ORCID as entered in ROS
Select Publications
2018, Boral SHP Project. Low-frequency, high-impact accidents. Data inspection and Analysis
,2017, Boral SHP Project. Low-frequency, high-impact accidents. Literature review.
,2015, The effects of non-standard forms of employment on worker health and safety, International Labour Organisation, Geneva, 67, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/25769
,2014, A study of the role of workers’ representatives in health and safety arrangements in coal mines in Queensland, Brisbane
,2014, Third Audit of Mine Safety Unit and Office of Chief Mines Inspector, Tasmania, WorkSafe Tasmania
,2013, Analysis of the determinants of workplace occupational safety and health practice in a selection of EU Member States
,2013, Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal Annual Work Program Submission, 12 September
,2013, Second Audit of the Mine Safety Unit and Office of Chief Inspector of Mines, Workplace Standards Tasmania, Hobart
,2013, Supply chains and networks, Safe Work Australia, Canberra
,2012, The relationship between Decent Work and positive enterprise-level outcomes in SMEs: Report to the ILO of an international literature review prepared by Middlesex University Business School.