ORCID as entered in ROS

Select Publications
2017, 'Innovations in Student Learning in the Creative and Performing Arts', in TEQSA 2017 Conference on Students, Quality, Success, Melbourne, presented at TEQSA 2017 Conference on Students, Quality, Success, Melbourne, 29 November 2017 - 01 December 2017
,2017, 'Innovations in Student Learning in the Creative and Performing Arts', by Higher Ed Services for the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), Melbourne, presented at Innovations in Student Learning in the Creative and Performing Arts, Melbourne, 29 November 2017 - 01 December 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.26190/unsworks/27702
,2016, 'Overcoming Barriers to Gender Equity in the Workplace: Why aren’t we there yet?', in The IAFOR International Conference on Global Studies 2016: Official Conference Proceedings, The International Academic Forum 2016, NH Collection Barcelona Constanza, Spain, pp. 111 - 119, presented at The IAFOR International Conference on Global Studies 2016, NH Collection Barcelona Constanza, Spain, 16 July 2016 - 18 July 2016, http://iafor.org/archives/proceedings/GLOBAL/GLOBAL2016_proceedings.pdf
,2015, 'Investment in Education and Impact on Economic Growth within BRIC Countries', in Proceedings of Sydney International Business Research Conference (SIBRC) 2015, University of Western Sydney Campbelltown, Australia, presented at Sydney International Business Research Conference (SIBRC) 2015, University of Western Sydney Campbelltown, Australia, 17 April 2015 - 19 April 2015
,2015, 'The Rise of BRIC: Growth, Development and Challenges for the Future', in Proceedings of Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy Conference (ANZIBA) 2015, Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy, Melbourne University, Australia, presented at Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Conference, Melbourne University, Australia, 11 February 2015 - 13 February 2015
,2014, 'Are Values at the Societal-Level Acceptable as Cross-Cultural Predictions in Today's Global Economy?', in Feinberg S; Kiyak T (ed.), Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Academy of International Business, Washington, USA, pp. 84 - 85, presented at Academy of International Business (AIB) 2012 Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, 30 June 2014 - 01 July 2012
,2013, 'International Business Cases for Learning and Teaching', Bangkok, Thailand, presented at The Pacific Consortium of International Business Education and Research (PACIBER) Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 28 June 2013 - 01 July 2013
,2011, 'Influence of Societal Contexts and Individuals Values and Attitudes towards Corporate Responsabilities Across 40 Societies', Academy of International Business, Nagoya, Japan, presented at Academy of International Business (AIB) 2011 Annual Meeting, Nagoya, Japan, 25 June 2011 - 28 June 2011
,2010, 'China's Global Growth in Africa', Cape Town, South Africa, presented at 3rd Leadership and Management Studies in Sub-Sahara Africa Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 22 November 2010 - 24 November 2010
,2010, 'China's Globalization and the Implications for Knowledge Transfer and Culture Shifts', Cambridge, USA, presented at 4th China Goes Global Conference, Cambridge, USA, 06 October 2010 - 08 October 2010
,2010, 'A Research Theme for Investigating e-Learning Satisfaction in Workplace', in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, Greece, pp. 523 - 535, presented at International Conference on Education, Samos Island, Greece, 08 July 2010 - 10 July 2010
,2010, 'An Assessment of the Societal Values Dimensions of the Shwartz Values Survey', Barcelona, Spain, presented at BALAS Annual Conference 2010, Barcelona, Spain, 24 March 2010 - 26 March 2010
,2009, 'Extending the Task-Technology Fit Model: Investigating the Appropriateness o B2B Technology Adoption, The Influence of Cultural Fit', presented at Twenty Ninth International Conference of Information System, 14 December 2009 - 17 December 2009
,2009, 'Cultural Distance and Knowledge Transfer within MNCs: the Case of the IT Industry in China', Montreal/Canada, presented at The International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, Montreal/Canada, 01 October 2009 - 02 October 2009
,2009, 'China's Global Growth in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges', Cambridge, USA, presented at 3rd China Goes Global Conference, Cambridge, USA, 30 September 2009 - 02 October 2009
,2008, 'Embedding the Development of Intercultural Competence in Business Education', Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, presented at Inaugural Conference of the Diversity and Social Inclusion Consortium, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 21 October 2008 - 21 October 2008
,2008, 'Leveraging the Benefits of Diversity for Learning and Teaching', Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, presented at Inaugural Conference of the Diversity and Social Inclusion Consortium, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 20 October 2008 - 21 October 2008
,2008, 'Diversity and the Development of Intercultural Competence in Business Education', Montreal, Canada, presented at 8th International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, Montreal, Canada, 17 June 2008 - 20 June 2008, http://d08.cgpublisher.com/proposals/194/index_html
,2008, 'China's Incursion into Africa: Resourcers Extraction, Economic Development and Sustainability', Hanoi, Vietnam, presented at Annual Pacific Asia Consortium for International Business Education and Research (PACIBER), Hanoi, Vietnam, 05 June 2008 - 08 June 2008
,2008, 'Assurance of Learning: an Australian Experience', Hawaii, US, presented at AACSB Conference, Hawaii, US, 13 April 2008 - 15 April 2008
,2007, 'Embeding the Development of Intercultural Communication and Learning with Business Faculties across Australia: A Carrick Funded Project', Melbourne, Australia, presented at Australian International Education Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 09 October 2007 - 12 October 2007
,2007, 'Cultural distance and subsidiary roles in knowledge transfer in China-based subsidiaries,', Beijing, presented at The Inaugural Australia-China International Business Research Conference,, Beijing, 22 September 2007 - 24 September 2007
,2007, 'Internationalisation at Home In Business - an International Journey', Trondheim, Amsterdam, presented at 19th Annual EAIE Conference, Trondheim, Amsterdam, 12 September 2007 - 15 September 2007
,2006, 'The Impact of Culture on Knowledge Transfer in MNCs', in Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy, Wellington, New Zealand, presented at Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy 2006, Wellington, New Zealand, 16 November 2006 - 18 November 2006
,2006, 'Is B2B E-Commerce appropriate for developing countries: a proposed conceptual model to investigate B2B E-Commerce adoption in developing countries from a strategic fit perspective', in Proceedings of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference, Paris, France, presented at 2nd Biennial Conference of the Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development, Paris, France, 10 July 2006 - 13 July 2006
,2006, 'Implementing Western-Oriented Management Education in Africa: Implications for a Changing Business Environment', in Leadership and management Studies in Sub-Sahara Africa, Stone Town, Zanzibar, presented at Leadership and management Studies in Sub-Sahara Africa, Stone Town, Zanzibar, 25 June 2006 - 28 June 2006
,2006, 'The Slow Growth SMES in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case of Market and Policy Failure', in Leadership and management Studies in Sub-Sahara Africa, Stone Town, Zanzibar, presented at Leadership and management Studies in Sub-Sahara Africa, Stone Town, Zanzibar, 25 June 2006 - 28 June 2006
,2005, 'How do you climb the corporate ladder? A multi-regional analysis of the ethical preferences for influencing superiors', Hawaii, US, presented at Academy of Management Conference, a new vison of management in th 21st century, Hawaii, US, 05 August 2005 - 10 August 2005
,2005, 'Educating the Global Manager: Cultural Diversity and Cross-Cultural Training in International Business Education', Hawaii, US, presented at Academy of Management Conference, a new vison of management in th 21st century, Hawaii, US, 05 August 2005 - 05 August 2005, http://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ843230
,2004, 'Do value variations matter: Differences in value priorities between managers, professionals and non-managerial employees in a Singaporean firm', in 2004 Annual Conference of the Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy, Canberra, presented at Annual Conference of the Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy 2004, Canberra, 05 November 2004 - 06 November 2004
,2004, 'Do subcultures matter? Variations of value priorities in a multicultural workforce in Asia Pacific Region', Stockholm, Sweden, presented at Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference, Bridging with the Other: the importance of dialogue, Stockholm, Sweden, 10 July 2004 - 13 July 2004, https://aib.msu.edu/events/2004/AIB_2004_Proceedings.pdf
,2004, 'Approaches to Leaning in Accounting: a study utilising the SOLO taxonomy and study process questionnaire', Alice Springs, presented at AFAANZ Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zeland Conference, Alice Springs, 04 June 2004 - 04 June 2004
,2004, 'Communicating and Interacting Across Cultures', New Delhi, India, presented at Affiliated Confederation of Practising Accountants Asia Pacific Regional Conference, New Delhi, India, 11 April 2004 - 14 April 2004
,2003, 'A Research Agenda to Promote Cross Cultural and Business Understanding Trade Relations and Development between Australia and Southern Africa', Sydney, Australia, presented at Australia Southern Africa Business Council (ASABC) Conference: Trade and Tourism between our Continents, Sydney, Australia, 17 November 2003 - 18 November 2003
,2003, 'An Investigation of the Variation of Value Priorities in a Multicultural Workforce in a Singaporean Firm', in Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy Conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, presented at Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy Conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 07 November 2003 - 08 November 2003
,2003, 'The Culturally Diverse Classroom and International Business Education', in Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy Conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, presented at Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy Conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 07 November 2003 - 08 November 2003
,2003, 'Doing Business Across Cultures: Stategies for Intercultural Communication and Business Negotiation', Singapore, presented at Affiliated Confederation of Practising and Business Negotiation (ACPA) International 25th Annual Worldwide Conference, Singapore, 15 October 2003 - 18 October 2003
,2002, 'Cross Cultura Management and International Business: Implications for Global Managers', Bangalore, India, presented at Foundation Day, Indian Business Academy, Bangalore, India, 20 December 2002 - 20 December 2002
,2002, 'Cross Cultura Management and International Business: Implications for Australia / South Africa Business Relations', Canberra, presented at National Australia Southern Africa Business Council (NASABC) Conference, Australian African Relations Revisited 2002-2003, Canberra, 20 November 2002 - 23 November 2002
,2002, 'Cultural Knowledge and Competencies for the New Era: Insights into Firm Practices and Managers` Experiences', in 2002 AIB Southeast Asia and Australia Regional Conference, Shanghai, China, presented at AIB Southeast Asia Regional Conference 2002, Shanghai, China, 18 July 2002 - 20 July 2002
,2002, 'Workforce Diversity in an Asian Multinational Corporation: Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Relationship between Individual and Work Values of Managers and Employees', in 2002 AIB Southeast Asia and Australia Regional Conference, Shanghai, China, presented at AIB Southeast Asia Regional Conference 2002, Shanghai, China, 18 July 2002 - 20 July 2002
,2002, 'Cross Cultural Adaptation: Insights into the Learning and Social-Cultural Experiences of Cross-Border Students', in The International Journal of Learning, Common Ground, Melbourne, Australia, presented at Learning Conference 2002, Beijing, China, 16 July 2002 - 21 July 2002
,2002, 'Culture Clusters and Learning: A case study of Vietnamese students', Beijin, China, presented at 9th International Learning Conference (LERN), Beijin, China, 16 July 2002 - 18 July 2002
,2001, 'The internationalisation of education; implications for student learning and socio-cultural adjustment', in 15th Australian International Education Conference, University of New South Wales, pp. 1 - 14, presented at 15th Australian International Education Conference, University of New South Wales, 25 September 2001 - 28 September 2001
,2001, 'Managing repatriation in Australian-based MNEs: an investigative study', in Academy of International Business: South East Asia Region (AIBSEAR) 2001 Conference, Jakarta, Indonesia, presented at Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Regional Conference 2001, Jakarta, Indonesia, 04 July 2001 - 06 July 2001
,2000, 'Employee empowerment: a case study of an Australian-based subsidiary of an American multinational enterprise', in Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) Annual Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, presented at Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy 2000, Auckland, New Zealand, 13 October 2000 - 14 October 2000
,2000, 'Communicating within the disciplines: integrating skills development into contextualised learning', in 3rd Biennial Communication Skills in University Education (CSUE) Conference, Freemantle, Western Australia, presented at 3rd Biennial Communication Skills in University Education (CSUE) Conference, Freemantle, Western Australia, 28 September 2000 - 29 September 2000
,2000, 'Cross cultural learning behaviour: perceptions versus practice', in RMIT (ed.), 7th international literacy and education research network conference on learning, Melbourne, pp. 55 - 55, presented at 7th international literacy and education research network conference on learning, Melbourne, 05 July 2000 - 09 July 2000
,1999, 'Managing cultural diversity in Australian and Australian - based multinational enterprises: An exploratory study', in Gaughey SM; Gray S; Purcell W (eds.), International Business Dynamics of the New Millenium, Sydney, pp. 332 - 332, presented at International Business Dynamics of the New Millenium, Sydney, 30 September 1999 - 02 October 1999
,1999, 'Managing language and learning diversity in higher education: enhancing the graduate experience', in ultiBASE Electronic Journal, Faculty of Education, Language and Community Servi, Bundoora, Victoria, presented at 6th International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference on Learning, Penang, Malaysia, 27 September 1999 - 30 September 1999