Select Publications

Journal articles

Susino M; Schubert E, 2017, 'Cross-cultural anger communication in music: Towards a stereotype theory of emotion in music', Musicae Scientiae, 21, pp. 60 - 74,

Garrido S; Schubert E; Bangert D, 2016, 'Musical prescriptions for mood improvement: An experimental study', Arts in Psychotherapy, 51, pp. 46 - 53,

Hall SE; Schubert E; Wilson SJ, 2016, 'The role of trait and state absorption in the enjoyment of music', PLoS ONE, 11, pp. e0164029,

Schubert E, 2016, 'Does recall of a past music event invoke a reminiscence bump in young adults?', Memory, 24, pp. 1007 - 1014,

Schubert E, 2016, 'Enjoying sad music: Paradox or parallel processes?', Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10,

Schubert E; De Graaff D, 2016, 'Pitch Error Coding the Sight Read, Practice, and Performance of an Elite Oboist', Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 34, pp. 132 - 151,

Schubert E; North AC; Hargreaves DJ, 2016, 'Aesthetic Experience Explained by the Affect-Space Framework', Empirical Musicology Review, 11, pp. 330 - 345,

Schubert E; Wolfe J, 2016, 'Voicelikeness of musical instruments: A literature review of acoustical, psychological and expressiveness perspectives', Musicae Scientiae, 20, pp. 248 - 262,

Bangert D; Schubert E; Fabian D, 2015, 'Practice thoughts and performance action: Observing processes of musical decision-making', Music Performance Research, 7, pp. 27 - 46,

Garrido S; Schubert E, 2015, 'Music and people with tendencies to depression', Music Perception, 32, pp. 313 - 321,

Garrido S; Schubert E, 2015, 'Moody melodies: Do they cheer us up? A study of the effect of sad music on mood', Psychology of Music, 43, pp. 244 - 261,

Johnson-Read L; Chmiel A; Schubert E; Wolfe J, 2015, 'Performing Lieder: Expert Perspectives and Comparison of Vibrato and Singer's Formant With Opera Singers', Journal of Voice,

Johnson-Read L; Chmiel A; Schubert E; Wolfe J, 2015, 'Performing Lieder: Expert Perspectives and Comparison of Vibrato and Singer's Formant With Opera Singers', Journal of Voice, 29, pp. 645.e15 - 645.e32,

De Poli G; Canazza S; Rodà A; Schubert E, 2014, 'The role of individual difference in judging expressiveness of computer-assisted music performances by experts', ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 11,

Schubert E; Wolfe J, 2014, 'The rise of fixed pitch systems and the slide of continuous pitch: A note for emotion in music research about portamento', journal of interdisciplinary music studies,

Waters S; Schubert E, 2014, 'Facilitators and impediments for elective music and sport in adolescent males', SAGE Open, 4,

Bangert D; Schubert E; Fabian D, 2014, 'A spiral model of musical decision-making', Frontiers in Psychology, 5, pp. 1 - 11,

Schubert E; Hargreaves DJ; North AC, 2014, 'A dynamically minimalist cognitive explanation of musical preference: Is familiarity everything?', Frontiers in Psychology, 5,

Bangert D; Fabian D; Schubert E; Yeadon D, 2014, 'Performing solo Bach: A case study of musical decision-making', Musicae Scientiae, 18, pp. 35 - 52,

Atkins P; Schubert E, 2014, 'Are spiritual experiences through music seen as intrinsic or extrinsic?', Religions, 5, pp. 76 - 89,

Schubert E; Marozeau J; Stevens CJ; Innes-Brown H, 2014, ''Like Pots and Pans Falling Down the Stairs'. Experience of Music Composed for Listeners with Cochlear Implants in a Live Concert Setting', Journal of New Music Research, 43, pp. 237 - 249,

Ferguson S; Schubert E; Stevens CJ, 2014, 'Dynamic dance warping: Using dynamic time warping to compare dance movement performed under different conditions', ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 94 - 99,

Ferguson S; Schubert E; Lee D; Cabrera D; McPherson GE, 2013, 'A comparison between continuous categorical emotion responses and stimulus loudness parameters', IISA 2013 - 4th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications, pp. 112 - 117,

Schubert E, 2013, 'Emotion felt by the listener and expressed by the music: Literature review and theoretical perspectives', Frontiers in Psychology, 4,

Hargreaves DJ; North AC; Schubert E, 2013, 'Comment on review article by Patrik Juslin: "From everyday emotions to aesthetic emotions: Towards a unified theory of musical emotions"', Physics of Life Reviews, 10, pp. 269 - 270,

Wilhelm K; Gillis I; Schubert E; Whittle EL, 2013, 'On a Blue Note: Depressed Peoples' Reasons for Listening to Music', Music and Medicine, 5, pp. 76 - 83,

Garrido S; Schubert E, 2013, 'Adaptive and maladaptive attraction to negative emotions in music', Musicae Scientiae, 17, pp. 147 - 166,

Schubert E; Vincs K; Stevens C, 2013, 'Identifying regions of good agreement among responders in engagement with a piece of live dance', Empirical Studies of the Arts, 31, pp. 1 - 20,

Schubert E, 2013, 'Reliability issues regarding the beginning, middle and end of continuous emotion ratings to music', Psychology of Music, 41, pp. 350 - 371,

Schubert E, 2013, 'Emotion in popular music: A psychological perspective', Volume !, 10,

Keller P; Schubert E, 2011, 'Cognitive and Affective Judgements of Syncopated Musical Themes', Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 7, pp. 142 - 156,

de Graaff DLE; Schubert E, 2011, 'Analysing playing using the note-time playing path', Behavior Research Methods, 43, pp. 278 - 291,

Ferguson S; Cabrera D; Schubert E, 2010, 'Comparing continuous subjective loudness responses and computational models of loudness for temporally varying sounds', 129th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2010, 2, pp. 857 - 864

Fabian D; Schubert E; Pulley R, 2010, 'A baroque traumerei: The performance and perception of two violin renditions', Musicology Australia, 32, pp. 27 - 44,

Burgess M; Schubert E; Smith J; Wolfe J, 2010, 'Acoustics Australia: From the editors', Acoustics Australia, 38, pp. 5

Burgess M; Schubert E; Smith J; Wolfe J, 2010, 'Untitled', ACOUSTICS AUSTRALIA, 38, pp. 5 - 5,

Wolfe JA; Schubert E, 2010, 'Did non-vocal instrument characteristics influence modern singing?', Musica Humana, 2, pp. 121 - 138,

Schubert E, 2010, 'The fundamental function of music', Musicae Scientiae, 13, pp. 63 - 81,

Fabian DS; Schubert E, 2009, 'Baroque expressiveness and stylishness in three recordings of the D minor Sarabanda for Solo Violin', Music Performance Research, 3, pp. 36 - 56,

Cabrera D; Ferguson S; Schubert E, 2008, 'PsySound3: An integrated environment for the analysis of sound recordings', Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, AAS'08, pp. 286 - 292

Schubert E, 2008, 'From the editors', Acoustics Australia, 36, pp. 45

Kreutz G; Schubert E; Mitchell L, 2008, 'Cognitive styles of music listening', Music Perception, 26, pp. 57 - 73

Fabian DS; Schubert E, 2008, 'Musical character and the performance and perception of dotting, articulation and tempo in 34 recordings of Variation 7 from JS Bach`s Goldberg Variations (BWV 988)', Musicae Scientiae, 12, pp. 177 - 206

Evans P; Schubert E, 2008, 'Relationships between expressed and felt emotions in music', Musicae Scientiae, 12, pp. 75 - 99,

Burgess M; Schubert E; Smith J; Wolfe J, 2007, 'From the editors', Acoustics Australia, 35, pp. 39

Burgess M; Schubert E; Smith J; Wolfe J, 2007, 'Untitled', ACOUSTICS AUSTRALIA, 35, pp. 39 - 39,

Schubert E, 2007, 'The influence of emotion, locus of emotion and familiarity upon preference in music', Psychology of Music, 35, pp. 499 - 515,

Schubert E, 2007, 'Analysis of Emotional Dimensions in Music Using Time Series Techniques', Context, 31, pp. 65 - 80

Schubert E, 2007, 'Locus of Emotion: The Effect of Task Order and Age on Emotion Perceived and Emotion Felt in Response to Music', Journal of Music Therapy, XLIV, pp. 344 - 368

Schubert E, 2007, 'The influence of emotion, locus of emotion and familiarity upon preference in music', Psychology of Music, 44, pp. 344 - 368

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