August: live radio broadcast [multigenerational living], ABC Canberra Mornings, Adam Shirley.
- 30 August: Living with your parents no longer means you're 'lazy' - you're being practical. But do you save money faster than those who move out young?, ABC News, Angelica Silva.
- 8 August: Nina Xarhakos on the benefits of multi-generational living with her Greek mum, The Greek Herald, The Greek Herald
- 6 August: Could you live with your in-laws?, ABC News, Rhiannon Stevens
- 6 August: As rents and mortgage repayments rise, is multi-generational living the secret to thriving in tough economic times?, ABC News, Rhiannon Stevens
- 23 February: 'Kidults' - the young Australian who are yet to fly the coop, Australian Seniors, Paul Merrill
- January-February: Meet the kidults, DARE Magazine, Paul Merrill
- 4 September: How 27yo scored Melbourne home with $65k salary,, Alex Turner-Cohen
- 15 July: China Briefing, 15 July 2021: Cross-border coal funders; Megacities’ GHG emissions; ETS to launch ‘tomorrow’, Carbon Brief, Carbon Brief staff
- 14 July: Flexible designs for multi-generational homes, ABC Everyday, Matilda Marozzi
- 28 June: ‘Never too late to roller-skate’: lessons from living with a 92-year-old, The Guardian, Anna Featherstone
- 12 May: How might we respond to the rise of multi-generational living?, Indeisgnlive, Jarrod Reedie
- 13 April: AHURI to fund university research into retirement village affordability and contracts, The Weekly Source, Lauren Broomham
- 9 April: How this family makes it work with three generations living together, ABC Everyday, Carol Rääbus
- 29 March: Ageing in place? Think about future needs, The Senior, Geraldine Cardozo
- 17 March: live radio broadcast [multigenerational living], ABC Afternoons (Adelaide), Sonya Feldhof
- 16 March: live radio broadcast [multigenerational living], ABC Afternoons (Canberra), Georgie Stynes
- 11 December: Locking down with Grandma: How multigenerational living can be beneficial for the oldest and youngest generations, WHYY PBS, Rachael Bongiorno
- 11 December: Full house: Multigenerational living and health, The Pulse.
- 17 November: Using the built environment to support ageing in place, Community Care Review, staff writers.
- 17 November: New book guide village developers, The Weekly Source, Lauren Broomham
- 9 November: Ageing in place: home is where our heart and health is, UNSW Newsroom, Ben Knight
- 21 October: Packed to the rafters, Sunrise, Shaun White
- 21 September: Talkback: How the pandemic is changing our households, Life Matters, Michael Mackenzie
- 11 September: Who's moving in together? Increase in multi-generational households during the pandemic, ABC Afternoons (Canberra), Paula Kruger
- 10 July: This pandemic will reshape the spaces in which we live, Canberra Times, Jenna Price
- 6 March: Family embrace: The rise of multi-generational living in Australia, Good Weekend, Sydney Morning Herald, Fenella Souter
- 29 February: How to save money: What it’s like when your parents move in, QWeekend, Courier-Mail, Leanne Edmistone
- 24 February: live radio interview [multigenerational living], ABC Afternoons, James Valentine
- 23 February: Grandparents must protect their interests when they move in with their children, Sun Herald, Editorial
- 1 February: Moving back in and limited choices plus housing for young and old, Real Estate Talk, Kevin Turner
- 24 January: Shacking up with the kids – one in five Australians now live in a multigenerational household, agedcare101, Lauren Broomham
- 16 January: All under one roof: Multigenerational households in Australia, Architecture & Design, Branko Miletic
- 15 January: Want to move in with your relatives? You’re not the only one, 2SER, Ruby Innes
- 14 January, Adults moving into parent’s house are not just cheapskates, Yahoo! Finance, Tony Yoo
- 13 January: live radio broadcast [multigenerational living], ABC Evenings, Bern Young
- 13 January: Why the kids are coming home, Smart Property Investment, Cameron Micallef
- 10 January: Moving back in: the rise of multigenerational households, UNSW Newsroom, Ben Knight
- 16 December: live radio broadcast [adult share housing], ABC Focus, Sarah MacDonald
- 26 November: The rise of the middle-aged share house, UNSW Newsroom, Ben Knight
- 28 July: 'Space is sometimes an issue': High property prices reshape Sydney households, Sydney Morning Herald, Andrew Taylor
- 30 May: Talkback - modern family, choosing multi-generational living, Life Matters, Hilary Harper [Apple podcast]
- 14 May: Almost one in five in their late 20s still living with the folks, ABC Radio AM, Lexi Metherell
- 9 November: Speaking with: Chris Ho and Edgar Liu about diversity and high density in our cities, The Conversation, Dallas Rogers [Apple Podcast]
- 5 November: Low Carbon Homes for Low Income Households, Sourceable, Andrew Heaton
- 4 October: All together now, Inside Out Magazine, November 2018 issue, Johanna Leggatt
- 26 September: Diversity and Cities, City Road Podcast, Dallas Rogers
- 23 August: Boomers are crawling back to their children’s nests, Your Mortgage, Gerv Tacadena
- 22 August: Is a multigenerational home the way of the future? The pros and cons, Better Homes and Gardens, Laura Barry
- 20 August: Stupid house prices are forcing baby boomers to move back in with their kids, Vice, Gavin Butler
- 20 August: Multi-generational living: Why young Aussies are moving back home or not leaving, ABC News, Grace Jennings-Edquist
- 19 August: Baby boomers move in with adult kids as multi-generational housing trend changes how we live, ABC News, Charlotte Hamlyn
- 17 May: live radio interview, 2SER – Breakfast, Tess Connery
- 27 April: More than one-fifth of Australians in their mid 20s still live at home with parents: survey, Domain, Tawar Razaghi
- 2 March: live radio interview, 3AW – Drive, Tom Elliot
- 24 February: Multi-generational homes are changing the way we live,, Astrid Taemets
- 8 February: live radio interview, ABC Sydney – Drive, Rosemarie Milsom
- 5 February: Communicating in vertical villages, Dockland News, Jannette Corcoran
- 11 September: Multi-generational households on the rise, Sunrise, Shaun White
- 2 August: Multi-Generation Accommodation, Seven News, Chris Reason
- 13 July: live radio interview, ABC Sydney – Mornings, James O’Loghlin
- 13 July: More Australian adult children are living at home, census data shows, Domain, Christina Zhou
- 12 July: Petrol or power bills: energy costs hitting low income households, Life Matters, Amanda Smith
- 11 July: live radio interview, Breakfast (ABC South East), Simon Lauder
- 1 May: How the rise of multigenerational living is changing the way we build housing, Domain, Andrea Black
- 22 April: Tensions arise amid Sydney's apartment boom, Strait Times, Jonathan Pearlman
- 7 February: Empty your nest of adult children, Herald Sun, Susie O’Brien
- 5 December: live radio interview, Breakfast (ABC Ballarat), Steve Martin
- 2 December: pre-recorded radio interview, Breakfast (ABC Far North Queensland), Meecham Philpott
- 2 December: live radio interview, Rhema’s Morning Show (NZ), Luke Weston
- 30 November: Why do adult children stay at home, 2UE, Tim Webster
- 29 November: The how and why of ‘kidults’, 2SER, Tess Connery
- 28 November: What to do when your kids won’t leave home, Sydney Morning Herald, Jenna Price
- 28 November: live television interview, ABC News 24, Gemma Veness
- 28 November, live radio interview, 6PR, Adam Shand
- 28 November: live radio interview, ABC Hobart Drive, Louise Saunders
- 28 November: Multigenerational living didn’t originate with Gen Ys, book shows, ABC The World Today, Imogen Brennan
- 24 October: Everyone under the one roof: discussing multigenerational living with Dr Edgar Liu and Anne Hollonds, RN Nightlife, Dominic Knight
- 2 August: Finding our “place” in Australia’s cities, UNSW Newsroom, Myles Gough
- 16 July: We adapt, so multi-gen living is growing, The Northern Star, John McGrath
- 29 April: Extended families changing home design in Australia, RN Drive – The Drawing Room, Barbara Heggen
- 27 April: Multigenerational homes on the increase, RN Drive – The Drawing Room, Patricia Karvelas
- 5 September: Designing your house for three generations makes a lot of sense, The Australia, Michelle Singer
- 8 August: Granny flats and dual-key apartments surging in popularity, Financial Review, Sue Williams
- 10 March: live radio interview, 4BC Afternoons, Clare Blake
- 20 February: How to live with the in-laws and keep your sanity, The Daily Telegraph Home Magazine, Mercedes Maguire
- 1 December: Multigenerational households in Australia, Domain, Carolyn Boyd
- 21 July: Housing the whole family: one-in-five homes now multi-generational, The Daily Telegraph, Brendan Wong
- 4 February: Home is where the history is as empty nesters resist downsizing, Domain, Lane Sainty
- 28 November: Multi-generational housing is on the rise, Sydney Morning Herald, James Robertson & Alexia Attwood
- 11 September: A generation caught in the middle, Sydney Morning Herald, Kate Jones
- 6 July: Downsizing is looking up, Sydney Morning Herald, Antony Lawes
- 3 June: Crowded house: extended families make a come-back, Coming of Age, online blog, Adele Horin
- 11 April: It’s all relative, as research reveals generations living together, The Australian, Natasha Robinson
- 29 November: Multi-generational households on the rise in Sydney, SBS Podcasts, Murray Silby
- 14 June: The sandwich generation, Sydney Morning Herald, Julie Power
- 3 March: Kids too comfy to want to leave home, Australian Financial Review, Rebecca Thistleton
- 15 June: Building as a family bloc: Multi-generational living thrive as prices go through the roof, Courier-Mail, Michelle Hele
- Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, Urban Energy End-Use section [2020-2024, Associate Editor]
- Ageing & Society [2018-20, International Editorial Advisor; 2022- Editorial board]
- Australasian Early Career Urban Research Network (AECURN) [2014-15, Secretary]
Organising committee:
Review committees:
- Swiss National Science Foundation (2024)
- PRELUDIUM-22, Polski Narodowe Centrum Nauki (Polish National Science Center) (2023)
- Economic and Social Research Council New Investigator grant, UK Research and Innovation (2023)
- OPUS-22, Polski Narodowe Centrum Nauki (Polish National Science Center) (2022)
- Developing the evidence base: building and delivering suitable living environments and communities for an ageing population, Dunhill Medical Trust (UK) (2021)
- Sustainable Built Environments Conference international scientific committee (2016)
- Regional Urbanism in the Era of Globalisation scientific committee (2015)
- Australian Planner special issue, (Re)constituting Urban Research in a Neo-liberal Planning Climate (2015)
Invited panels (non-academic):
- 2024: Housing solutions for low-to moderate income households with limited equity, BRANZ, 10 May.
- 2022: Korean Government Healthy Cities delegation visit, UNSW, 17 November.
- 2019: Identifying locational drivers of disadvantage, Catholic Social Services Australia, 26 September
- 2019: Developing a shared contemporary vision and narrative that defines a sustainable and effective housing system for New South Wales: Consultation workshop, Shelter NSW, 13 September
- 2018: Public hearing of the Senate Inquiry hearing into the Treasury Laws Amendment (Improving the Energy Efficiency of Rental Properties) Bill 2018, Park Royal Hotel, Melbourne Airport, 30 October
- 2018: Evaluation of housing complex and housing complex regeneration, Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Nagoya, Japan
- 2018: National Forum - Low Carbon Housing for Low Income Households, Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living
- 2017-18: AskIzzy open data platform alpha/beta testing, InfoXchange
- 2017-18: EnviroRental Expert Panel, University of Wollongong
- 2016: Targeted consultation: Environmental future funding package, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
- 2015: Inquiry into Housing decisions of older Australians, Productivity Commission
Other invited presentations:
- Easthope, H. and Liu, E. (2024) “Facilitating social cohesion in rapidly densifying neighbourhoods: A case study on inner suburban Sydney, Australia”, CFRC Seminar Series, 25 October.
- Easthope, H., Liu, E., Judd, B. and Burnley, I. (2014) “Feeling at home in a multigenerational household: The importance of control”, BE seminar, Faculty of Built Environment, University of NSW, 18 June.
- Judd, B. and Liu, E. (2016) “Feeling the heat of energy poverty: Income barriers to low carbon living”, CRC for Low Carbon Living 2016 Participants Annual Forum, Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney, 15-16 November.
- Liu, E. (2011) “Transitioning to post-study roles: What not to do”, Institute of Australian Geographers Annual Conference postgraduate symposium, Wollongong, New South Wales, 3 July.
- Liu, E. (2017) “Lower income barriers to low carbon living”, Friends of the Earth Bill Busters campaign launch, The Settlement, Redfern, New South Wales, 11 March.
- Liu, E. (2017) “Trust and opportunities”, CRCLCL Roadshow Engaging community and facilitating change, Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils and Sydney Coastal Councils Group, Parramatta, New South Wales, 20 October.
- Liu, E. (2018) “Ageing in multi-generational households”, New agency: Owning your future, Design Hub, RMIT University & Sibling Architecture, 31 August.
- Liu, E. (2018) “Displacement without relocation: The impacts of council amalgamations on place attachment, sense of belonging and resident outcomes”, People and Place Research Cluster, Faculty of Built Environment, University of NSW, 23 May.
- Liu, E. (2018) “Energy Efficiency Decision-Making in the NSW Social Housing Sector”, Energy Efficiency Decision Making Node Steering Committee meeting, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, 3 December.
- Liu, E. (2018) “Energy Efficiency Decision-Making in the NSW Social Housing Sector”, CRCLCL Affordable and Social Housing roadshow, Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living, UNSW Sydney, 11 December.
- Liu, E. (2018) “Lifting the energy efficiency standards of low-cost rentals”, UNSW Climate Change Week: BE pecha kucha, 19 October.
- Liu, E. (2018) “Low-income households and the energy conundrum”, National Forum on Low Carbon Homes for Low Income Households, Cooperative Research Centre for Low Carbon Living, University of Wollongong, 8 August.
- Liu, E. (2018) “Policies & actions to address energy poverty”, Urban Resilience Asia Pacific Conference, UNSW Sydney, 7-8 November (invited panellist, session: Energy poverty in the Asia Pacific).
- Liu, E. (2018) “Social mix and relocation strategies”, Waterloo Redevelopment Public Forum, Viliganti, Sydney, NSW, 3 October.
- Liu, E. (2019) “Ageing in multigenerational households”, 2019 UNSW Ageing Futures Institute Symposium, Sydney, 11 December.
- Liu, E. (2019) “Assessing people outcomes of public housing estate renewals: Two case studies from suburban Sydney, Australia”, collaborative workshop on urban renewal, Fukuoka, Kyushu University, 6-9 March.
- Liu, E. (2019) “Energy efficiency in lower income households: Opportunities and challenges”, Australia India Knowledge Exchange Workshop on Smart Energy Management, UNSW Sydney, 29 March 2019.
- Liu, E. (2019) “More energy efficient affordable housing” [poster], Transitioning to a Clean Energy Future Research Showcase, UNSW Energy Institute, 11 November.
- Liu, E. (2019) “Multigenerational living as a housing option for the aged in Australia”, Sydney Design Festival (A Multi-Generational Future), Tin Sheds Gallery, University of Sydney, 4 March.
- Liu, E. (2020) “Australia’s social and affordable housing sector: A resilient response to COVID-19”, COVID - 19 Impact Interviews: member session with NHFIC (webinar), Community Housing Industry Association, 28 October.
- Liu, E. (2020) “The social infrastructure and policy needs for an active ageing Australia”, Economy and Policy - Research Theme webinar, UNSW Ageing Futures Institute, 26 November.
- Liu, E. (2021) “What does it take to get funded in the current COVID-19 era?”, Capacity Building webinar, UNSW Ageing Futures Institute, 10 August.
- Liu, E. (2022) “AHURI 41275: Business models, consumer experiences and regulation of retirement villages”, Research and Social Policy Program, Uniting, 1 August.
- Liu, E. (2023) “Support older people ageing in place in Australia: Social infrastructure and policy needs”, 2023 ASEM FORUM on Human Rights of Older Persons: Present and Future, ASEM Global Ageing Center, 11-12 July. [YouTube]
- Liu, E. (2023) “Supporting older people ageing in place in Australia: Social infrastructure and policy needs”, UNSW Ageing Futures Institute webinar, 26 October.
- Liu, E. (2023) “Supporting older people ageing in place: Social infrastructure and policy needs”, CFRC Seminar Series, 14 April.
- Liu, E. (2023) “Ageing at the intersection of diversities”, part of Leaving no one behind: is fear of ageing without adequate preparedness and support real? (Mao, L., Sinclair, C., Heslop, A., and Liu, E.) for ADA x Health, 27 October.
- Liu, E. and Easthope, H. (2016) “Multigenerational family living: Evidence and policy implications from Australia”, People and Place Research Cluster, Faculty of Built Environment, University of NSW, 9 June.
- Liu, E. and Judd, B. (2016) “Lower income barriers to low carbon living”, UNSW Climate Change Week: BE pecha kucha, 14 October.
- Liu, E. and Judd, B. (2017) “Lower income barriers to low carbon living”, Energy Consumers Australia Board Stakeholder Forum, Sydney, New South Wales, 23 August. [VoxPop]
- Liu, E. and Judd, B. (2017) “Lower income barriers to low carbon living”, The Salvation Army, Redfern, New South Wales, 23 August.
- Liu, E. and Judd, B. (2023) “Downsizing and the missing middle”, community housing forum for Kylea Tink Independent Federal Member, North Sydney, 29 October. [outcomes report]
- Liu, E., Easthope, H. and Kerr, S.-M. (2024) “Facilitating social cohesion in rapidly densifying neighbourhoods: A case study on inner suburban Sydney, Australia”, Geography and Environmental Studies seminar series, University of Newcastle, 30 May.
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