Select Publications

Journal articles

Matthews LR; Finney Lamb C; Jessup GM; Ngo M; Quinlan M, 2024, 'Family Accounts of Their Experiences and Expectations of Authorities Following Sudden Workplace Death in Queensland, Australia', Victims and Offenders, 19, pp. 1320 - 1349,

Quinlan MG, 2024, 'Michael Rawling and Joellen Riley Munton (2024) Regulating gig work: decent labour standards in a world of on-demand work, Routledge, New York, 123pp, $227.20 (hardcover)', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 35, pp. 467 - 468,

Quinlan MG, 2023, 'Daryll Hull Memorial Fellowship in Industrial Relations Award 2022', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 34, pp. 191 - 192,

Quinlan M; Maxwell-Stewart H, 2023, 'Inequality, worker mobilisation and lessons from history: Australia 1788-1900', Labour and Industry, 33, pp. 39 - 62,

Quinlan MG, 2023, 'Psychosocial hazards: An overview and industrial relations perspective', Journal of Industrial Relations,

Matthews LR; Quinlan M; Jessup GM; Bohle P, 2022, 'Hidden costs, hidden lives: Financial effects of fatal work injuries on families', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 33, pp. 586 - 609,

Quinlan M, 2021, 'COVID-19, Health and Vulnerable Societies.', Ann Work Expo Health, 65, pp. 239 - 243,

Ngo M; Matthews LR; Quinlan M; Bohle P, 2021, 'Bereaved Family Members’ Views of the Value of Coronial Inquests Into Fatal Work Incidents', Omega (United States), 82, pp. 446 - 466,

Gregson S; Quinlan M, 2020, 'Lessons from the Past in Occupational Health and Safety', Labour History: a journal of labour and social history, 119, pp. v - xiv,

Gregson S; Quinlan M, 2020, 'Subcontracting and low pay kill: Lessons from the health and safety consequences of sweated labour in the garment industry, 1880-1920', Labor History (US), 61, pp. 534 - 550,

Walters D; Quinlan M, 2020, 'An International History of Coalminers’ Actions to Voice Resistance to the Appropriation of their Safety and Health, 1870-1925', Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, 75, pp. 376 - 400,

van Barneveld K; Quinlan M; Kriesler P; Junor A; Baum F; Chowdhury A; Junankar PN; Clibborn S; Flanagan F; Wright CF; Friel S; Halevi J; Rainnie A, 2020, 'The COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons on building more equal and sustainable societies', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 31, pp. 133 - 157,

Ngo M; Matthews LR; Quinlan M; Bohle P, 2020, 'Information needs of bereaved families following fatal work incidents', Death Studies, 44, pp. 478 - 489,

Quinlan M, 2020, 'Five challenges to humanity: Learning from pattern/repeat failures in past disasters?', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 31, pp. 444 - 466,

Walters D; Quinlan M; Johnstone R; Wadsworth E, 2019, 'Representing miners in arrangements for health and safety in coalmines: A study of current practice', Economic and Industrial Democracy, 40, pp. 976 - 996,

Matthews LR; Johnstone R; Quinlan M; Rawlings-Way O; Bohle P, 2019, 'Work fatalities, bereaved families and the enforcement of OHS legislation', Journal of Industrial Relations, 61, pp. 637 - 656,

Matthews LR; Quinlan MG; Bohle P, 2019, 'Posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and prolonged grief disorder in families bereaved by a traumatic workplace death: The need for satisfactory information and support', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, pp. 609,

Walters D; Quinlan M, 2019, 'Representing workers on occupational safety and health: some lessons from a largely ignored history', Industrial Relations Journal, 50, pp. 399 - 414,

Walters D; Quinlan M, 2019, 'Voice and resistance: Coalminers’ struggles to represent their health and safety interests in Australia and New Zealand 1871–1925', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 30, pp. 513 - 531,

Bohle P; Knox A; Noone J; Mc Namara M; Rafalski J; Quinlan M, 2017, 'Work organisation, bullying and intention to leave in the hospitality industry', Employee Relations, 39, pp. 446 - 458,

Gregson SE; Quinlan M; Hampson I; Junor A; Carney T, 2016, 'Supply Chains and the Manufacture of Precarious Work: The Safety Implications of Outsourcing/ Offshoring Heavy Aircraft Maintenance', E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, 5, pp. 3 - 36,

Gregson SE; Quinlan M; Hampson I, 2016, 'Professionalism or Inter-Union Solidarity? Organising Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, 1955-1975', Labour History: a journal of labour and social history, 110, pp. 35 - 56,

Matthews LR; Fitzpatrick SJ; Quinlan MG; Ngo M; Bohle P, 2016, 'Bereaved Families and the Coronial Response to Traumatic Workplace Fatalities: Organisational Perspectives', Death Studies, 40, pp. 191 - 200,

Walters D; Quinlan M; Johnstone R; Wadsworth E, 2016, 'Cooperation or resistance? Representing workers' health and safety in a hazardous industry', INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS JOURNAL, 47, pp. 379 - 395,

Walters D; Johnstone R; Quinlan MG; Wadsworth E, 2016, 'Safeguarding Workers: A Study of Health and Safety Representatives in the Queensland Coalmining Industry, 1990-2013', Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 71, pp. 418 - 441

Hampson I; Junor AM; Fraser DR; Quinlan MG, 2016, 'The Uncertain Oversight of Offshore Aircraft Maintenance: The Case of Australia', Journal of Air Law and Commerce, 81, pp. 225 - 250,

Quinlan MG; Matthews L; Bohle P; Fitzpatrick S, 2015, 'Employer and Union Responses to Traumatic Death at Work: Evidence from Australia', New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 40, pp. 1 - 23,;dn=070598772322917;res=IELBUS

Quinlan MG; Lippel K; Johnstone R; Walters D, 2015, 'Governance, change and the work environment', Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 13, pp. 1 - 5

Gregson S; Hampson I; Junor A; Fraser D; Quinlan M; Williamson A, 2015, 'Supply chains, maintenance and safety in the Australian airline industry', Journal of Industrial Relations, 57, pp. 604 - 623,

Bohle P; Quinlan M; McNamara M; Pitts C; Willaby H, 2015, 'Health and well-being of older workers: comparing their associations with effort–reward imbalance and Pressure, Disorganisation and Regulatory Failure', Work and Stress, 29, pp. 114 - 127,

Schweder P; Quinlan MG; Bohle P; Lamm F; Ang A, 2015, 'Injury rates and psychological wellbeing in temporary work: A study of seasonal workers in the New Zealand food processing industry', New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 40, pp. 24 - 51,;res=IELBUS;dn=778303339405084

Quinlan MG; Bohle P; Rawlings-Way O, 2015, 'Health and safety of homecare workers engaged by temporary employment agencies', Journal of Industrial Relations, 57, pp. 94 - 114,

Quinlan M; Fitzpatrick SJ; Matthews LR; Ngo M; Bohle P, 2015, 'Administering the cost of death: Organisational perspectives on workers' compensation and common law claims following traumatic death at work in Australia', International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 38, pp. 8 - 17,

Gregson SE; Quinlan M; Hampson I, 2014, 'Slow to learn: regulatory oversight of the safety of outsourced aircraft maintenance in the USA', Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 12, pp. 71 - 90,

Quinlan M, 2014, 'Ake Sandberg (ed.), Nordic Lights: Work, Management and Welfare in Scandinavia. SNS Forlag: Stockholm, 2013; 512 pp. (Available through Bokus or Adlibris RRP AUD70.35, e-book AUD38.66).', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 25, pp. 179 - 181,

Matthews L; Fitzpatrick S; Bohle P; Quinlan MG, 2014, 'Investigation and prosecution following workplace fatalities: Responding to the needs of families', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 25, pp. 253 - 270,

Quinlan MG; Bohle PB, 2014, 'Re-invigorating industrial relations as a field of study: Changes at work, substantive working conditions and the case of OHS', New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 38, pp. 1 - 24,;dn=407121605626277;res=IELNZC

Stevenson M; Elkington J; Sharwood L; Meuleners L; Ivers R; Boufous S; Williamson A; Haworth N; Quinlan MG; Grunstein R; Norton R; Wong K, 2014, 'The Role of Sleepiness, Sleep Disorders, and the Work Environment on Heavy-Vehicle Crashes in 2 Australian States', American Journal of Epidemiology, 179, pp. 594 - 601,

Quinlan MG, 2013, 'Underleverantörssystem, sweating och arbetsmiljö inom konfektionsindustrin 1880–1920: Otrygga arbeten i ett historiskt Sammanhang', Arbetarhistoria, 3-4, pp. 6 - 15,

Quinlan MG; Hampson I; Gregson SE, 2013, 'Outsourcing and offshoring aircraft maintenance in the US: Implications for safety', Safety Science, 57, pp. 283 - 292,

Bluff L; Johnstone R; McNamara M; Quinlan MG, 2012, 'Enforcing Upstream: Australian Health and Safety Inspectors and Upstream Dutyholders', Australian Journal of Labour Law, 25, pp. 23 - 42

LaMontagne AD; Smith PM; Smith PM; Louie AM; Quinlan MG; Ostry AS; Shoveller J, 2012, 'Psychosocial and other working conditions: Variation by employment arrangement in a sample of working Australians', American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 55, pp. 93 - 106,

Quinlan MG, 2012, 'The low rumble of informal dissent: Shipboard protests over health and safety in Australian waters 1790-1900', Labour History, 102, pp. 131 - 156,

Sheldon P; Quinlan M, 2011, 'Minimum labour standards and their enforcement', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 22, pp. 1 - 4,

Benach J; Muntaner C; Solar O; Santana V; Quinlan M, 2011, 'Empleo, trabajo y desigualdades en salud: una visión global', Revista Cubana de Salud Pública, 37,

Bohle P; Willaby H; Quinlan MG; mcnamara M, 2011, 'Flexible work in call centres: Working hours, work-life conflict & health', Applied Ergonomics, 42, pp. 219 - 224,

Underhill E; Quinlan MG, 2011, 'How precarious employment affects health and safety at work: the case of temporary agency workers', Relations Industrielles - Industrial Relations, 66, pp. 397 - 421,

Mcnamara M; Bohle P; Quinlan MG, 2011, 'Precarious employment, working hours, work-life conflict and health in hotel work', Applied Ergonomics, 42, pp. 225 - 232,

Matthews L; Quinlan MG; Rawlings-Way O; Bohle PL, 2011, 'The Adequacy of Institutional Responses to Death at Work: Experiences of Surviving Families', International Journal of Disability Management Research, 6, pp. 37 - 48,

Quinlan M; Sheldon P, 2011, 'The enforcement of minimum labour standards in an era of neo-liberal globalisation: An overview', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 22, pp. 5 - 32,

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