Select Publications

Journal articles

El-Omar E; Gerbes A; Grady W, 2011, 'Highlights from this issue', Gut, 60, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E; Gerbes A; Grady W, 2011, 'Highlights from this issue', Gut, 60, pp. i - ii,

Mukhopadhya I; Thomson JM; Hansen R; Berry SH; El-Omar EM; Hold GL, 2011, 'Detection of Campylobacter concisus and other campylobacter species in colonic biopsies from adults with ulcerative colitis', PLoS ONE, 6, pp. e21490,

El-Omar E; Gerbes A; Grady W, 2011, 'Highlights from this issue', Gut, 60, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E; Gerbes A; Grady W, 2011, 'Highlights from this issue', Gut, 60, pp. i - ii,

Persson C; Canedo P; MacHado J; El-Omar E; Forman D, 2011, 'Erratum: Polymorphisms in inflammatory response genes and their association with gastric cancer: A huge systematic review and meta-analyses (American Journal of Epidemiology (2011) 173:3 (259-270))', American Journal of Epidemiology, 173, pp. 846,

El-Omar E; Grady W; Gerbes A, 2011, 'Highlights from this issue', Gut, 60, pp. i - ii,

Ishikawa D; Ando T; Watanabe O; Ishiguro K; Maeda O; Miyake N; Nakamura M; Miyahara R; Ohmiya N; Hirooka Y; El-Omar EM; Goto H, 2011, 'Images of colonic real-time tissue sonoelastography correlate with those of colonoscopy and may predict response to therapy in patients with ulcerative colitis', BMC Gastroenterology, 11, pp. 29,

Thomson JM; Hansen R; Berry SH; Hope ME; Murray GI; Mukhopadhya I; McLean MH; Shen Z; Fox JG; El-Omar E; Hold GL, 2011, 'Enterohepatic Helicobacter in ulcerative colitis: Potential pathogenic entities?', PLoS ONE, 6, pp. e17184,

El-Omar E; Grady W; Gerbes A, 2011, 'Digest', Gut, 60, pp. i - ii,

Hansen R; Thomson JM; Fox JG; El-Omar EM; Hold GL, 2011, 'Could Helicobacter organisms cause inflammatory bowel disease?', FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 61, pp. 1 - 14,

El-Omar E; Vermeire S; Gerbes A, 2011, 'Digest', Gut, 60, pp. 1 - 2,

Persson C; Canedo P; MacHado JC; El-Omar EM; Forman D, 2011, 'Polymorphisms in inflammatory response genes and their association with gastric cancer: A HuGE systematic review and meta-analyses', American Journal of Epidemiology, 173, pp. 259 - 270,

McLean MH; Murray GI; Stewart KN; Norrie G; Mayer C; Hold GL; Thomson J; Fyfe N; Hope M; Mowat NAG; Drew JE; El-Omar EM, 2011, 'The inflammatory microenvironment in colorectal Neoplasia', PLoS ONE, 6, pp. e15366,

Chang CY; Cook MB; Lee YC; Lin JT; Ando T; Bhatia S; Chow WH; El-Omar EM; Goto H; Li YQ; McColl K; Reddy N; Rhee PL; Sharma P; Sung JJY; Ghoshal U; Wong JYY; Wu JCY; Zhang J; Ho KY, 2011, 'Current status of Barrett's esophagus research in Asia', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Australia), 26, pp. 240 - 246,

El-Omar E; Vermeire S; Gerbes A, 2011, 'Digest', Gut, 60, pp. i - ii,

Lochhead P; Frank B; Hold GL; Rabkin CS; Ng MTH; Vaughan TL; Risch HA; Gammon MD; Lissowska J; Weck MN; Raum E; Mller H; Illig T; Klopp N; Dawson A; McColl KE; Brenner H; Chow W; Elomar EM, 2011, 'Genetic variation in the prostate stem cell antigen gene and upper gastrointestinal cancer in white individuals', Gastroenterology, 140, pp. 435 - 441,

McLean MH; El-Omar EM, 2011, 'Genetics of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and how it can cause cancer.', Recent results in cancer research. Fortschritte der Krebsforschung. Progrès dans les recherches sur le cancer, 185, pp. 173 - 183,

Lochhead P; Ng MTH; Hold GL; Rabkin CS; Vaughan TL; Gammon MD; Risch HA; Lissowska J; Mukhopadhya I; Chow WH; El-Omar EM, 2011, 'Possible association between a genetic polymorphism at 8q24 and risk of upper gastrointestinal cancer', European Journal of Cancer Prevention, 20, pp. 54 - 57,

Hansen R; Reiff C; Russell RK; Bisset WM; Berry SH; Mukhopadhya I; Thomson JM; El-Omar E; Hold GL, 2011, 'Bacterial Diversity of the Colonic Microbiota in De-Novo Extensive Paediatric Ulcerative Colitis by Next-Generation Sequencing', Gastroenterology, 140, pp. S - 196,

Goddard M; Hansen R; Karcher AM; Munro MJ; Berry SH; Stevenson MH; El-Omar E; Hold GL, 2011, 'Bilirubin Has Anti-Bacterial Properties Against Gram-Positive Bacteria: A Potential Benefit of Physiological Jaundice?', Gastroenterology, 140, pp. S - 941,

Mukhopadhya I; Thomson JM; Hansen R; Berry SH; El-Omar E; Hold GL, 2011, 'Detection of Campylobacter Concisus in Colonic Biopsies From Adult Patients With Ulcerative Colitis', Gastroenterology, 140, pp. S - 268,

Lochhead P; El-Omar E, 2011, 'Gastric Tumors: an overview', Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology,

Hansen R; Mukhopadhya I; Russell RK; Bisset WM; Berry SH; Thomson JM; El-Omar E; Hold GL, 2011, 'The Role of the Microaerophilic Colonic Microbiota in De-Novo Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease', Gastroenterology, 140, pp. S - 512,

El-Omar E; Vermeire S; Gerbes A, 2010, 'Digest', Gut, 59, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E; Vermeire S; Gerbes A, 2010, 'Digest', Gut, 59, pp. i - ii,

Hansen R; Cameron FL; Hold GL; El-Omar EM; Russell RK, 2010, 'Inflammatory bowel disease', Paediatrics and Child Health, 20, pp. 473 - 478,

Lee YC; Cook MB; Bhatia S; Chow WH; El-Omar EM; Goto H; Lin JT; Li YQ; Rhee PL; Sharma P; Sung JJY; Wong JYY; Wu JCY; Ho KY, 2010, 'Interobserver reliability in the endoscopic diagnosis and grading of Barrett's esophagus: An Asian multinational study', Endoscopy, 42, pp. 699 - 704,

El-Omar E; Vermeire S; Gerbes A, 2010, 'Digest', Gut, 59, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E; Vermeire S; Gerbes A, 2010, 'Digest', Gut, 59, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E; Vermeire S; Gerbes A, 2010, 'Digest', Gut, 59, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E; Vermeire S; Gerbes A, 2010, 'Digest', Gut, 59, pp. i - ii,

Demaria S; Pikarsky E; Karin M; Coussens LM; Chen YC; El-Omar EM; Trinchieri G; Dubinett SM; Mao JT; Szabo E; Krieg A; Weiner GJ; Fox BA; Coukos G; Wang E; Abraham RT; Carbone M; Lotze MT, 2010, 'Cancer and inflammation: Promise for biologic therapy', Journal of Immunotherapy, 33, pp. 335 - 351,

El-Omar E; Vermeire S; Gerbes A, 2010, 'Digest', Gut, 59, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E; Vermeire S; Gerbes A, 2010, 'Digest', Gut, 59, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E; Vermeire S; Gerbes A, 2010, 'Digest', Gut, 59, pp. i - ii,

El-Omar E, 2010, 'Gut's golden anniversary and a new Editor-in-Chief', Gut, 59, pp. 281,

Ng MTH; Van't Hof R; Crockett JC; Hope ME; Berry S; Thomson J; McLean MH; McColl KEL; El-Omar EM; Hold GL, 2010, 'Increase in NF-κB binding affinity of the variant C allele of the toll-like receptor 9 -1237T/C polymorphism is associated with Helicobacter pylori-induced gastric disease', Infection and Immunity, 78, pp. 1345 - 1352,

Hansen R; Thomson JM; El-Omar EM; Hold GL, 2010, 'The role of infection in the aetiology of inflammatory bowel disease', Journal of Gastroenterology, 45, pp. 266 - 276,

Johnston RD; Chang C; Singh RK; Austin A, 2010, 'A case of idiopathic portal vein thrombosis?', GUT, 59, pp. 111 - +,

McLean MH; El-Omar EM, 2010, 'Esophageal Cancers and Helicobacter pylori: Do Host Genes Matter?', Gastroenterology, 139, pp. 17 - 19,

So JCC; Hwang Y-Y; Shek W-H; Lam CCK; Lai C-L; Kwong Y-L, 2010, 'Transfusion-refractory anaemia in liver cirrhosis', GUT, 59, pp. 5 - +,

El-Omar E; Vermeire S; Gerbes A, 2010, 'Digest', Gut, 59, pp. i - ii,

FitzGerald MP; Wehmeier S; Gangloff M; Gay N; Berry SH; Ferguson GP; El-Omar E; Hold GL, 2010, 'S1640 Can Helicobacter pylori Lipopolysaccharide Lipid a Composition Affect Its Ability to Induce an Inflammatory Response Through Toll Like Receptor 4', Gastroenterology, 138, pp. S - 244,

Saunders KA; Crockett JC; Berry SH; El-Omar E; Hold GL, 2010, 'S1641 Impact of the TLR4 Asp299Gly Polymorphism on Induction of the Inflammatory Response Following H. pylori Infection', Gastroenterology, 138, pp. S - 244,

Ng MT; Rabkin CS; Lochhead P; Lissowska J; Vaughan TL; Gammon M; Risch H; Chow W-H; Hold GL; El-Omar E, 2010, 'T2009 Assessment of Novel Genetic Polymorphisms and Risk of Upper Gastrointestinal Carcinoma', Gastroenterology, 138, pp. S - 612,

Basavaraju U; Shebl FM; Palmer AJ; Hold GL; Rabkin CS; El-Omar E, 2010, 'T2012 Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms, Cytokine Levels and Risk of Colorectal Neoplasia in the Screened Population of Northeast Scotland', Gastroenterology, 138, pp. S - 613,

El-Sakka NE; Hold GL; El-Omar E, 2010, 'W1738 Role of TLR4 in Carcinogenesis and Tumor Progression of Colorectal Cancer', Gastroenterology, 138, pp. S - 730,

Hold GL; Untiveros P; Saunders KA; El-Omar EM, 2009, 'Role of host genetics in fibrosis', Fibrogenesis and Tissue Repair, 2, pp. 6,

Hansen R; Hold GL; Berry SH; El Sakka NE; Thomson J; Bisset WM; Mahdi G; Murray GI; Helms PJ; El-Omar E, 2009, 'Are non-Pylori Helicobacter Organisms Associated with Paediatric Ulcerative Colitis? A Retrospective Observational Study', SCOTTISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 54, pp. 54 - 55,

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