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Select Publications
2024, 'Subcontracting, Repeat Latent Failures and Workplace Disasters', in SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 27 - 36, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-35163-1_3
,2020, 'Postscript: Inequality, Deprivation/Resistance and Building a Sustainable Society', in Sheldon P; Gregson S; Lansbury R; Sanders K (ed.), The Regulation and Management of Workplace Health and Safety: Historical and Emerging Trends., Routledge, New York, pp. 161 - 174, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780429265679
,2019, 'Voting with Their Feet Absconding and Labor Exploitation in Convict Australia', in Rediker M; Chakraborty T; van Rossum M (ed.), A Global History of Runaways Workers, Mobility, and Capitalism, 1600–1850, University of California Press, pp. 156 - 177, http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/9780520973060-010
,2015, 'Job Quality: The Impact of Work Organisation on Health', in Knox A; Warhurst C (ed.), Job Quality in Australia: Perspectives, Problems and Proposals, The Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 63 - 83
,2015, 'La sous-traitance : un outil majeur de la transformation du systeme', in Thebaud-Mony A; Davezies P; Vogel L; Volkoff S (ed.), Les Risques du Travail, La Decouverte, paris, pp. 44 - 52
,2014, 'Overstretched and Unreciprocated Commitment: Reviewing Research on the Occupational Health and Safety Effects of Downsizing and Job Insecurity', in Navarro V; Muntaner C (ed.), The Financial and Economic Crises and their impact on Health and Social Well-being, Baywood Publishing Co, Inc, New York, pp. 175 - 217, https://www.baywood.com/books/previewbook.asp?id=TFA
,2007, 'Managing Contractors', in Australian Master OHS & Environment Guide, CCH Australia, Australia, pp. 337 - 351
,2006, 'Contextual Factors Shaping the Purpose of Labour Law: A Comparative Historical Perspective', in Arup C; Gahan P; Howe J; Johnstone R; Mitchell R; O'Donnell A (ed.), Labour Law and Labour Market Regulation: Essays on the Construction, Constitution and Regulation of Labour Markets and Work Relationships, Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 21 - 42
,2006, 'Trucking Tragedies: The Hidden Disaster of Mass Death in the Long-Haul Road Transport Industry', in Working Disasters: The Politics of Recognition and Response, Baywood Publishing Company,Inc., Amityville, New York, pp. 19 - 63
,2005, 'The Hidden Epidemic of Injuries and Illness Associated with the Global Expansion of Precarious Employment', in Peterson CL; Mayhew C (ed.), Occupational Health and Safety: International Influcences and the `New` Epidemics, Baywood Publishing Company, Inc., Amityville, New York, pp. 53 - 74
,2004, 'Australia, 1788 - 1902: A Workingman`s Paradise?', in Hay D; Craven P (ed.), Masters, Servants, and Magistrates in Britain and the Empire, 1562 - 1955, University of North Carolina Press, North Carolina, USA, pp. 219 - 250
,2004, 'Contingent work and occupational safety', in Barling J; Frone MR (ed.), The Psychology of Workplace Safety, APA Books, Washington, pp. 81 - 106
,2004, 'Flexible work and organisational arrangements', in Bluff E; Gunningham N; Johnstone R (ed.), OHS Regulation for a Changing World of Work, Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 120 - 145
,2002, 'Outsourcing', in Smith R; Berry A (ed.), Australian Master OHS and Environment Guide 2003, CCH, Sydney, pp. 265 - 282
,2000, 'Precarious Employment, Work Re-Organisation and the Fracturing of OHS Management', in Systematic Occupational Health and Safety Management: Perspectives on an International Development, Pergamon/Elsevier, Oxford UK, pp. 175 - 198
,2000, 'Systematic Occupational Health and Safety Management - An Introduction to a New Strategy for Occupational Safety, Health & Well-being.', in Systematic Occupational Health and Safety Management: Perspectives on an International Development, Pergamon/Elsevier, Oxford UK, pp. 1 - 14
,2000, 'The Relationship between Precarious Employment and Patterns of Occupational Violence: Survey Evidence from Seven Occupations', in Health Effects of the New Labour Market, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 183 - 205
,1999, 'Changing Work Relationships in Australia', in Changing Work Relationships in Industrialised Economies, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 147 - 167
,1998, 'Trade Unions', in The Oxford Companion to History, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 647 - 649
,1997, 'Industrial Relations Policy', in Government, Politics, Power and Policy in Australia. (6th Edition), Longman Cheshire, Sydney, pp. 436 - 451
,1996, 'A participatory approach to occupational health and safety as a vehicle for achieving equity and reform at the workplace', in Managing Together? Consultation and Participation in the Workplace, Longman Australia, Melbourne, pp. 41 - 55