Select Publications

Journal articles

Siaw CA; Cadeaux J; Meissner D; Payne A; Sarpong D, 2024, 'Interactions Between Traditional and Reversed IT Adoption: How Incumbent Devices Affect Cross-Situational Specialization of New Entries', IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, pp. 10009 - 10025,

Sweeney JC; Frow P; Payne A; McColl-Kennedy JR, 2023, 'How does a hospital servicescape impact the well-being and satisfaction of both health care customers and professionals?', Journal of Services Marketing, 37, pp. 1120 - 1131,

Polese F; Payne A; Frow P; Sarno D; Nenonen S, 2021, 'Emergence and phase transitions in service ecosystems', Journal of Business Research, 127, pp. 25 - 34,

Payne A; Frow P; Tanev S, 2021, 'Interview: Discussing Value Proposition Research in the Context of New Companies Committed to Scaling Early and Rapidly', TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 11, pp. 6 - 12,

Peters LD; Nenonen S; Polese F; Frow P; Payne A, 2020, 'Viability mechanisms in market systems: prerequisites for market shaping', Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35, pp. 1403 - 1412,

Sweeney J; Payne A; Frow P; Liu D, 2020, 'Customer Advocacy: A Distinctive Form of Word of Mouth', Journal of Service Research, 23, pp. 139 - 155,

Payne A; Frow P; Steinhoff L; Eggert A, 2020, 'Toward a comprehensive framework of value proposition development: From strategy to implementation', Industrial Marketing Management, 87, pp. 244 - 255,

Eggert A; Frow P; Payne A; Steinhoff L, 2020, 'Understanding and managing customer value propositions: Introduction to the special issue', Industrial Marketing Management, 87, pp. 242 - 243,

Nenonen S; Storbacka K; Sklyar A; Frow P; Payne A, 2020, 'Value propositions as market-shaping devices: A qualitative comparative analysis', Industrial Marketing Management, 87, pp. 276 - 290,

Frow P; McColl-Kennedy JR; Payne A; Govind R, 2019, 'Service ecosystem well-being: conceptualization and implications for theory and practice', European Journal of Marketing, 53, pp. 2657 - 2691,

Reisman R; Payne A; Frow P, 2019, 'Pricing in consumer digital markets: A dynamic framework', Australasian Marketing Journal, 27, pp. 139 - 148,

Eggert A; Ulaga W; Frow P; Payne A, 2018, 'Conceptualizing and communicating value in business markets: From value in exchange to value in use', Industrial Marketing Management, 69, pp. 80 - 90,

Payne A; Frow P; Eggert A, 2017, 'The customer value proposition: evolution, development, and application in marketing', Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45, pp. 467 - 489,

Payne A; Frow P, 2017, 'Relationship marketing: looking backwards towards the future', Journal of Services Marketing, 31, pp. 11 - 15,

Frow P; McColl-Kennedy JR; Payne A, 2016, 'Co-creation practices: Their role in shaping a health care ecosystem', Industrial Marketing Management, 56, pp. 24 - 39,

Payne A; Frow P; Nenonen S; Storbaka K, 2015, 'Managing Co-Creation Design: A Strategic Approach to Innovation', British Journal of Management, 26, pp. 463 - 483,

Payne A; Frow P; McColl-Kennedy J; Hilton T; Davidson A; Brozovic D, 2014, 'Value propositions: A service ecosystems perspective', Marketing Theory, 14, pp. 327 - 351,

Frow P; Ngo LV; Payne A, 2014, 'Diagnosing the supplementary services model: Empirical validation, advancement and implementation', Journal of Marketing Management, 30, pp. 138 - 171,

Payne A; Frow P, 2014, 'Deconstructing the value proposition of an innovation exemplar', European Journal of Marketing, 48, pp. 237 - 270,

Payne A; Frow P, 2014, 'Developing superior value propositions: A strategic marketing imperative', Journal of Service Management, 25, pp. 213 - 227,

Storbacka K; Frow P; Nenonen S; Payne A, 2012, 'Designing business models for value co-creation', Review of Marketing Research, 9, pp. 51 - 78,

Payne A; Frow P, 2011, 'A Stakeholder Perspective of the Value Proposition Concept', European Journal of Marketing, 45, pp. 223 - 240,

Payne A; Wilkinson IF; Young L, 2011, 'Customer Management and CRM: Addressing the Dark Side', Journal of Services Marketing, 25, pp. 79 - 89,

Ballantyne D; Frow P; Varey R; Payne A, 2011, 'Value propositions as communication practice: Taking a wider view', Industrial Marketing Management, 40, pp. 202 - 210,

Payne A; Storbacka K; Frow P; Knox S, 2009, 'Co-creating brands: Diagnosing and designing the relationship experience', Journal of Business Research, 62, pp. 379 - 389

Frow P; Payne A, 2009, 'Customer Relationship Management: A Strategic Perspective', Journal of Business Market Management, 3, pp. 7 - 27,

Payne A; Storbacka K; Frow P, 2008, 'Managing the Co-Creation of Value', Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36, pp. 83 - 96

Frow P; Payne A, 2007, 'Towards the `Perfect`Customer Experience.', Journal of Brand Management, 15, pp. 89 - 101,

Payne A; Frow P, 2006, 'Customer Relationship Management: from Strategy to Implementation', Journal of Marketing Management, 22, pp. 135 - 168,

Payne A; Ballantyne D; Christopher M, 2005, 'A stakeholder approach to relationship marketing strategy: The development and use of the “six markets” model', European Journal of Marketing, 39, pp. 855 - 871,

Payne A; Frow P, 2005, 'A Strategic Framework for CRM', Journal of Marketing, 69, pp. 167 - 176,

Payne A; Frow P, 2004, 'The role of multichannel integration in customer relationship management', Industrial Marketing Management, 33, pp. 527 - 538,

Ballantyne D; Christopher M; Payne A, 2003, 'Relationship Marketing: Looking Back, Looking Forward', Marketing Theory, 3, pp. 159 - 166,

Ryals L; Payne A, 2001, 'Customer relationship management in financial services: towards information-enabled relationship marketing', Journal of Strategic Marketing, 9, pp. 3 - 27,

Payne A; Holt S, 2001, 'Diagnosing Customer Value: Integrating the Value Process and Relationship Marketing', British Journal of Management, 12, pp. 159 - 182,

Payne A; Holt S; Frow P, 2001, 'Relationship Value Management: Exploring the Integration of Employee, Customer and Shareholder Value and Enterprise Performance Models', Journal of Marketing Management, 17, pp. 785 - 817,

Payne A; Holt S; Frow P, 2000, 'Integrating employee, customer and shareholder value through an enterprise performance model: an opportunity for financial services', International Journal of Bank Marketing, 18, pp. 258 - 273,

Payne A; Holt S, 1999, 'A Review of the ‘Value’ Literature and Implications for Relationship Marketing', Australasian Marketing Journal, 7, pp. 41 - 51,

Payne A; Frow P, 1999, 'Developing a Segmented Service Strategy: Improving Measurement in Relationship Marketing', Journal of Marketing Management, 15, pp. 797 - 818,

Payne A; Frow P, 1997, 'Relationship marketing: Key issues for the utilities sector', Journal of Marketing Management, 13, pp. 463 - 477,

Ballantyne D; Christopher M; Payne A, 1995, 'Improving the quality of services marketing: Service (Re) design is the critical link', Journal of Marketing Management, 11, pp. 7 - 24,

Payne A; Christopher M; Clark M; Peck H, 1994, 'Relationship Marketing and the Relationship Management Chain', Asia-Australia Marketing Journal, 2, pp. 81 - 91,

Foxall GR; Payne AF; Walters DA, 1992, 'Adaptive-innovative cognitive styles of Australian managers', Australian Psychologist, 27, pp. 118 - 122,

Collins B; Payne A, 1991, 'Internal marketing: A new perspective for HRM', European Management Journal, 9, pp. 261 - 270,

Foxall GR; Payne AF; Taylor JW; Bruce GD, 1990, 'Marketing and Non‐marketing Managers', Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 8, pp. 21 - 26,

Norburn D; Birley S; Dunn M; Payne A, 1990, 'A Four Nation Study of thee Relationship Between Marketing Effectiveness, Corporate Culture, Corporate Values, and Market Orientation', Journal of International Business Studies, 21, pp. 451 - 468,

Foxall GR; Payne AF, 1989, 'Adaptors and Innovators in Organizations: A Cross-Cultural Study of the Cognitive Styles of Managerial Functions and Subfunctions', Human Relations, 42, pp. 639 - 649,

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