Select Publications


Dunn M; Strnadová I; Scully JL; Hansen J; Palmer EE, 2023, Exploring the Barriers and Enablers for the Equitable and Accessible Informed Healthcare Consent Process for People with Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Literature Review,

Brett G; Ward A; Bouffler S; Palmer E; Boggs K; Lynch F; Springer A; Nisselle A; Stark Z, 2022, Co-design, implementation, and evaluation of plain language genomic test reports,

Palmer E; Danker J; Strnadová I; Loblinzk J; Jackaman K-M; Scully JL; Sierra Classen Sierra Classen1 ; Dunn M; Sarfaraz S; Tso M; Boyle J; Fitzgerald V, 2022, “I am not a number!” Opinions and preferences of people with intellectual disability about genomic healthcare.,

McKnight L; Schultz A; Vidic N; Palmer E; Jaffe A, 2022, Learning to make a difference for chILD: Value creation through network collaboration and team science,

Shi Y; van Rhijn J-R; Bormann M; Mossink B; Frega M; Recaioglu H; Hakobjan M; Gunnewiek TK; Schoenmaker C; Palmer E; Faivre L; Kittel-Schneider S; Schubert D; Brunner H; Franke B; Kasri NN, 2020, Brunner syndrome associated MAOA dysfunction in human dopaminergic neurons results in NMDAR hyperfunction and increased network activity,

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