Fields of Research (FoR)
Curriculum and Pedagogy, Public Health and Health Services, Higher EducationSEO tags
Research Interests:
Lois Meyer is Honorary Associate Professor at UNSW. She is the former Associate Dean (Postgraduate Coursework) in the Faculty of Medicine and Senior Research Fellow, Education and Development within the School of Population Health. As Associate Dean in the Medicine Faculty, she undertook strategic oversight of the quality and relevance of the postgraduate programs for meeting the needs of graduates and the health sector....view more
Research Interests:
Lois Meyer is Honorary Associate Professor at UNSW. She is the former Associate Dean (Postgraduate Coursework) in the Faculty of Medicine and Senior Research Fellow, Education and Development within the School of Population Health. As Associate Dean in the Medicine Faculty, she undertook strategic oversight of the quality and relevance of the postgraduate programs for meeting the needs of graduates and the health sector. Within the School of Population Health, Lois provided a leadership role in curriculum design and mentoring academic peers in course design and pedagogical methods. Lois teaches in the Master of Health Leadership and Management in the area of health leadership and workforce management and draws on inquiry based methods in online and face to face modes to foster clinicians in developing their health leadership capacities for lifelong learning.
Lois is recognised as having expertise in curriculum design and workforce development. She has forged a number of innovative programs within the School and university: She led the educational design of the the first professional doctorate at UNSW, the Doctorate in Public Health (DrPH) which commenced in 2009 with NSW Health and has now over forty alumni in Australian and international health service organisations who have undertaken work-based research. Lois also led the design and development, and was the inaugural Director, of the first PLuS Alliance degree offered at UNSW, the Bachelor of International Health (BIPH) which commenced in 2018.
Her areas of principal research interests are in curriculum design and professional health education and workplace learning in public health and health management within local and international contexts. The research focus of her PhD was investigating the learning and professional trajectories of health practitioners undertaking a work-based professional doctorate in public health into senior roles in the government health system.
Lois is undertaking current research focusing on learning and career trajectories of health professionals moving through higher education and workplace settings drawing on lifecourse research methods. Her research contributes to the broader field of scholarship of learning and teaching in higher education contexts and organisations for strengthening health systems locally and internationally.
Broad Research Areas:
Population Health, Organisational Learning, Health Leadership, Health Services Research, Curriculum and Health Professional Education, Learning and Evaluation, Workforce Development, Capabilities and Accreditation.
Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
Member, International Association for Practice Doctorates; Member, Higher Education Research Development Society of Australasia; Member, The Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE); Member, Public Health Association of Australia; Member, The Society for Health Administration Programs in Education (SHAPE); UNSW Co-representative on Council of Academic Public Health Institutions Australia (CAPHIA); PLuS Alliance Fellow
Specific Research Keywords:
Curriculum Design, Health Professional Educational Research, Health Leadership, Workforce Development
My Grants
2020 - 2021
Accelerated Executive Education Program: HealtheCare
Harrison R, Le-Dao H & Meyer L
Health@Business and UNSW Medicine Collaboration Seed Grant
Mapping Health Leadership Mentoring Relationships as a Diagnostic Tool to Support Change Management.
Dr Lois Meyer (Lead Investigator) with co-investigators: Dr Andrew Dhaenens from the School of Management, UNSW, Associate Professor Reema Harrison, (SPHCM) and Dr Maha Pervaz Iqbal (SPHCM).
2019 - 2020
PLuS Alliance Fellowship
Educational and Pedagogical Research - Global health theme related to the Bachelor of International Public Health
Dr Lois Meyer
UNSW Scientia Education Innovation Fund
Designing, piloting and evaluating a process for formative peer-review of teaching
Dr Chinthaka Balasooriya, Dr Lois Meyer, Dr Reema Harrison, Dr Patrick Rawstorne, Dr Husna Razee
CRC for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health - Lowitja Institute
Career pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals
Dr Sally Nathan, Associate Professor Ilse Blignault, Sally Nathan, Telphia-Leanne Joseph, Dr. Lois Meyer
UNSW Learning and Teaching Innovation Grant
Developing Evidence-Informed Academic Practice (DEAP): Integrated Modules for Postgraduate Coursework Students
Dr Lois Meyer, Gwyn Jones, Dr Joanne Travaglia, Dr Anita Heywood, Dr Lesley Halliday, Xanthe Lawson, Dr Patrick Rawstone
UNSW Learning and Teaching Innovation Grant
Developing Academic Excellence in Student Feedback Capabilities Standards and Outcomes in the Tutors in the School of Public health and Community Medicine
Dr Lesley Halliday, Dr Joanne Travaglia, Dr Lois Meyer, Xanthe Lawson, Associate Professor Ros Poulos
UNSW Strategic Learning and Teaching Development Grant
A systematic assessment review: An initiative to enhance coherence and curriculum quality across Postgraduate Public Health and Health Management programs
Dr Lois Meyer, Alan Hodgkinson, Sonal Bhalla
Human Resources for Health Knowledge Hub in the University of New South Wales
Professor Anthony Zwi, Associate Professor Rohan Jayasuriya, Associate Professor Anna Whelan, Dr Lois Meyer, Mr Alan Hodgkinson, Professor Daniel Tarantola
$6.6 million
UNSW Strategic Learning and Teaching Grant
Embedding Graduate Attributes and Scenario Based Learning in SPHCM Postgraduate Programs
Dr Lois Meyer, Sophie di Corpo and Sonal Bhalla
Australian Network of Academic Public Health Institutions
National Mentoring and Coaching Scheme for New and Emerging Public Health Academics
Dr Peter Harris, Dr Lois Meyer, Alan Hodgkinson, Associate Professor Anna Whelan, Sophie di Corpo
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists.
Evaluation of assessment methods and training related to curricula for postgraduate training in diagnostic radiology and radiation oncology
Dr Peter Harris, Leah Bloomfield, Associate Professor Chris Hughes, Dr. Chinthaka Balasooriy, Dr. Lois Meyer
My Qualifications
PhD School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine , University of New South Wales, Sydney
MEd Faculty of Adult Education, University of Technology, Sydney
BA (Hons) University of New South Wales, Sydney
My Awards
1. Award for Teaching Excellence 2018 - UNSW Medicine
2. Outstanding Contribution to Teaching 2018 - SPHCM, UNSW Medicine
3. National Finalist: Australian Council of Graduate Research (ACGR) Award for Excellence in Promoting Industry Engagement in Graduate Research - 2018 (Lois Meyer lead with Raina MacIntyre and Holly Seale)
4. Award for Teaching Excellence 2011 - UNSW Medicine
5. Award for Innovation in Learning & Teaching: Lois Meyer (with Lisa Jackson-Pulver, SallyFitzpatrick) 2010 - UNSW Medicine
My Research Supervision
Areas of supervision
Health professional education, Workforce development, Career trajectories, Organisational learning, Longitudinal qualitative research, Health leadership
Currently supervising
Camille Neyhouser DrPH (2015 - 2018) – Joint Primary Supervisor on DrPH Thesis: Building a Learning NGO by Design
Lynnette Hales DrPH (2016 - ) Joint Primary Supervisor on DrPH Thesis: Primary Health Care and Organisational Change
Kate Raymond DrPH (2016 - ) Joint Primary Supervisor on DrPH Thesis: Evaluating Health Policy in the Northern Territory
Sally Fitzpatrick DrPH (2016 - ) Joint Primary Supervisor on DrPH Thesis: Indigenous Health Outcomes from Postgraduate Education: A Longitudinal Study
Telphia Joseph Scientia Indigenous PhD Candidate (2019 - ) Joint Primary Supervisor on PhD Thesis: Career Trajectories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers - Stories From the Field
Matthew Britland DrPH (2018 - ) Secondary Supervisor on DrPH Thesis: The role of the Medical Science Liaison in contributing to Quality Use of Medicines in Australia
My Teaching
Health leadership and workforce management in health services
Public health leadership
International Indigenous health
ORCID as entered in ROS