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Select Publications
2021, 'Aboriginal Families’ Role in Methamphetamine-related Harm Reduction and their Support Needs', presented at 6th National Indigenous Drug & Alcohol Conference: Pathways to Healing, Glenelg, South Australia, 23 March 2021 - 26 March 2021
,2020, 'Reaching marginalised people with disability in major disability policy reform', presented at Social Policy and Disability Symposium, Fordham University, New York, 12 November 2020 - 13 November 2020
,2019, 'The role of technology in perpetrating, and preventing, domestic and family violence: evaluating a new safety response', presented at Australian Social Policy Conference, UNSW, Sydeny, 10 September 2019
,2010, 'Meeting the Needs of Muslim Families in Australia: Exploring marginalisation, informal and formal support needs', presented at Diversity in Health Conference, Melbourne, 07 June 2010 - 09 June 2010, http://handle.unsw.edu.au/1959.4/unsworks_84625
,2007, 'Intra-European workforce flows. Comparing the informal sector for domestic services and the construction sector', presented at International Metropolis Conference on Migration, Economic Growth and Social Cohesion, Melbourne, 08 October 2007
,2007, 'Dynamics in irregular migrant employment in Austria: Results of a Delphi-Study', presented at IMISCOE Migration and Irregular Work in Europe, Prague, 12 June 2007 - 14 June 2007
,2006, 'Female migrant workers in the Austrian informal care economy', presented at IMISCOE Conference on Irregular Migration and the Informal Economy, Madrid, 07 June 2006 - 08 June 2006