Select Publications


Costanzo V; Evola G; Marletta L, 2021, Urban Heat Stress and Mitigation Solutions An Engineering Perspective, Routledge,

Book Chapters

Nazarian N; Lipson M; Norford LK, 2023, 'Multiscale modeling techniques to document urban climate change', in Urban Climate Change and Heat Islands, Elsevier, pp. 123 - 164,

Nazarian N; Norford L, 2021, 'Measuring and assessing thermal exposure', in Urban Heat Stress and Mitigation Solutions, Routledge, pp. 40 - 61,

Nazarian N; Lipson M, 2021, 'Multi-scale Modeling Techniques to Document Urban Climate Change', in Urban Climate Change and Intra-Urban Climate Variability: Characterizations, Impacts, and Mitigation

Nazarian N; Norford L, 2021, 'Measuring and Assessing Thermal Exposure', in Costanzo V (ed.), Urban heat stress and mitigation solutions. An engineering perspective, Routledge, London,

Journal articles

Nazarian N; Bechtel B; Mills G; Hart MA; Middel A; Krayenhoff ES; Langendijk GS; Zhao L; Pitman A; Chow W, 2024, 'Integration of urban climate research within the global climate change discourse', PLOS Climate, 3, pp. e0000473 - e0000473,

Martilli A; Nazarian N; Krayenhoff S; Lachapelle J; Lu J; Rivas E; Rodriguez-Sanchez A; Sanchez B; Santiago JL, 2024, 'Assessing heat stress with a mesoscale model. An application of WRF-comfort to Madrid', ,

Martilli A; Nazarian N; Scott Krayenhoff E; Lachapelle J; Lu J; Rivas E; Rodriguez-Sanchez A; Sanchez B; Santiago JL, 2024, 'WRF-Comfort: simulating microscale variability in outdoor heat stress at the city scale with a mesoscale model', Geoscientific Model Development, 17, pp. 5023 - 5039,

Lu J; Nazarian N; Hart MA; Krayenhoff ES; Martilli A, 2024, 'A one-dimensional urban flow model with an eddy-diffusivity mass-flux (EDMF) scheme and refined turbulent transport (MLUCM v3.0)', Geoscientific Model Development, 17, pp. 2525 - 2545,

Lu J; Nazarian N; Hart MA; Krayenhoff ES; Martilli A, 2024, 'Representing the effects of building height variability on urban canopy flow', Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 150, pp. 46 - 67,

Lu J; Nazarian N; Hart MA; Krayenhoff ES; Martilli A, 2023, 'Novel Geometric Parameters for Assessing Flow Over Realistic Versus Idealized Urban Arrays', Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15,

Naserikia M; Hart MA; Nazarian N; Bechtel B; Lipson M; Nice KA, 2023, 'Land surface and air temperature dynamics: The role of urban form and seasonality', The Science of The Total Environment, 905, pp. 167306 - 167306,

, 2023, 'Urban climate informatics', ,

Naserikia M; Hart MA; Nazarian N; Bechtel B, 2022, 'Background climate modulates the impact of land cover on urban surface temperature', Scientific Reports, 12,

Pantelic J; Nazarian N; Miller C; Meggers F; Lee JKW; Licina D, 2022, 'Transformational IoT sensing for air pollution and thermal exposures', Frontiers in Built Environment, 8,

Nice KA; Nazarian N; Lipson MJ; Hart MA; Seneviratne S; Thompson J; Naserikia M; Godic B; Stevenson M, 2022, 'Isolating the impacts of urban form and fabric from geography on urban heat and human thermal comfort', Building and Environment, 224,

Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Bechtel B; Hondula DM; Paolini R; Vanos J; Cheung T; Chow WTL; de Dear R; Jay O; Lee JKW; Martilli A; Middel A; Norford LK; Sadeghi M; Schiavon S; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Integrated Assessment of Urban Overheating Impacts on Human Life', Earth's Future, 10,

Lipson MJ; Nazarian N; Hart MA; Nice KA; Conroy B, 2022, 'A Transformation in City-Descriptive Input Data for Urban Climate Models', Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10,

Middel A; Nazarian N; Demuzere M; Bechtel B, 2022, 'Urban Climate Informatics: An Emerging Research Field', Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10,

Blunn LP; Coceal O; Nazarian N; Barlow JF; Plant RS; Bohnenstengel SI; Lean HW, 2022, 'Turbulence Characteristics Across a Range of Idealized Urban Canopy Geometries', Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 182, pp. 275 - 307,

Nazarian N, 2021, 'Integrated Assessment of Urban Overheating Impacts on Human Life', Earth's Future,

Ulpiani G; Nazarian N; Zhang F; Pettit CJ, 2021, 'Towards a Living Lab for Enhanced Thermal Comfort and Air Quality: Analyses of Standard Occupancy, Weather Extremes, and COVID-19 Pandemic', Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, pp. 725974,

Potgieter J; Nazarian N; Lipson MJ; Hart MA; Ulpiani G; Morrison W; Benjamin K, 2021, 'Combining High-Resolution Land Use Data With Crowdsourced Air Temperature to Investigate Intra-Urban Microclimate', Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, pp. 720323,

Liu S; Nazarian N; Hart MA; Niu J; Xie Y; de Dear R, 2021, 'Dynamic thermal pleasure in outdoor environments - temporal alliesthesia', Science of the Total Environment, 771,

Nazarian N; Lee JKW, 2021, 'Personal assessment of urban heat exposure: A systematic review', Environmental Research Letters, 16,

Nazarian N; Liu S; Kohler M; Lee JKW; Miller C; Chow WTL; Alhadad SB; Martilli A; Quintana M; Sunden L; Norford LK, 2021, 'Project Coolbit: Can your watch predict heat stress and thermal comfort sensation?', Environmental Research Letters, 16,

Moradi M; Dyer B; Nazem A; Nambiar MK; Nahian MR; Bueno B; Mackey C; Vasanthakumar S; Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Norford LK; Aliabadi AA, 2021, 'The Vertical City Weather Generator (VCWG v1.3.2)', GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT, 14, pp. 961 - 984,

Moradi M; Dyer B; Nazem A; Nambiar MK; Rafsan Nahian M; Bueno B; Mackey C; Vasanthakumar S; Nazarian N; Scott Krayenhoff E; Norford LK; Aliabadi AA, 2021, 'The vertical city weather generator (vcwg v1.3.2)', Geoscientific Model Development, 14, pp. 961 - 984,

Moradi M; Dyer B; Nazem A; Nambiar MK; Nahian MR; Bueno B; Mackey C; Vasanthakumar S; Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Norford LK; Aliabadi AA, 2021, 'The Vertical City Weather Generator (VCWG v1.3.2)', Geoscientific Model Development, 14, pp. 961 - 984,

Moradi M; Dyer B; Nazem A; Nambiar MK; Nahian MR; Bueno B; Mackey C; Vasanthakumar S; Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Norford LK; Aliabadi AA, 2021, 'The Vertical City Weather Generator (VCWG v1.3.2)', Geoscientific Model Development, 14, pp. 961 - 984,

Moradi M; Dyer B; Nazem A; Nambiar MK; Nahian MR; Bueno B; Mackey C; Vasanthakumar S; Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Norford LK; Aliabadi AA, 2021, 'The Vertical City Weather Generator (VCWG v1.0.0)', Geoscientific Model Development,

Liu S; Nazarian N; Niu J; Hart MA; de Dear R, 2020, 'From thermal sensation to thermal affect: A multi-dimensional semantic space to assess outdoor thermal comfort', Building and Environment, 182,

Martilli A; Roth M; Chow WTL; Demuzere M; Lipson M; Krayenhoff ES; Sailor D; Nazarian N; Voogt J; Wouters H; Middel A; Stewart ID; Bechtel B; Christen A; Hart MA, 2020, 'Summer average urban-rural surface temperature differences do not indicate the need for urban heat reduction', Open Science Framework (OSF),

Krayenhoff ES; Jiang T; Christen A; Martilli A; Oke TR; Bailey BN; Nazarian N; Voogt JA; Giometto MG; Stastny A; Crawford BR, 2020, 'A multi-layer urban canopy meteorological model with trees (BEP-Tree): Street tree impacts on pedestrian-level climate', Urban Climate, 32,

Nazarian N; Scott Krayenhoff E; Martilli A, 2020, 'A one-dimensional model of turbulent flow through "urban" canopies (MLUCM v2.0): Updates based on large-eddy simulation', Geoscientific Model Development, 13, pp. 937 - 953,

Martilli A; Krayenhoff ES; Nazarian N, 2020, 'Is the Urban Heat Island intensity relevant for heat mitigation studies?', Urban Climate, 31,

Jayathissa P; Quintana M; Sood T; Nazarian N; Miller C, 2019, 'Is your clock-face cozie? A smartwatch methodology for the in-situ collection of occupant comfort data', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1343,

Nazarian N; Dumas N; Kleissl J; Norford L, 2019, 'Effectiveness of cool walls on cooling load and urban temperature in a tropical climate', Energy and Buildings, 187, pp. 144 - 162,

Nazarian N; Norford L, 2019, 'Outdoor Thermal Comfort Autonomy: Performance Metrics for Climate-Conscious Design', Building and Environment, 155, pp. 145 - 160,

Nazarian N; Sin T; Norford L, 2018, 'Numerical modeling of outdoor thermal comfort in 3D', Urban Climate, 26, pp. 212 - 230,

Nazarian N; Martilli A; Norford L; Kleissl J, 2018, 'Impacts of Realistic Urban Heating. Part II: Air Quality and City Breathability', Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 168, pp. 321 - 341,

Nazarian N; Martilli A; Kleissl J, 2018, 'Impacts of Realistic Urban Heating, Part I: Spatial Variability of Mean Flow, Turbulent Exchange and Pollutant Dispersion', Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 166, pp. 367 - 393,

Chew LW; Nazarian N; Norford L, 2017, 'Pedestrian-level urban wind flow enhancement with wind catchers', Atmosphere, 8,

Aliabadi AA; Krayenhoff ES; Nazarian N; Chew LW; Armstrong PR; Afshari A; Norford LK, 2017, 'Effects of Roof-Edge Roughness on Air Temperature and Pollutant Concentration in Urban Canyons', Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 164, pp. 249 - 279,

Nazarian N; Fan J; Sin T; Norford L; Kleissl J, 2017, 'Predicting outdoor thermal comfort in urban environments: A 3D numerical model for standard effective temperature', Urban Climate, 20, pp. 251 - 267,

Nazarian N; Kleissl J, 2016, 'Realistic solar heating in urban areas: Air exchange and street-canyon ventilation', Building and Environment, 95, pp. 75 - 93,

Nazarian N; Kleissl J, 2015, 'CFD simulation of an idealized urban environment: Thermal effects of geometrical characteristics and surface materials', Urban Climate, 12, pp. 141 - 159,

Gill SE; Huizar I; Bench EM; Nazarian N; Leco KJ; Khokha R; Parks BC, 2008, 'A protective role for TIMP3 in acute lung injury', Matrix Biology, 27, pp. 45 - 45,

Conference Papers

Nazarian N, 2021, 'Can your watch predict ambient air temperature, heat stress, and thermal comfort sensation?', Virtual Conference, presented at International congress biometeorology 2021, Virtual Conference, 21 September 2021,

Naserikia M; Nazarian N; Hart MA, 2021, 'Impact of Urban Land Cover Types on Surface Temperature', Online, pp. EGU21-10521 - EGU21-10521, presented at EGU General Assembly, Online, 19 April 2021,

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