Select Publications

Book Chapters

Anseel F; Ong M, 2021, 'Reflection', in The Age of Agility, Oxford University PressNew York, pp. 259 - 281,

Anseel F; Martinescu E, 2020, 'Praise from a self-enhancement perspective', in Psychological Perspectives on Praise, Routledge, pp. 3 - 10,

Anseel F; Brutus S, 2019, 'Checking in? A dyadic and dynamic perspective on feedback conversations', in Feedback at Work, pp. 29 - 51,

Devloo T; Anseel F; De Beuckelaer A; Feys M, 2018, 'When the fire dies: Perceived success and support for innovation shape the motivating potential of innovative work behaviour', in Creativity and Innovation in Organizations, Routledge, pp. 36 - 48,

Anseel F; Strauss K; Lievens F, 2017, 'How future work selves guide feedback seeking and feedback responding at work', in The Self at Work: Fundamental Theory and Research, pp. 295 - 318,

Anseel F; Strauss K; Lievens F, 2017, 'How Future Work Selves Guide Feedback Seeking and Feedback Responding at Work', in The Self at Work, Routledge, pp. 295 - 318,

Journal articles

Anseel F; Sherf EN, 2025, 'A 25-Year Review of Research on Feedback in Organizations: From Simple Rules to Complex Realities', Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 12, pp. 19 - 43,

Doell KC; Todorova B; Vlasceanu M; Bak Coleman JB; Pronizius E; Schumann P; Azevedo F; Patel Y; Berkebile-Wineberg MM; Brick C; Lange F; Grayson SJ; Pei Y; Chakroff A; van den Broek KL; Lamm C; Vlasceanu D; Constantino SM; Rathje S; Goldwert D; Fang K; Aglioti SM; Alfano M; Alvarado-Yepez AJ; Andersen A; Anseel F; Apps MAJ; Asadli C; Awuor FJ; Basaglia P; Bélanger JJ; Berger S; Bertin P; Białek M; Bialobrzeska O; Blaya-Burgo M; Bleize DNM; Bø S; Boecker L; Boggio PS; Borau S; Bos B; Bouguettaya A; Brauer M; Brik T; Briker R; Brosch T; Buchel O; Buonauro D; Butalia R; Carvacho H; Chamberlain SAE; Chan HY; Chow D; Chung D; Cian L; Cohen-Eick N; Contreras-Huerta LS; Contu D; Cristea V; Cutler J; D’Ottone S; De keersmaecker J; Delcourt S; Delouvée S; Diel K; Douglas BD; Drupp MA; Dubey S; Ekmanis J; Elbaek CT; Elsherif M; Engelhard IM; Escher YA; Etienne TW; Farage L; Farias AR; Feuerriegel S; Findor A; Freira L; Friese M; Gains NP; Gallyamova A; Geiger SJ; Genschow O; Gjoneska B; Gkinopoulos T; Goldberg B; Goldenberg A; Gradidge S; Grassini S; Gray K; Grelle S; Griffin SM; Grigoryan L; Grigoryan A; Grigoryev D; Gruber J; Guilaran J, 2024, 'The International Climate Psychology Collaboration: Climate change-related data collected from 63 countries', Scientific Data, 11,

Edwards MR; Zubielevitch E; Okimoto T; Parker S; Anseel F, 2024, 'Managerial control or feedback provision: How perceptions of algorithmic HR systems shape employee motivation, behavior, and well-being', Human Resource Management, 63, pp. 691 - 710,

Vlasceanu M; Doell KC; Bak-Coleman JB; Todorova B; Berkebile-Weinberg MM; Grayson SJ; Patel Y; Goldwert D; Pei Y; Chakroff A; Pronizius E; van den Broek KL; Vlasceanu D; Constantino S; Morais MJ; Schumann P; Rathje S; Fang K; Aglioti SM; Alfano M; Alvarado-Yepez AJ; Andersen A; Anseel F; Apps MAJ; Asadli C; Awuor FJ; Azevedo F; Basaglia P; Bélanger JJ; Berger S; Bertin P; Białek M; Bialobrzeska O; Blaya-Burgo M; Bleize DNM; Bø S; Boecker L; Boggio PS; Borau S; Bos B; Bouguettaya A; Brauer M; Brick C; Brik T; Briker R; Brosch T; Buchel O; Buonauro D; Butalia R; Carvacho H; Chamberlain SAE; Chan HY; Chow D; Chung D; Cian L; Cohen-Eick N; Contreras-Huerta LS; Contu D; Cristea V; Cutler J; D'Ottone S; De Keersmaecker J; Delcourt S; Delouvée S; Diel K; Douglas BD; Drupp MA; Dubey S; Ekmanis J; Elbaek CT; Elsherif M; Engelhard IM; Escher YA; Etienne TW; Farage L; Farias AR; Feuerriegel S; Findor A; Freira L; Friese M; Gains NP; Gallyamova A; Geiger SJ; Genschow O; Gjoneska B; Gkinopoulos T; Goldberg B; Goldenberg A; Gradidge S; Grassini S; Gray K; Grelle S; Griffin SM; Grigoryan L; Grigoryan A; Grigoryev D; Gruber J; Guilaran J; Hadar B; Hahnel UJJ, 2024, 'Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries', Science Advances, 10,

Van Strydonck I; Decramer A; Anseel F; Audenaert M, 2024, 'Leaders’ Performance Goals and Employees’ Counterproductive Work Behavior', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2024,

Schollaert E; Mertens S; Anseel F; Kluijtmans T; Servaes M; Crucke S, 2023, 'Tackling upcoming projects: The development and efficacy of event previews an experimental study', PLoS ONE, 18,

Schaerer M; Plessis CD; Nguyen MHB; Aert RCMV; Tiokhin L; Lakens D; Clemente EG; Pfeiffer T; Dreber A; Johannesson M; Clark CJ; Uhlmann EL; Abraham AT; Adamus M; Akinci C; Alberti F; Alsharawy AM; Alzahawi S; Anseel F; Arndt F; Balkan B; Baskin E; Bearden CE; Benotsch EG; Bernritter S; Black SR; Bleidorn W; Boysen AP; Brienza JP; Brown M; Brown SEV; Brown JW; Buckley J; Buttliere B; Byrd N; Cígler H; Capitan T; Cherubini P; Chong SY; Ciftci EE; Conrad CD; Conway P; Costa E; Cox JA; Cox DJ; Cruz F; Dawson IGJ; Demiral EE; Derrick JL; Doshi S; Dunleavy DJ; Durham JD; Elbaek CT; Ellis DA; Ert E; Espinoza MP; Füllbrunn SC; Fath S; Furrer R; Fiala L; Fillon AA; Forsgren M; Fytraki AT; Galarza FB; Gandhi L; Garrison SM; Geraldes D; Ghasemi O; Gjoneska B; Gothilander J; Grühn D; Grieder M; Hafenbr¨adl S; Halkias G; Hancock R; Hantula DA; Harton HC; Hoffmann CP; Holzmeister F; Hoŕak F; Hosch AK; Imada H; Ioannidis K; Jaeger B; Janas M; Janik B; Kc RP; Keel PK; Keeley JW; Keller L; Kenrick DT; Kiely KM; Knutsson M; Kovacheva A; Kovera MB; Krivoshchekov V; Krumrei-Mancuso EJ; Kulibert D; Lacko D; Lemay EP, 2023, 'On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions', Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 179,

Benoit DD; Vanheule S; Manesse F; Anseel F; De Soete G; Goethals K; Lievrouw A; Vansteelandt S; De Haan E; Piers R, 2023, 'Coaching doctors to improve ethical decision-making in adult hospitalised patients potentially receiving excessive treatment: Study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial', PLoS ONE, 18,

Vossaert L; Anseel F; Ho V, 2023, 'Do Multiple I-Deals in a Team Help or Hinder Team Outcomes? A Resource Scarcity Perspective', Group and Organization Management, 48, pp. 156 - 191,

Mockeviciute A; El Baroudi S; Gorbatov S; Anseel F; Katz I; Qiu J; Yang RM; Luan Y; Kim Y; Rudolph CW; Kesebir SS; Cai W; Moughan C, 2023, 'Multilevel Perspective on Feedback Research: Feedback Exchange and the Role of Contextual Factors', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023,

Roegiers S; Corneillie E; Lievens F; Anseel F; Veelaert P; Philips W, 2022, 'Distinctive features of nonverbal behavior and mimicry in application interviews through data analysis and machine learning', MACHINE LEARNING WITH APPLICATIONS, 9,

Delios A; Clemente EG; Wu T; Tan H; Wang Y; Gordon M; Viganola D; Chen Z; Dreber A; Johannesson M; Pfeiffer T; Uhlmann EL; Al-Aziz AMA; Abraham AT; Trojan J; Adamkovic M; Agadullina E; Ahn J; Akinci C; Akkas H; Albrecht D; Alzahawi S; Amaral-Baptista M; Anand R; Ang KFU; Anseel F; Aruta JJBR; Ashraf M; Baker BJ; Bao X; Baskin E; Bathula H; Bauman CW; Bavolar J; Bayraktar S; Beckman SE; Benjamin AS; Brown SEV; Buckley J; Buitrago RE; Bution JL; Byrd N; Carrera C; Caruso EM; Chen M; Chen L; Cicerali EE; Cohen ED; Crede M; Cummins J; Dahlander L; Daniels DP; Daskalo LL; Dawson IGJ; Day MV; Dietl E; Domurat A; Dsilva J; Du Plessis C; Dubrov DI; Edris S; Elbaek CT; Elsherif MM; Evans TR; Fellenz MR; Fiedler S; Firat M; Freitag R; Furrer RA; Gautam R; Gautam DK; Gearin B; Gerschewski S; Ghasemi O; Ghasemi Z; Ghosh A; Giani C; Goldberg MH; Goswami M; Graf-Vlachy L; Rajeshwari H; Griffith JA; Grigoryev D; Gu J; Hadida AL; Hafenbrack AC; Hafenbrädl S; Hammersley JJ; Han H; Harman JL; Hartanto A; Henkel AP; Ho YC; Holding BC; Holzmeister F; Horobet A; Huang TST; Huang Y; Huntsinger JR; Idzikowska K, 2022, 'Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119,

Vossaert L; Anseel F; Collewaert V; Foss NJ, 2022, '‘There’s Many a Slip “Twixt the Cup and the Lip”’: HR Management Practices and Firm Performance', Journal of Management Studies, 59, pp. 660 - 694,

Rosseel J; Anseel F, 2022, 'When Reflection Hinders Creative Problem-Solving: a Test of Alternative Reflection Strategies', Journal of Business and Psychology, 37, pp. 429 - 441,

George M; Jones EB; Pratt MG; George M; Jones EB; Strauss K; Vough HC; Anseel F; Campion ED; Cardador T; Caza BB; Gordon JR; Mell J; Sluss D, 2022, 'Moving to the Next Stage: Clarifying Constructs and Integrating Theory in Identity Research', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022,

Mertens S; Schollaert E; Anseel F, 2021, 'How much feedback do employees need? A field study of absolute feedback frequency reports and performance', International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 29, pp. 326 - 335,

Vandenberghe C; Landry G; Bentein K; Anseel F; Mignonac K; Roussel P, 2021, 'A Dynamic Model of the Effects of Feedback-Seeking Behavior and Organizational Commitment on Newcomer Turnover', Journal of Management, 47, pp. 519 - 544,

Kniffin KM; Narayanan J; Anseel F; Antonakis J; Ashford SP; Bakker AB; Bamberger P; Bapuji H; Bhave DP; Choi VK; Creary SJ; Demerouti E; Flynn FJ; Gelfand MJ; Greer LL; Johns G; Kesebir S; Klein PG; Lee SY; Ozcelik H; Petriglieri JL; Rothbard NP; Rudolph CW; Shaw JD; Sirola N; Wanberg CR; Whillans A; Wilmot MP; Vugt MV, 2021, 'COVID-19 and the workplace: Implications, issues, and insights for future research and action.', American Psychologist, 76, pp. 63 - 77,

Collewaert V; Vanacker T; Anseel F; Bourgois D, 2021, 'The sandwich game: Founder-CEOs and forecasting as impression management', Journal of Business Venturing, 36,

Maertens R; Anseel F; van der Linden S, 2020, 'Combatting climate change misinformation: Evidence for longevity of inoculation and consensus messaging effects', Journal of Environmental Psychology, 70,

Van Lysebetten S; Anseel F; Sanchez DR, 2020, 'The Effects of Situation Variability in a Simulation-Based Training for Implicit Innovation Knowledge', Simulation and Gaming, 51, pp. 477 - 497,

Beech N; Anseel F, 2020, 'COVID-19 and Its Impact on Management Research and Education: Threats, Opportunities and a Manifesto', British Journal of Management, 31, pp. 447 - 449,

Sijbom RBL; Lang JWB; Anseel F, 2019, 'Leaders’ achievement goals predict employee burnout above and beyond employees’ own achievement goals', Journal of Personality, 87, pp. 702 - 714,

Anseel F, 2019, 'Reinventing ourselves', European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28, pp. 287 - 288,

Van Damme MJJPS; Anseel F; Duyck W; Rietzschel EF, 2019, 'Strategies to improve selection of creative ideas: An experimental test of epistemic and social motivation in groups', Creativity and Innovation Management, 28, pp. 61 - 71,

Anseel F; Vossaert L; Corneillie E, 2018, 'Like ships passing in the night: toward a truly dyadic perspective on feedback dynamics', Management Research, 16, pp. 334 - 342,

Castro DR; Anseel F; Kluger AN; Lloyd KJ; Turjeman-Levi Y, 2018, 'Mere listening effect on creativity and the mediating role of psychological safety', Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 12, pp. 489 - 502,

Anseel F; Van Lysebetten S; Van Es R; Rosseel J, 2018, 'Our neoliberal fantasies? A preliminary test of research trends in leading journals in work and organizational psychology', European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27, pp. 549 - 551,

Sijbom RBL; Anseel F; Crommelinck M; De Beuckelaer A; De Stobbeleir KEM, 2018, 'Why seeking feedback from diverse sources may not be sufficient for stimulating creativity: The role of performance dynamism and creative time pressure', Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, pp. 355 - 368,

Anseel F, 2017, 'Agile learning strategies for sustainable careers: a review and integrated model of feedback-seeking behavior and reflection', Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 28, pp. 51 - 57,

Rodríguez-Sánchez AM; Devloo T; Rico R; Salanova M; Anseel F, 2017, 'What Makes Creative Teams Tick? Cohesion, Engagement, and Performance Across Creativity Tasks: A Three-Wave Study', Group and Organization Management, 42, pp. 521 - 547,

Levecque K; Anseel F; De Beuckelaer A; Van der Heyden J; Gisle L, 2017, 'Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students', Research Policy, 46, pp. 868 - 879,

Collewaert V; Anseel F; Crommelinck M; De Beuckelaer A; Vermeire J, 2016, 'When Passion Fades: Disentangling the Temporal Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Passion for Founding', Journal of Management Studies, 53, pp. 966 - 995,

Devloo T; Anseel F; De Beuckelaer A; Feys M, 2016, 'When the fire dies: Perceived success and support for innovation shape the motivating potential of innovative work behaviour', European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25, pp. 512 - 524,

Stassen L; Anseel F; Levecque K, 2016, 'Generatieverschillen op de werkvloer: 'What people believe is true is frequently wrong'', Gedrag & Organisatie, 29,

Stassen L; Anseel F; Levecque K, 2016, 'Generatieverschillen op de werkvloer: een systematische analyse van een mytheDank aan de reviewers voor de zeer bruikbare suggesties en waardevolle commentaren. Dank ook aan Marjolein Feys voor het controleren en verbeteren van het manuscript.', Gedrag & Organisatie, 29,

Stassen L; Anseel F; Levecque K, 2016, 'Generational differences in the workplace: ‘what people believe is true is frequently wrong’', Gedrag en Organisatie, 29, pp. 87 - 92

Stassen L; Anseel F; Levecque K, 2016, 'Generational differences in the workplace: A systematic analysis of a myth', Gedrag en Organisatie, 29, pp. 44 - 76

Rosseel J; Carette B; Anseel F, 2016, 'Does Individual Reflection Enhance Creative Thinking?', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016, pp. 11426 - 11426,

Van Waeyenberg T; Decramer A; Anseel F, 2015, 'Home nurses' turnover intentions: The impact of informal supervisory feedback and self-efficacy', Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71, pp. 2867 - 2878,

Vergauwe J; Wille B; Feys M; De Fruyt F; Anseel F, 2015, 'Fear of Being Exposed: The Trait-Relatedness of the Impostor Phenomenon and its Relevance in the Work Context', Journal of Business and Psychology, 30, pp. 565 - 581,

Leroy H; Anseel F; Gardner WL; Sels L, 2015, 'Authentic Leadership, Authentic Followership, Basic Need Satisfaction, and Work Role Performance: A Cross-Level Study', Journal of Management, 41, pp. 1677 - 1697,

Devloo T; Anseel F; De Beuckelaer A; Salanova M, 2015, 'Keep the fire burning: Reciprocal gains of basic need satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and innovative work behaviour', European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24, pp. 491 - 504,

Poortvliet PM; Anseel F; Theuwis F, 2015, 'Mastery-approach and mastery-avoidance goals and their relation with exhaustion and engagement at work: The roles of emotional and instrumental support', Work and Stress, 29, pp. 150 - 170,

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