Select Publications
Book Chapters
2014, 'Portfolio Management in New Drug Development', in Ding M; Eliashberg J; Stremersch S (ed.), Innovation and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry, pp. 83 - 118
,Journal articles
2024, 'B2B strategies for surviving global crises: A resource dependence perspective on the COVID−19 pandemic', Journal of Business Research, 172,
,2024, 'Generative AI and Usage in Marketing Classroom', Customer Needs and Solutions, 11,
,2024, 'Leveraging LLMs for Unstructured Direct Elicitation of Decision Rules', Customer Needs and Solutions, 11, pp. 10,
,2022, 'Measuring Repurchase Decisions by Accelerating Repurchase Behavior', Australasian Marketing Journal, 30, pp. 228 - 236,
,2014, 'Self-Reflection and Articulated Consumer Preferences', Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31, pp. 17 - 32,
,2011, 'Unstructured Direct Elicitation of Decision Rules', Journal of Marketing Research, 48, pp. 116 - 127,
,2011, 'Functional forms of the satisfaction–loyalty relationship', International Journal of Research in Marketing, 28, pp. 38 - 50,
,2010, 'A simple mechanism to incentive-align conjoint experiments', International Journal of Research in Marketing, 27, pp. 25 - 32,
,Conference Papers
2007, 'Decomposition Model of the Total Store Purchase and Its Application', in Lee AY; Soman D (ed.), ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, VOL 35, ASSOC CONSUMER RESEARCH, TN, Memphis, pp. 669 - 670, presented at 35th Annual Conference of the Association-for-Consumer-Research, TN, Memphis, 25 October 2007 - 28 October 2007