Select Publications
Journal articles
2005, 'Geomathematik', Oberwolfach Reports, 1, pp. 1371 - 1448,
,2005, 'A piecewise constant algorithm for weighted L-1 approximation over bounded or unbounded regions in R-s', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 43, pp. 1003 - 1020
,2005, 'Construction algorithms for polynomial lattice rules for multivariate integration', Mathematics of Computation, 74, pp. 1895 - 1921
,2005, 'Discrete orthogonal projections on multiple knot periodic splines', Journal of Approximation Theory, 137, pp. 201 - 225
,2005, 'Lifting the curse of dimensionality', Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 52, pp. 1320 - 1328
,2005, 'Optimal lower bounds for cubature error on the sphere S2', Journal of Complexity, 21, pp. 790 - 803,
,2005, 'Quasi-Monte Carlo methods can be efficient for integration over products of spheres', Journal of Complexity, 21, pp. 196 - 210
,2005, 'Time discretization via Laplace transformation of an integro-differential equation of an integro-differential equation of parabolic type', Numerische Mathematik, 102, pp. 497 - 522
,2005, 'Why are high-dimensional finance problems often of low effective dimension?', SIAM journal of scientific computation, 27, pp. 159 - 183
,2005, 'Worst-case errors in a Sobolev space setting for cubature over the sphere S-2', Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 71, pp. 81 - 105
,2004, 'Extremal systems of points and numerical integration on the sphere', Advances in Computational Mathematics, 21, pp. 107 - 125
,2004, 'Finite-order weights imply tractability of multivariate integration', Journal of Complexity, 20, pp. 46 - 74
,2004, 'High order numerical ntegration on the sphere and extremal point sets', Journal of Computational Technologies, 9, pp. 4 - 12
,2004, 'Liberating the weights', Journal of Complexity, 20, pp. 593 - 623
,2004, 'On Korobov lattice rules in weighted spaces', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 42, pp. 1760 - 1779
,2004, 'On strong tractability of weighted multivariate integration', Mathematics of Computation, 73, pp. 1903 - 1911
,2004, 'On tractability of weighted integration over bounded and unboundedregions in R-s', Mathematics of Computation, 73, pp. 1885 - 1901
,2004, 'Tractability of approximation for weighted Korobov spaces on classical and quantum computers', Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 4, pp. 121 - 156
,2003, 'A parallel method for time discretization of parabolic equations based on Laplace transformation and quadrature', IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 23, pp. 269 - 299
,2002, 'Constructing randomly shifted lattice rules in weighted Sobolev spaces', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 40, pp. 1650 - 1665
,2002, 'Fully discrete spectral boundary integral methods for Helmholtz problems on smooth closed surfaces in R3', American Journal of Science, 92, pp. 289 - 323
,2002, 'Good approximation on the sphere, with application to geodesy and the scattering of sound', Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 149, pp. 227 - 237
,2002, 'On the step-by-step construction of Quasi-Monte Carlo integration rules that achieve strong tractability error bounds in weighted Sobolev spaces', Mathematics of Computation, 71, pp. 1609 - 1640
,2002, 'Tractability of integration in non-periodic and periodic weighted tenor product Hilbert spaces', Journal of Complexity, 18, pp. 479 - 499
,2001, 'Component-by-component construction of good lattice rules', Mathematics of Computation, pp. 263 - 273
,2001, 'How good can polynomial interpolation on the sphere be?', Advances in Computational Mathematics, 14, pp. 195 - 226
,2001, 'On qualocation and collocation methods for singular integral equations with piecewise continuous coefficients, using continuous splines on quasi-uniform meshes', Operator theory: Advances and applications, 121, pp. 146 - 161
,2001, 'The tolerant qualocation method for variable-coefficient equations on curves', Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 13, pp. 73 - 98
,2001, 'The uniform norm of hyperinterpolation on the unit sphere in an arbitrary number of dimensions', Constructive Approximation, 17, pp. 249 - 265
,2001, 'Tractability of multivariate integration for weighted Korobov classes', Journal of Complexity, 17, pp. 697 - 721
,2000, 'Constructive polynomial approximation on the sphere', Journal of Approximation Theory, 103, pp. 91 - 118
,2000, 'Multiple integration is intractable but not hopeless', Journal of Australian Mathematical Society B, pp. 3 - 8
,2000, 'Qualocation', Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 125, pp. 461 - 478
,2000, 'Superapproximation and commutator properties of discrete orthogonal projections for continuous splines', Journal of Approximation Theory, 107, pp. 244 - 267
,1999, 'A parallel method for time-discretization of parabolic problems based on contour integral representation and quadrature', Mathematics of Computation, pp. 177 - 195
,1999, 'Commutator properties for periodic splines', Journal of Approximation Theory, pp. 254 - 281
,1999, 'Local error bounds for post-processed finite element calculations', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, pp. 1085 - 1098
,1999, 'Optimal order spline methods for nonlinear differential and integro-differential equations', Applied Numerical Mathematics, pp. 445 - 478
,1999, 'Spline qualocation methods for variable-coefficient elliptic equations on curves', American Journal of Science, pp. 497 - 533
,1998, 'A sinc quadrature method for the double-layer integral equation in planar domains with corners', Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 10, pp. 291 - 317
,1998, 'Computable error bounds for pointwise derivatives of a Neumann problem', IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 18, pp. 251 - 271
,1998, 'Qualocation methods for elliptic boundary integral equations', American Journal of Science, pp. 451 - 483
,1998, 'Semi-discrete Galerkin approximation of the single layer equation by general splines', American Journal of Science, pp. 157 - 174
,1998, 'Stability of discrete orthogonal projections for continuous splines', Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, pp. 307 - 332
,1998, 'Tolerant Qualocation A Qualocation Method for Boundary Integral Equations with Reduced Regularity Requirement', Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 10, pp. 85 - 115
,1998, 'When are quasi-Monte Carlo algorithms efficient for high dimensional integrals?', Journal of Complexity, 14, pp. 1 - 33
,1997, 'Galerkin approximation with quadrature for the screen problem in R3', Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 9, pp. 293 - 319,
,1997, 'An intractability result for multiple integration', Mathematics of Computation, pp. 1119 - 1124
,1997, 'Cubature rules of prescribed merit', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, pp. 586 - 602
,1997, 'Discrete qualocation methods for logarithmic-kernel integral equations on a piecewise smooth boundary', Advances in Computational Mathematics, pp. 547 - 571