Select Publications
Book Chapters
2020, 'Jackson, Chris', in Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 2457 - 2458,
,2020, 'Three-Factor Model of Personality', in Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 5505 - 5514,
,2018, 'Three-Factor Model of Personality', in Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 11,
,2017, 'Advancing Organizational Theory in a Complex World Introduction', in Qiu JX; Luo B; Jackson C; Sanders K (ed.), ADVANCING ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY IN A COMPLEX WORLD, ROUTLEDGE, pp. XV - XVII,
,2016, 'Introduction: Advancing Organizational Theory in a Complex World', in Advancing Organizational Theory in a Complex World, pp. xv - xviii,
,2016, '‘Managers to the rescue!’: Evaluating the legacy of stewardship theory from an institutional perspective', in Qiu JXJ; Luo BN; Jackson C; Sanders K (ed.), Advancing organizational theory in a complex world, Taylor & Francis, New York,
,2016, 'Jackson, Chris', in Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 2,
,2015, 'Cognitive Behavioural therapy for emotional dysfunction following psychosis: The role of emotional (dys)regulation', in Innovations in Psychosocial Interventions for Psychosis: Working with the Hard to Reach, pp. 73 - 90
,2012, 'Introduction', in The Memoirs of Ernst Röhm, Frontline Books, Barnsley
,2010, 'Does character moderate or mediate the relationship between temperament and job performance?', in Boag S (ed.), Personality down under: Perspectives from Australia, Nova, Hauppauge, NY, pp. 113 - 122
,2010, 'Functional and dysfunctional learning', in Hicks R (ed.), Personality and Individual Differences: Current Directions., Australian Academic Press, AU
,2010, 'Introducing the YWEDO online cognitive laboratory.', in Tiliopoulos N; Boag S (ed.), Personality & Intelligence: Theory, Assessment & Application, NOVA, NY, pp. 283 - 293
,2010, 'The role of emotional intelligence in moral judgement.', in Hicks RE (ed.), Personality and Individual Differences: Current Directions., Australian Academic Press, AU, pp. 105 - 112
,2010, 'The significance of different viewpoints in self-regulation studies: Similarities and differences between mastery and performance approach orientations.', in Hicks RE (ed.), Personality and Individual Differences: Current Directions., Australian Academic Press, AU, pp. 153 - 164
,2010, 'What do self-report measures of dis-inhibition really measure?', in Tiliopoulos N; Boag S (ed.), Personality & Intelligence: Theory, Assessment & Application, NOVA, NY, pp. 249 - 264
,2008, 'Does character moderate or mediate the relationship between temperament and job performance?', in Boag S (ed.), Personality down under: Perspectives from Australia, Nova, Hauppauge, NY, pp. 97 - 105
,2008, 'Measurement Issues Concerning a Personality Model Spanning Temperament, Character and Experience', in Boyle GJ; Matthews G; Saklofske DH (ed.), The SAGE Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment: Personality Measurement and Testing (Volume 2), Sage Publications, CA, USA; London, UK, pp. 73 - 93
,2008, 'Reinforcement sensitivity in the workplace: BIS/BAS in business', in Corr PJ (ed.), The Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of Personality, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK, pp. 431 - 452
,2004, 'Development of a Short Form of the Eysenck Personality Profiler via Structural Equation Modeling', in Montfort K; Oud J; Satorra A (ed.), Recent developments on structural equations models: theory and applications, Kluwer, Netherlands
,2004, 'Profiling the personality of clergy: Abbreviated Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP-A)', in Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Leiden, pp. 1 - 16,
,Edited Books
Qiu JX; jackson ; sanders ; Luo , (eds.), 2016, Advancing organizational theory in a complex world
Journal articles
2024, 'Why the Fermi paradox may not be well explained by Wong and Bartlett's theory of civilization collapse. A Comment on: 'Asymptotic burnout and homeostatic awakening: a possible solution to the Fermi paradox?' (2022) by Wong and Bartlett', Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 21,
,2024, 'Evidence collection and use when making management decisions', Applied Psychology, 73, pp. 1652 - 1672,
,2024, 'Examining the influence of community leaders and other community actors on immunisation practices in Australia: A national cross-sectional study', Vaccine, 42, pp. 3647 - 3654,
,2024, 'Cognitive Reflection and Decision-Making Accuracy: Examining Their Relation and Boundary Conditions in the Context of Evidence-based Management', Journal of Business and Psychology, 39, pp. 249 - 273,
,2024, 'How disinhibition explains reward omission leadership', Australian Journal of Management,
,2024, 'Managing the innovation process of small and medium-sized enterprises: The important roles of reflecting and employee involvement', Australian Journal of Management,
,2024, 'When Feeling Positive Is Being “In the Zone”: How Challenge Optimality Causes Changes in Positive Affect and Flow', Cyberpsychology, 18,
,2023, 'The Effects of Leadership Levels and Gender on Leader Well-Being', Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 28, pp. 325 - 342,
,2022, 'Proposing a Measurement Model of REBT and Applying It to the Assessment of Well-Being and Happiness in Patients with Tension-Type Headaches', Journal of Rational - Emotive and Cognitive - Behavior Therapy, 40, pp. 406 - 424,
,2022, 'Transformational and narcissist leaders: Their different behaviors in different contexts', Personality and Individual Differences, 191,
,2021, 'What have the Romans done for us? Pliny “The Younger's” imperial virtues and their convergent validity with contemporary models of personality', Personality and Individual Differences, 178,
,2020, 'Disinhibition predicts both psychopathy and entrepreneurial intentions', Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 14,
,2020, 'Enablers of evidence-based management: Clues from the absorptive capacity literature', Australian Journal of Management, 45, pp. 468 - 487,
,2020, 'Transformational leadership and gravitas: 2000 years of no development?', Personality and Individual Differences, 156,
,2020, 'Beyond an ‘informed opinion’: evidence-based practice in the built environment', Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 16, pp. 23 - 40,
,2020, 'How rationality predicts individual perception of safety climate: An application of the hybrid model of learning in personality', Psikohumaniora, 5, pp. 45 - 56,
,2019, 'How to establish legitimate organizational goal targets', Organizational Dynamics, 48,
,2019, 'A multi-level super meta-theory of personality meta-theories: Why behavior is not always associated with reproductive success', Personality and Individual Differences, 146, pp. 149 - 157,
,2019, 'On Establishing Legitimate Goals and Their Performance Impact', Journal of Business Ethics, 157, pp. 731 - 751,
,2019, 'Formu-mentation: Formulating an implementable strategy', Organizational Dynamics,
,2018, 'Can Deficits in Emotional Intelligence Explain the Negative Relationship Between Abandonment Schema and Marital Quality?', Family Relations, 67, pp. 510 - 522,
,2018, 'Are survivalists malevolent?', Personality and Individual Differences, 129, pp. 104 - 107,
,2018, 'Factor structure and measurement invariance across groups of the Italian Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Short form (EPP-S)', Personality and Individual Differences, 123, pp. 76 - 80,
,2018, 'Innovative behaviour: How much transformational leadership do you need?', British Journal of Management, 29, pp. 796 - 816,
,2017, 'A comparison of revised reinforcement sensitivity theory with other contemporary personality models', Personality and Individual Differences, 109, pp. 232 - 236,
,2017, 'Deviant behavior in constrained environments: Sensation-Seeking predicts workplace deviance in shallow learners', Personality and Individual Differences, 108, pp. 20 - 25,
,2017, 'Moral Emotions and Corporate Psychopathy: A Review', Journal of Business Ethics, 141, pp. 797 - 810,
,2017, 'Examining the validity of the revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory scales', Personality and Individual Differences, 106, pp. 90 - 94,
,2017, 'Integrating the context-appropriate balanced attention model and reinforcement sensitivity theory: Towards a domain-general personality process model', Psychological Bulletin, 143, pp. 91 - 106,