Select Publications

Journal articles

Collins MD; Jackson CJ; Walker BR; O'Connor PJ; Gardiner E, 2017, 'Integrating the context-appropriate balanced attention model and reinforcement sensitivity theory: Towards a domain-general personality process model', Psychological Bulletin, 143, pp. 91 - 106,

Mustika MD; Jackson CJ, 2016, 'How nurses who are sensation seekers justify their unsafe behaviors', Personality and Individual Differences, 100, pp. 79 - 84,

Jackson SS; Fung MC; Moore MAC; Jackson CJ, 2016, 'Personality and Workaholism', Personality and Individual Differences, 95, pp. 114 - 120,

Jonason PK; Jackson CJ, 2016, 'The Dark Triad traits through the lens of Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory', Personality and Individual Differences, 90, pp. 273 - 277,

Ciarrochi J; Parker P; Sahdra B; Marshall S; Jackson C; Gloster AT; Heaven P, 2016, 'The development of compulsive internet use and mental health: A four-year study of adolescence', Developmental Psychology, 52, pp. 272 - 283,

Walker BR; Collins MD; Gardiner E; O’Connor PJ; Jackson CJ, 2016, 'How Process Models of Personality Based on Revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory Suggest a Way to Organize Personality Structure', Personality and Individual Differences, 101, pp. 524 - 525,

Gardiner E; Jackson CJ, 2015, 'Personality and learning processes underlying maverickism', Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30, pp. 726 - 740,

Marshall SL; Parker PD; Ciarrochi J; Sahdra B; Jackson CJ; Heaven PCL, 2015, 'Reprint of "Self-compassion protects against the negative effects of low self-esteem: A longitudinal study in a large adolescent sample"', Personality and Individual Differences, 81, pp. 201 - 206,

Gardiner E; Jackson CJ; Loxton NJ, 2015, 'Left Hemispheric Lateral Preference and High Neuroticism Predict Disinhibition in Two Go/No-Go Experiments', Journal of Personality, 83, pp. 84 - 96,

Marshall SL; Parker PD; Ciarrochi J; Sahdra B; Jackson CJ; Heaven PCL, 2015, 'Self-compassion protects against the negative effects of low self-esteem: A longitudinal study in a large adolescent sample', Personality and Individual Differences, 74, pp. 116 - 121,

Collins MD; Jackson CJ, 2015, 'A process model of self-regulation and leadership: How attentional resource capacity and negative emotions influence constructive and destructive leadership', Leadership Quarterly, 26, pp. 386 - 401,

Cheng DC-M; Jackson CJ; Lee I, 2015, 'Does laughing at yourself help you work? Self-deprecating humor and performance', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015, pp. 13992 - 13992,

Walker BR; Jackson CJ, 2014, 'How the five factor model and revised reinforcement sensitivity theory predict divergent thinking', Personality and Individual Differences, 57, pp. 54 - 58,

Jonason PK; Wee S; Li NP; Jackson C, 2014, 'Occupational niches and the Dark Triad traits', Personality and Individual Differences, 69, pp. 119 - 123,

Jackson CJ; Loxton NJ; Harnett P; Ciarrochi J; Gullo MJ, 2014, 'Original and revised reinforcement sensitivity theory in the prediction of executive functioning: A test of relationships between dual systems', Personality and Individual Differences, 56, pp. 83 - 88,

Walker BR; Jackson CJ, 2013, 'Managerial Implications for the Impact of Revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory on Creativity', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013, pp. 17562 - 17562,

Gardiner E; Jackson CJ, 2012, 'Workplace mavericks: How personality and risk-taking propensity predicts maverickism', British Journal of Psychology, 103, pp. 497 - 519,

Izadikhah Z; Jackson CJ; Ireland M, 2012, 'The Effect of Context on Performance Approach Goal Orientation.', American Journal of Psychology, 125, pp. 193 - 207

Jackson CJ, 2011, 'How Sensation Seeking provides a common basis for functional and dysfunctional outcomes', Journal of Research in Personality, 45, pp. 29 - 36,

Izadikhah Z; Jackson CJ, 2011, 'Investigating the Moderating Effect of Rewarding Climate on Mastery Approach Orientation in the Prediction of Work Performance', British Journal of Psychology, 102, pp. 204 - 222,

Gullo M; Ward E; Dawe S; Powell JH; Jackson CJ, 2011, 'Support for a two-factor model of impulsivity and hazardous substance use in British and Australian young adults', Journal of Research in Personality, 45, pp. 10 - 18,

Jackson CJ; Gullo M; Dawe S; Kambouropoulos N; Staiger P, 2010, 'Alcohol expectancies and drinking refusal self-efficacy mediate the association of impulsivity with alcohol misuse', Alcoholism : Clinical and Experimental Research, 34, pp. 1386 - 1399

Jackson CJ; Izadikhah Z; Loxton E, 2010, 'An integrative approach to personality: Behavioural Approach System, mastery approach orientation and environmental cues in the prediction of work performance', Personality and Individual Differences, 48, pp. 590 - 595

O Connor P; Jackson CJ, 2010, 'Applying a Psychobiological Model of Personality to the Study of Leadership.', Journal of Individual Differences, 3, pp. 185 - 197,

Gardiner E; Jackson CJ, 2010, 'Eye color predicts disagreeableness in North Europeans: Support in favor of Frost (2006).', Current Psychology, 29, pp. 1 - 9

Izadikhah Z; Jackson CJ; Loxton E, 2010, 'How the behavioral Approach System Predicts Everyday Life Outcomes.', American Journal of Psychology, 123, pp. 353 - 365

Gullo M; Jackson CJ; Dawe S, 2010, 'Impulsivity and reversal learning in hazardous alcohol use.', Personality and Individual Differences, 48, pp. 123 - 127,

, 2009, 'ABSTRACTS—POSTERS', Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 33,

Jackson CJ; Hobman EV; Martin R; Jimmieson N, 2009, 'Comparing Different Approach and Avoidance Models of Learning and Personality in the Prediction of Work, University and Leadership Outcomes', British Journal of Psychology, 100, pp. 283 - 312

Gullo M; Jackson CJ; Dawe S, 2009, 'Impulsivity and reversal learning in hazardous alcohol use.', Personality and Individual Differences, 48, pp. 123 - 127

Jackson CJ, 2009, 'Jackson-5 scales of revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (r-RST) and their application to dysfunctional real world outcomes', Journal of Research in Personality, 43, pp. 556 - 569

Jackson CJ; Baguma P; Furnham A, 2009, 'Predicting grade point average from the hybrid model of learning in personality', Educational Psychology, 29, pp. 747 - 760,

Jackson CJ; Cooper A; Smillie L, 2008, 'A trait conceptualization of reward-reactivity: psychometric properties of the appetitive motivation scale (AMS)', Journal of Individual Differences, 29, pp. 168 - 180

Jackson CJ; Smillie L, 2008, 'How introspections concerning clogninger`s concept of temperament and character influence eysenckian personality structure', Current Psychology, 27, pp. 257 - 276

Jackson CJ; O Connor P, 2008, 'Learning to be saints or sinners: the indirect pathway from sensation seeking to behaviour through mastery orientation', Journal of Personality, 76, pp. 733 - 752

Jackson CJ, 2008, 'Prediction of hemispheric asymmetry as measured by handedness from digit length and 2D : 4D digit ratio', Laterality, 13, pp. 34 - 50,

Jackson CJ; Holden R; McNeill P; Helmes E, 2008, 'The construct of alexithymia: associations with defense mechanism', Journal of Clinical Psychology, 64, pp. 318 - 331

Jackson CJ; O Connor P, 2008, 'The factor structure and validity of the learning styles profiler (LSP)', European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 24, pp. 117 - 123

Jackson CJ, 2008, 'When avoidance leads to approach: How ear preference interacts with neuroticism to predict disinhibited approach', Laterality, 13, pp. 333 - 373,

Smillie L; Dalgleish L; Jackson CJ, 2007, 'Distinguishing between learning and motivation in behavioral tests of the reinforcement sensitivity theory of personality', Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, pp. 476 - 489,

Bernard M; Jackson C; Jones C, 2006, 'Written emotional disclosure following first-episode psychosis: Effects on symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder', British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45, pp. 403 - 415,

Smillie L; Yeo G; Furnham A; Jackson CJ, 2006, 'Benefits of All Work and No Play: The Relationship between Neuroticism and Performance as a Function of Resource Allocation', Journal of Applied Psychology, pp. 139 - 155

Smillie L; Jackson CJ; Dalgleish L, 2006, 'Conceptual distinctions among Carver and White’s (1994) BAS scales: A reward-reactivity versus trait impulsivity perspective', Personality and Individual Differences, 40, pp. 1039 - 1050

Smillie L; Jackson CJ, 2006, 'Functional Impulsivity and Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory', Journal of Personality, 74, pp. 47 - 83,

Smillie L; Pickering A; Jackson CJ, 2006, 'The new RST: Recent revisions to Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory, and implications for psychometric measurement', Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10, pp. 320 - 335,

Jackson CJ, 2005, 'How preferred ear for listening moderates emotional cognitions in the prediction of personality', Laterality, 10, pp. 305 - 320,

Mcalistair A; Pachana N; Jackson CJ, 2005, 'Predictors of Young Dating Adults’ Inclination to Engage in Extradyadic Sexual Activities: A Multi-Perspective Study', British Journal of Psychology, 96, pp. 331 - 350

Smillie L; Jackson CJ, 2005, 'The appetitive motivation scale and other BAS measures in the prediction of approach and active-avoidance', Personality and Individual Differences, 38, pp. 981 - 994

Levine S; Petrides K; Davis S; Jackson CJ; Howell P, 2005, 'The Use of Structural Equation Modeling in Stuttering Research: Concepts and Directions', Stammering Research, 1, pp. 344 - 363,

Levine SZ; Jackson CJ, 2004, 'Eysenck's theory of crime revisited: Factors or primary scales?', Legal and Criminological Psychology, 9, pp. 135 - 152,

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