Select Publications
Journal articles
2013, 'Pawel Przybylowicz wins the 2012 Information-Based Complexity Young Researcher Award', Journal of Complexity, 29, pp. 2 - 2,
,2013, 'The smoothing effect of integration in $R^d$ and the ANOVA decomposition', Mathematics of Computation, 82, pp. 383 - 400
,2012, 'Erratum: Quasi-monte carlo methods for high-dimensional integration: The standard (weighted hilbert space) setting and beyond (ANZIAM Journal (2011) 53 (1-37) DOI: 10.1017/S1446181112000077)', ANZIAM Journal, 53, pp. 251,
,2012, 'Filtered hyperinterpolation: a constructive polynomial approximation on the sphere', International Journal on Geomathematics, 3, pp. 95 - 117,
,2012, 'Multiscale approximation for functions in arbitrary Sobolev spaces by scaled radial basis functions on the unit sphere', Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 32, pp. 401 - 412,
,2012, 'Multiscale RBF collocation for solving PDEs on spheres', Numerische Mathematik, 121, pp. 99 - 125,
,2012, 'Quasi-Monte Carlo finite element methods for a class of elliptic partial differential equations with random coefficients', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 50, pp. 3351 - 3374,
,2012, 'Quasi-monte carlo methods for high-dimensional integration: The standard (weighted hilbert space) setting and beyond', ANZIAM Journal, 53, pp. 1 - 37,
,2012, 'Regularized least squares approximations on the sphere using spherical designs', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 50, pp. 1513 - 1534,
,2012, 'Thomas Daun, Leszek Plaskota, Greg W. Wasilkowski Win the 2011 Best Paper Award', Journal of Complexity, 28, pp. 519 - 519,
,2011, 'Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: Preface', Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235, pp. 3703 - 3704,
,2011, 'A pseudospectral quadrature method for Navier-Stokes equations on rotating spheres', Mathematics of Computation, 80, pp. 1397 - 1430,
,2011, 'Aicke Hinrichs, Simon Foucart, Alain Pajor, Holger Rauhut, Tino Ullrich win the 2010 Best Paper Award', Journal of Complexity, 27, pp. 501 - 501,
,2011, 'Polynomial approximation on spheres - Generalizing de la Vallée-Poussin', Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 11, pp. 540 - 552
,2011, 'Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for elliptic PDEs with random coefficients and applications', Journal of Computational Physics, 230, pp. 3668 - 3694,
,2011, 'Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in financial engineering: An equivalence principle and dimension reduction', Operations Research, 59, pp. 80 - 95,
,2011, 'Stability and preconditioning for a hybrid approximation on the sphere', Numerische Mathematik, 118, pp. 695 - 711,
,2010, 'Journal of Complexity: Guest Editors' Preface', Journal of Complexity, 26, pp. 407,
,2010, 'Frank Aurzada, Steffen Dereich, Michael Scheutzow, and Christian Vormoor win the 2009 best paper award', Journal of Complexity, 26, pp. 335 - 335,
,2010, 'Liberating the dimension', Journal of Complexity, 26, pp. 422 - 454
,2010, 'Multiscale analysis in Sobolev spaces on the sphere', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 48, pp. 2065 - 2090,
,2010, 'On decompositions of multivariate functions', Mathematics of Computation, 79, pp. 953 - 966
,2010, 'Preconditioners for pseudodifferential equations on the sphere with radial basis functions', Numerische Mathematik, 115, pp. 141 - 163
,2010, 'Randomly shifted lattice rules with the optimal rate of convergence for unbounded integrands', Journal of Complexity, 26, pp. 135 - 160,
,2010, 'The smoothing effect of the ANOVA decomposition', Journal of Complexity, 26, pp. 523 - 551
,2010, 'Well conditioned spherical designs for integration and interpolation on the two-sphere', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 48, pp. 2135 - 2157,
,2009, 'A variational characterisation of spherical designs', Journal of Approximation Theory, 159, pp. 308 - 318
,2009, 'Boundary integral equations on the sphere with radial basis functions: error analysis', Applied Numerical Mathematics, 59, pp. 2857 - 2871
,2009, 'Inf-sup condition for spherical polynomials and radial basis functions on spheres', Mathematics of Computation, 78, pp. 1319 - 1331
,2009, 'Overlapping additive schwarz preconditioners for elliptic pdes on the unit sphere', Mathematics of Computation, 78, pp. 79 - 101
,2008, 'Counting Australia in: the people, organizations, and institutions of Australian mathematics', The Mathematical Intelligencer, 30, pp. 63 - 65,
,2008, 'Lattice rule algorithms for multivariate approximation in the average case setting', Journal of Complexity, 24, pp. 283 - 323
,2008, 'Low discrepancy sequences in high dimensions: How well are their projections distributed?', Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 213, pp. 366 - 386,
,2008, 'Quasi-Monte Carlo for finance applications', The ANZIAM Journal, 50, pp. C308 - C323
,2008, 'Quasi-Monte Carlo for highly structured generalised response models', Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 10, pp. 239 - 275
,2007, 'Finite-Order Integration Weights Can be Dangerous', Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 7, pp. 239 - 254,
,2007, 'A component-by-component approach to efficient numerical integration over products of spheres', Journal of Complexity, 23, pp. 25 - 51,
,2007, 'Approximation on the sphere using radial basis functions plus polynomials', Advances in Computational Mathematics, Online
,2007, 'Brownian bridge and principal component analysis: towards removing the curse of dimensionality', IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 27, pp. 631 - 654
,2007, 'Efficient evaluation of highly oscillatory acoustic scattering surface integrals', Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 204, pp. 363 - 374
,2007, 'Lattice-Nystrom method for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with convolution type kernels', Journal of Complexity, 23, pp. 752 - 772
,2007, 'Periodization strategy may fail in high dimensions', Numerical Algorithms, 46, pp. 369 - 391
,2007, 'Quadrature in Besov spaces on the Euclidean sphere', Journal of Complexity, 23, pp. 528 - 552
,2006, 'Guest Editors' preface', Journal of Complexity, 22, pp. 4,
,2006, 'Special volume on constructive function theory', Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 25
,2006, 'Cubature over the sphere S2 in Sobolev spaces of arbitrary order', Journal of Approximation Theory, 141, pp. 118 - 133
,2006, 'Efficient weighted lattice rules with applications to finance', SIAM journal of scientific computation, 28, pp. 728 - 750
,2006, 'Good lattice rules in weighted Korobov spaces with general weights', Numerische Mathematik, 103, pp. 63 - 97
,2006, 'Qualocation for boundary integral equations', Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 18, pp. 117 - 140
,2006, 'Randomly shifted lattice rules on the unit cube for unbounded integrands in high dimensions', Journal of Complexity, 22, pp. 71 - 101,