Select Publications

Journal articles

Poore AG; Campbell AH; Steinberg PD, 2009, 'Natural densities of mesograzers fail to limit growth of macroalgae or their epiphytes in a temperate algal bed', Journal of Ecology, 97, pp. 164 - 175,

Monro K; Poore AG, 2009, 'Performance benefits of growth-form plasticity in a clonal red seaweed', Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 97, pp. 80 - 89

Sotka E; Forbey J; Horn M; Poore AG; Raubenheimer D; Whalen K, 2009, 'The emerging role of pharmacology in understanding consumer-prey interactions in marine and freshwater systems', Integrative and Comparative Biology, 49, pp. 291 - 313,

Monro K; Poore AG, 2009, 'The evolvability of growth form in a clonal seaweed', Evolution, 63, pp. 3147 - 3157

Monro K; Poore AG, 2009, 'The potential for evolutionary responses to cell-lineage selection on growth form and its plasticity in a red seaweed', American Naturalist, 173, pp. 151 - 163

Roberts DA; Johnston E; Poore AG, 2008, 'Biomonitors and the assessment of ecological impacts: Distribution of herbivorous epifauna in contaminated macroalgal beds', Environmental Pollution, 156, pp. 489 - 503

Roberts DA; Johnston E; Poore AG, 2008, 'Contamination of marine biogenic habitats and effects upon associated epifauna', Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56, pp. 1057 - 1065,

Roberts DA; Johnston E; Muller S; Poore AG, 2008, 'Field and laboratory simulations of storm water pulses: Behavioural avoidance by marine epifauna', Environmental Pollution, 152, pp. 153 - 162,

Poore AG; Hill NA; Sotka E, 2008, 'Phylogenetic and geographic variation in host breadth and composition by herbivorous amphipods in the family Ampithoidae', Evolution, 62, pp. 21 - 38,

Roberts DA; Poore AG; Johnston E, 2007, 'MBACI sampling of an episodic disturbance: Stormwater effects on algal epifauna', Marine Environmental Research, 64, pp. 514 - 523,

Monro K; Poore AG; Brooks RC, 2007, 'Multivariate selection shapes environment-dependent variation in the clonal morphology of a red seaweed', Evolutionary Ecology, 21, pp. 765 - 782

Roberts DA; Poore AG; Johnston E, 2006, 'Ecological consequences of copper contamination in macroalgae: Effects on epifauna and associated herbivores', Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25, pp. 2470 - 2479

Roberts DA; Poore AG, 2006, 'Habitat configuration affects colonisation of epifauna in a marine algal bed', Biological Conservation, 127, pp. 18 - 26,

Poore AG; Hill NA, 2006, 'Sources of variation in herbivore preference: Among-individual and past diet effects on amphipod host choice', Marine Biology, 149, pp. 1403 - 1410,

Wright JT; Dworjanyn SA; Rogers CN; Steinberg PD; Williamson JE; Poore AG, 2005, 'Density-dependent sea urchin grazing: differential removal of species, changes in community composition and alternative community states', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 298, pp. 143 - 156

Monro K; Poore AG, 2005, 'Light quantity and quality induce shade-avoiding plasticity in a marine macroalga', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 18, pp. 426 - 435

Poore AG, 2005, 'Scales of dispersal among hosts in a herbivorous marine amphipod', Austral Ecology, 30, pp. 219 - 228

Poore AG; Hill NA, 2005, 'Spatial associations among palatable and unpalatable macroalgae: A test of associational resistance with a herbivorous amphipod', Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 326, pp. 207 - 216,

Wright JT; De Nys R; Poore AG; Steinberg PD, 2004, 'Chemical defense in a marine alga:heritability and the potential for selection by herbivores', Ecology, 85, pp. 2946 - 2959

Monro K; Poore AG, 2004, 'Selection in modular organisms: Is Intraclonal variation in macroalgae evolutionarily important ?', American Naturalist, 163, pp. 564 - 578

Poore AG, 2004, 'Spatial associations among algae affect host use in a herbivorous marine amphipod', Oecologia, 140, pp. 104 - 112

Pineda-Krch M; Poore AG, 2004, 'Spatial interactions within modular organisms:genetic heterogeneity and organism fitness', Theoretical Population Biology, 66, pp. 25 - 36

Hill NA; Blount C; Poore AG; Worthington D; Steinberg PD, 2003, 'Grazing effects of the sea urchin Centeoststephanus rodgersii in two contrasting rocky habitata: effects of urchin density and its implications for the fishery', Marine and Freshwater Research, 54, pp. 691 - 700

Poore AGB; Fagerström T, 2001, 'A general model for selection among modules in haplo-diploid life histories', Oikos, 92, pp. 256 - 264,


Poore AG; Steinberg PD, 2001, 'Host-Plant adaptation in an herbivorous marine amphipod:Genetic potential not realized in field poulations', Evolution, pp. 68 - 80

Fagerström T; Poore AGB, 2001, 'Intraclonal Variation in Macroalgae: Causes and Evolutionary Consequences', Selection, 1, pp. 123 - 134,

Poore AG; Watson MJ; De Nys R; Lowry J; Steinberg PD, 2000, 'Patterns of host use among alga - and sponge - associated amphipods', Marine Ecology Progress Series, 208, pp. 183 - 196

Poore AG; Steinberg PD, 1999, 'Preference-performance relationships and effects of host plant choice in an herbivorous marine amphipod', Ecological Monographs, pp. 443 - 464

Poore AGB; Steinberg PD, 1999, 'Preference-Performance Relationships and Effects of Host Plant Choice in an Herbivorous Marine Amphipod', Ecological Monographs, 69, pp. 443 - 443,

Poore AG; Lowry J, 1997, 'New ampithoid amphipods from Port Jackson, New South Wales, Australia (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Ampithoidae)', Invertebrate Taxonomy, 11, pp. 897 - 941

Jenkins GP; Wheatley MJ; Poore AGB, 1996, 'Spatial variation in recruitment, growth, and feeding of postsettlement King George whiting, Sillaginodes punctata, associated with seagrass beds of Port Phillip Bay, Australia', Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 53, pp. 350 - 359,

Poore AGB, 1994, 'Selective herbivory by amphipods inhabiting the brown alga Zonaria angustata', Marine Ecology: Progress Series, 107, pp. 113 - 123

Theses / Dissertations

Poore AGB, 2000, Ecology and evolution of host plant use in herbivorous marine amphipods

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