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Select Publications
2019, 'Tracing the Emergence of Public Health Leaders through a Work-Based Professional Doctorate: A Longitudinal Study in Professional Formation', Basel, Switzerland, presented at International Health Economics Association, Basel, Switzerland, 13 July 2019 - 17 July 2019, https://healtheconomics.confex.com/healtheconomics/2019/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/1506
,2018, 'Between ‘lifting off the labels’ and ‘hearing it in their voices’: Revealing dilemmas and transformation in postgraduate students of Aboriginal health and wellbeing', in Contemporary Dilemmas and Learning for Transformation, The ITPL Network, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, presented at The 3rd Biennial Conference of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults Interrogating Transformative Processes in Learning and Education Network & The Italian Transformative Learning Network, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, 26 June 2018 - 01 July 2018, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T5W_ItzQCt3BsurKmj56FIY9ibKCUKkv/view
,2018, 'Tracing the emergence of public health leaders through a work-based professional doctorate: stories from the field - past and present', in 6th International Conference on Professional Doctorates, UK Council for Graduate Education, London, pp. 1 - 96, presented at Professional Doctorates in a Changing Landscape, London, 22 March 2018 - 23 March 2018
,2017, 'Fostering Health Leaders Through University-Industry Partnerships: Learning and Researching in the Workplace', in ICERI2017 Proceedings, IATED, Seville, Spain, presented at 10th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, 16 November 2017 - 18 November 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2017.1354
,2011, 'Rethinking the Yarn: Redesigning Cultural and Communications Training for Medical Students', in Rethinking the Yarn: Redesigning Cultural and Communications Training for Medical Students, Auckland, New Zealand, presented at Leaders in Indigenous Medical Education (LIME) Connection IV Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 29 November 2011 - 01 December 2011
,2011, 'Negotiating identities in a professional doctorate: Tracing student perspectives', in Krause, K., Buckridge, M., Grimmer, C. and Purbrick-Illek, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 34th HERDSA Annual Conference, Research and Development in Higher Education: Higher Education On The Edge, Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, Inc, Milperra, NSW, pp. 208 - 219, presented at 34th Annual HERDSA Conference, Gold Coast, 04 July 2011 - 07 July 2011, http://www.herdsa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/conference/2011/papers/HERDSA_2011_Meyer.PDF
,2008, 'Competence or Capability: Reconfiguring Public Health Postgraduate Education', Brisbane, presented at Population Health Congress: A Global World - Practical Action for Health and Wellbeing, Brisbane, 06 July 2008 - 09 July 2008
,2008, 'Developing Professional Judgement: Troubling Orthodoxies for Public Health', Brisbane, presented at Population Health Congress 2008: A Global World - Practical Action for Health and Well-being, Brisbane, 06 July 2008 - 09 July 2008, http://www.populationhealthcongress.org.au/