Select Publications


Arsenovic P; Rozanov E; Usoskin I; Turney C; Sukhodolov T; McCracken K; Friedel M; Anet J; Simic S; Maliniemi V; Egorova T; Korte M; Rieder H; Cooper A; Peter T, 2024, Global impacts of an extreme Solar Particle Event under different geomagnetic field strengths,

Higgins P; Palmer J; Johnson F; Andersen M; Turney C, 2023, Exploring Pacific Island hydroclimatic extremes using the South Pacific Drought Atlas,

Thomas Z; Cadd H; Turney C; Haines H; Marjo C; Becerra Valdivia L; Carter S; Brickle P, 2022, Phases of peatland carbon accumulation in the southern mid-latitudes,

Higgins PA; Palmer JG; Turney CSM; Andersen MS; Johnson F, 2021, Supplementary material to "Do Southern Hemisphere tree rings record past volcanic events?",

Turney CSM; Jones R; McKay NP; van Sebille E; Thomas ZA; Hillenbrand C-D; Fogwill CJ, 2020, Supplementary material to; A global mean sea-surface temperature dataset for the Last Interglacial (129–116 kyr) and contribution of thermal expansion to sea-level change,

Turney CSM; Klekociuk A; Fogwill CJ; Zunz V; Goosse H; Parkinson CL; Compo G; Lazzara M; Keller L; Allan R; Palmer JG; Clark G; Marzinelli E, 2017, Supplementary material to "Brief communication: Changing mid-twentieth century Antarctic sea ice variability linked to tropical forcing",

Turney C, 2017, Data access,

Turney CSM; Fogwill CJ; Klekociuk A; van Ommen TD; Curran MAJ; Moy AD; Palmer JG, 2015, Supplementary material to "Tropical and mid-latitude forcing of continental Antarctic temperatures",

Jones R; Turney C; Lang B; Brooks S; Rundgren M; Björck S; Hammarlund D, 2015, Delayed European Climate Optimum During the Last Interglacial in Northern Europe

Fogwill C; Turney C; Golledge N; Rood D; Hippe K; Wacker L; Weiler R; Rainsley E; Jones R, 2015, Mechanisms Driving abrupt shifts in West Antarctic ice stream direction during the Holocene

Fogwill C; Turney C; Hutchinson D; Taschetto A; England M, 2015, Obliquity driven ice sheet expansion across the Southern Hemisphere during the last glacial

Turney C; Thomas Z; Hutchinson D; Bradshaw C; Brook B; England M; Fogwill C; Jones R; Palmer J; Hughen K, 2015, Obliquity-driven expansion of North Atlantic sea ice controls structure of the last glacial

Fogwill C; Turney C; Hippe K; Rood D; Golledge N; Wacker L; Wieler R, 2013, The application of in situ 14C to Holocene terrestrial Antarctic ice-sheet reconstruction

McGlone M; Turney C; Wilmshurst JM; Renwick J; Pahnke K, 2010, Divergent trends in land and ocean temperature in the Southern Ocean over the past 18,000 years, MacMillan Publishers Limited,

Haberle SIMONG; Rule S; Roberts P; Heijnis H; Jacobsen G; Turney C; Cosgrove R; Ferrier A; MOSS Р; Mooney S, 2010, Paleofire in the wet tropics of northeast Queensland, Australia

Turney CSM; Hoek WZ, 2009, INTIMATE: Integration of Ice-core Marine and Terrestrial records

Turney C, 2008, Fixing climate: What past climate changes reveal about the current threat - and how to counter it, NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP,

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