Select Publications

Journal articles

Wu C-Y; El-Omar EM; Tseng C-H; Lin J-T; Ho HJ, 2018, 'Su1957 - Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Confers Beneficial Metabolic Effects of Diet and Exercise on Diet-Induced Obese Mice', Gastroenterology, 154, pp. S - 646,

Rugge M; Genta RM; Di Mario F; El-Omar EM; El-Serag HB; Fassan M; Hunt RH; Kuipers EJ; Malfertheiner P; Sugano K; Graham DY, 2017, 'Gastric Cancer as Preventable Disease', Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 15, pp. 1833 - 1843,

Kuo YT; Liou JM; El-Omar EM; Wu JY; Leow AHR; Goh KL; Das R; Lu H; Lin JT; Tu YK; Yamaoka Y; Wu MS, 2017, 'Primary antibiotic resistance in Helicobacter pylori in the Asia-Pacific region: a systematic review and meta-analysis', The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2, pp. 707 - 715,


Malfertheiner P; Megraud F; O'Morain CA; Gisbert JP; Kuipers EJ; Axon AT; Bazzoli F; Gasbarrini A; Atherton J; Graham DY; Hunt R; Moayyedi P; Rokkas T; Rugge M; Selgrad M; Suerbaum S; Sugano K; El-Omar EM; Agreus L; Andersen LP; Atherton J; Axon A; Bazzoli F; Coelho L; Delchier JC; Di Mario F; Dinis-Ribeiro M; El-Omar E; Fischbach W; Flahou B; Fock KM; Gasbarrini A; Gasbarrini G; Gensini G; Gisbert J; Goh KL; Graham DY; Herrero R; Hunt R; Kuipers EJ; Kupcinskas L; Lanas A; Leja M; Machado JC; Mahachai V; Malfertheiner P; Megraud F; Milosavljevic T; Moayyedi P; Molina-Infante J; Niv Y; O'Morain C; Ristimaki A; Rokkas T; Rugge M; Selgrad M; Suerbaum S; Sugano K; Tepes B; Vaira D; Vieth M; You W, 2017, 'Management of helicobacter pylori infection-the Maastricht V/Florence consensus report', Gut, 66, pp. 6 - 30,

Watt E; Gemmell MR; Berry S; Glaire M; Farquharson F; Louis P; Murray GI; El-Omar E; Hold GL, 2016, 'Extending colonic mucosal microbiome analysis-assessment of colonic lavage as a proxy for endoscopic colonic biopsies', Microbiome, 4, pp. 61,

Liou JM; Fang YJ; Chen CC; Bair MJ; Chang CY; Lee YC; Chen MJ; Chen CC; Tseng CH; Hsu YC; Lee JY; Yang TH; Luo JC; Chang CC; Chen CY; Chen PY; Shun CT; Hsu WF; Hu WH; Chen YN; Sheu BS; Lin JT; Wu JY; El-Omar EM; Wu MS, 2016, 'Concomitant, bismuth quadruple, and 14-day triple therapy in the first-line treatment of Helicobacter pylori: a multicentre, open-label, randomised trial', The Lancet, 388, pp. 2355 - 2365,

Mukhopadhya I; Murray GI; Duncan L; Yuecel R; Shattock R; Kelly C; Iannelli F; Pozzi G; El-Omar EM; Hold GL; Hijazi K, 2016, 'Transporters for antiretroviral drugs in colorectal CD4+ T cells and circulating α4β7 integrin CD4+ T cells: Implications for HIV microbicides', Molecular Pharmaceutics, 13, pp. 3334 - 3340,

Omary MB; Cohen DE; El-Omar EM; Jalan R; Low MJ; Nathanson MH; Peek RM; Turner JR, 2016, 'Not All Mice Are the Same: Standardization of Animal Research Data Presentation', Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2, pp. 391 - 393,

Omary MB; Cohen DE; El-Omar EM; Jalan R; Low MJ; Nathanson MH; Peek RM; Turner JR, 2016, 'Not all mice are the same: Standardization of animal research data presentation', Hepatology, 63, pp. 1752 - 1754,

Omary MB; Cohen DE; El-Omar EM; Jalan R; Low MJ; Nathanson MH; Peek RM; Turner JR, 2016, 'Not All Mice Are the Same: Standardization of Animal Research Data Presentation', Gastroenterology, 150, pp. 1503 - 1504,

Omary MB; Cohen DE; El-Omar E; Jalan R; Low M; Nathanson M; Peek R; Turner J, 2016, 'Not all mice are the same: Standardization of animal research data presentation', Gut, 65, pp. 894 - 895,

Omary MB; Cohen DE; El-Omar EM; Jalan R; Low MJ; Nathanson MH; Peek RM; Turner JR, 2016, 'Not all mice are the same: Standardization of animal research data presentation References', Journal of Hepatology, 64, pp. 1203 - 1205,

Mukhopadhya I; Murray GI; Berry S; Thomson J; Frank B; Gwozdz G; Ekeruche-Makinde J; Shattock R; Kelly C; Iannelli F; Pozzi G; El-Omar EM; Hold GL; Hijazi K, 2016, 'Drug transporter gene expression in human colorectal tissue and cell lines: Modulation with antiretrovirals for microbicide optimization', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 71, pp. 372 - 386,

Porter R; Murray R; Petty R; El-Omar EM; Hold GL; McLean MH, 2016, 'PTU-154 HMGB1 As a Prognostic Biomarker in The Progression of Barrett’s Oesophagus', Gut, 65, pp. A133.1 - A133,

Hunt RH; Camilleri M; Crowe SE; El-Omar EM; Fox JG; Kuipers EJ; Malfertheiner P; McColl KEL; Pritchard DM; Rugge M; Sonnenberg A; Sugano K; Tack J, 2015, 'The stomach in health and disease', Gut,

Sugano K; Tack J; Kuipers EJ; Graham DY; El-Omar EM; Miura S; Haruma K; Asaka M; Uemura N; Malfertheiner P; Azuma T; Bazzoli F; Chan FKL; Chen M; Chiba N; Chiba T; Vas Coelho LG; Di Mario F; Fock KM; Fukuda Y; Genta RM; Goh KL; Katelaris PH; Kato M; Kawai T; Kushima R; Mahachai V; Matsuhisa T; Miwa H; Murakami K; O'Morain CA; Rugge M; Sato K; Shimoyama T; Sugiyama T; Suzuki H; Yagi K; Wu MS; Ito M; Kim N; Furuta T; Mégraud F; Shiotani A; Kamada T, 2015, 'Kyoto global consensus report on Helicobacter pylori gastritis', Gut, 64, pp. 1353 - 1367,

Basavaraju U; Shebl FM; Palmer AJ; Berry S; Hold GL; El-Omar EM; Rabkin CS, 2015, 'Cytokine gene polymorphisms, cytokine levels and the risk of colorectal neoplasia in a screened population of Northeast Scotland', European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 24, pp. 296 - 304,

Bennett C; Moayyedi P; Corley DA; DeCaestecker J; Falck-Ytter Y; Falk G; Vakil N; Sanders S; Vieth M; Inadomi J; Aldulaimi D; Ho K-Y; Odze R; Meltzer SJ; Quigley E; Gittens S; Watson P; Zaninotto G; Iyer PG; Alexandre L; Ang Y; Callaghan J; Harrison R; Singh R; Bhandari P; Bisschops R; Geramizadeh B; Kaye P; Krishnadath S; Fennerty MB; Manner H; Nason KS; Pech O; Konda V; Ragunath K; Rahman I; Romero Y; Sampliner R; Siersema PD; Tack J; Tham TCK; Trudgill N; Weinberg DS; Wang J; Wang K; Wong JYY; Attwood S; Malfertheiner P; MacDonald D; Barr H; Ferguson MK; Jankowski J, 2015, 'BOB CAT: A Large-Scale Review and Delphi Consensus for Management of Barrett's Esophagus With No Dysplasia, Indefinite for, or Low-Grade Dysplasia', AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY, 110, pp. 662 - 682,

Mukhopadhya I; Hansen R; Meharg C; Thomson JM; Russell RK; Berry SH; El-Omar EM; Hold GL, 2015, 'The fungal microbiota of de-novo paediatric inflammatory bowel disease', Microbes and Infection, 17, pp. 304 - 310,

Omary MB; Wallace MB; El-Omar EM; Jalan R; Nathanson MH, 2015, 'A multi-journal partnership to highlight joint first-authors of manuscripts', Gastroenterology, 148, pp. 274 - 275,

Omary MB; Wallace MB; El-Omar EM; Jalan R; Nathanson MH, 2015, 'A multi-journal partnership to highlight joint first-authors of manuscripts', Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 81, pp. 437 - 438,

Omary MB; Wallace MB; El-Omar EM; Jalan R; Nathanson MH, 2015, 'A multi-journal partnership to highlight joint first-authors of manuscripts', Hepatology, 61, pp. 416 - 417,

Omary MB; Wallace MB; El-Omar EM; Jalan R; Nathanson MH, 2015, 'A multi-journal partnership to highlight joint first-authors of manuscripts', Journal of Hepatology, 62, pp. 255 - 256,

Omary MB; Wallace MB; El-Omar EM; Jalan R; Nathanson MH, 2015, 'A multi-journal partnership to highlight joint first-authors of manuscripts', Gut, 64, pp. 189,

Pachathundikandi SK; Lind J; Tegtmeyer N; El-Omar EM; Backert S, 2015, 'Interplay of the gastric pathogen helicobacter pylori with toll-like receptors', BioMed Research International, 2015, pp. 192420,

Connors J; Hansen R; Dunn KA; Langille MG; Russell RK; Otley AR; MacIntyre B; El-Omar E; Bielawski JP; Hold GL; Van Limbergen J, 2015, '169 Assessment of Community Structure and Predictive Functional Profiling of the Mucosa-Associated Microbiome Implicates Alterations in Benzoate Metabolism in ‘de novo’ IBD After Pouch-Surgery and in Treatment-Naïve Pediatric IBD', Gastroenterology, 148, pp. S - 45,

McLean MH; El-Omar EM, 2014, 'Genetics of gastric cancer', Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 11, pp. 664 - 674,

Hold GL; Berry S; Saunders KA; Drew J; Mayer C; Brookes H; Gay NJ; El-Omar EM; Bryant CE, 2014, 'The TLR4 D299G and T399I SNPs are constitutively active to up-regulate expression of Trif-dependent genes', PLoS ONE, 9, pp. e111460,

Mactier KE; Glaire MA; Basavaraju U; El-Omar EM; Hold GL, 2014, 'MicroRNAs in gastrointestinal malignancy: A tool in cancer prevention?', European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 23, pp. 540 - 549,

Adams AT; Kennedy NA; Hansen R; Ventham NT; O'Leary KR; Drummond HE; Noble CL; El-Omar E; Russell RK; Wilson DC; Nimmo ER; Hold GL; Satsangi J, 2014, 'Two-stage genome-wide methylation profiling in childhood-onset Crohn's disease implicates epigenetic alterations at the VMP1/MIR21 and HLA loci', Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 20, pp. 1784 - 1793,

Hold GL; Smith M; Grange C; Watt ER; El-Omar EM; Mukhopadhya I, 2014, 'Role of the gut microbiota in inflammatory bowel disease pathogenesis: What have we learnt in the past 10 years?', World Journal of Gastroenterology, 20, pp. 1192 - 1210,

Kennedy NA; Adams AT; Hansen R; Ventham NT; O'Leary KR; Drummond H; Noble CL; El-Omar E; Russell RK; Wilson DC; Nimmo ER; Hold GL; Satsangi J, 2014, 'Epigenome-wide analysis in childhood-onset Crohn's disease implicates MIR21 in pathogenesis and identifies multiple methylation-based diagnostic biomarkers', JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS, 8, pp. S19 - S19,

Folmer F; Basavaraju U; Jaspars M; Hold G; El-Omar E; Dicato M; Diederich M, 2014, 'Anticancer effects of bioactive berry compounds', Phytochemistry Reviews, 13, pp. 295 - 322,

El-Omar E; Gerbes A; Grady W; Rösch T, 2014, 'Highlights from this issue', Gut, 63,

Lochhead PJ; Mayer C-D; Hold GL; El-Omar E, 2014, '946 Genome-Wide Analysis of DNA Methylation in Low-Grade Colorectal Adenomas and Normal Colonic Mucosa', Gastroenterology, 146, pp. S - 165,

El-Omar E; Gerbes A; Grady W, 2014, 'Highlights from this issue', Gut, 63, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E; Gerbes A; Grady W; Rösch T, 2014, 'Highlights from this issue', Gut, 63, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E; Gerbes A; Grady W; Rösch T, 2014, 'Highlights from this issue', Gut, 63, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E; Gerbes A; Grady W; Rösch T, 2014, 'Highlights from this issue', Gut, 63, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E; Gerbes A; Grady W; Rösch T, 2014, 'Highlights from this issue', Gut, 63, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E; Gerbes A; Grady W; Rösch T, 2014, 'Highlights from this issue', Gut, 63, pp. i - ii,

El‐Omar EM, 2014, 'How to publish a scientific manuscript in a high‐impact journal', Advances in Digestive Medicine, 1, pp. 105 - 109,

Kostic AD; Chun E; Robertson L; Glickman JN; Gallini CA; Michaud M; Clancy TE; Chung DC; Lochhead P; Hold GL; El-Omar EM; Brenner D; Fuchs CS; Meyerson M; Garrett WS, 2013, 'Fusobacterium nucleatum Potentiates Intestinal Tumorigenesis and Modulates the Tumor-Immune Microenvironment', Cell Host and Microbe, 14, pp. 207 - 215,

Faria R; Bojke L; Epstein D; Corbacho B; Sculpher M, 2013, 'Cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic fundoplication versus continued medical management for the treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease based on long-term follow-up of the REFLUX trial', BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 100, pp. 1205 - 1213,

McLean MH; Thomson AJ; Murray GI; Fyfe N; Hold GL; El-Omar EM, 2013, 'Expression of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in colorectal neoplastic progression: A marker of malignant potential?', British Journal of Cancer, 108, pp. 2537 - 2541,

Grant AM; Boachie C; Cotton SC; Faria R; Bojke L; Epstein DM; Ramsay CR; Corbacho B; Sculpher M; Krukowski ZH; Heading RC; Campbell MK, 2013, 'Clinical and economic evaluation of laparoscopic surgery compared with medical management for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: 5-year follow-up of multicentre randomised trial (the REFLUX trial)', HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT, 17, pp. 1 - +,

El-Omar EM, 2013, 'Helicobacter pylori susceptibility in the GWAS era', JAMA, 309, pp. 1939 - 1940,

Grant AM; Cotton SC; Boachie C; Ramsay CR; Krukowski ZH; Heading RC; Campbell MK, 2013, 'Minimal access surgery compared with medical management for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: five year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial (REFLUX)', BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 346,

El-Omar E; Grady W; Gerbes A, 2013, 'Highlights from this issue', Gut, 62,

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