Select Publications

Conference Papers

Wu J; Trieu K; Coyle D; Huang L; Mozaffarian D; MacMillan F; Wu T; Twigg S; Wong J; Neal B, 2023, 'Food is medicine: pilot testing a 'Produce Prescription' program in Australia', in ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, KARGER, pp. 721 - 721

Trieu K; Coyle D; Rosewarne E; Shahid M; Yamamoto R; Nishida C; He F; Gupta R; Marklund M; Wu JHY, 2023, 'Methods for estimating the potential dietary and health impact of compliance with WHO global sodium benchmarks- case studies from Australia and India', in ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, KARGER, pp. 37 - 38

Trieu K; Ieremia M; Santos J; Neal B; Woodward M; Moodie M; Bell C; Snowdon W; Faumuina T; Webster J, 2017, 'EFFECTS OF MASIMA: A NATIONWIDE STRATEGY TO REDUCE SALT INTAKE IN SAMOA', in ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, KARGER, pp. 729 - 729,

Trieu K; Eyles H; Webster J, 2016, 'Salt reduction in Australia and New Zealand: How do we compare with the rest of the world?', in Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism, Elsevier BV, pp. 26 - 27,

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