Select Publications


Paxinos G; Halliday G; Watson C; Kassem MS, 2020, Atlas of the Developing Mouse Brain, Academic Press

Halliday GM; Barker RA; Rowe DB, 2010, Non Dopamine Lesions in Parkinsons Disease, Oxford University Press, New York

Paxinos G; Halliday GM; Watson C; Koutcherov I; Wang H, 2007, Atlas of the Developing Mouse Brain at E17.5, P0, and P6, Academic Press, Elsevier, San Diego, California

Book Chapters

Fu YH; Tanglay O; Li H; Halliday GM, 2025, 'The Role of Alpha-Synuclein Pathology', in Neuromethods, pp. 21 - 48,

Ahmed RM; Halliday G; Hodges JR, 2021, 'Hypothalamic symptoms of frontotemporal dementia disorders', in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, pp. 269 - 280,

Jezewski RC; Halliday GM; Shepherd CE, 2021, 'The aging brain and brain banking', in Assessments, Treatments and Modeling in Aging and Neurological Disease: The Neuroscience of Aging, pp. 103 - 112,

Ahmed RM; Halliday G; Hodges JR, 2021, 'Hypothalamic symptoms of frontotemporal dementia disorders.', in , pp. 269 - 280,

Kumfor F; Halliday GM; Piguet O, 2017, 'Clinical aspects of Alzheimer’s disease', in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Advances in Neurobiology, Springer, pp. 31 - 53,

Seeher K; Brodaty H, 2017, 'Family carers of people with dementia', in Dementia, Fifth Edition, pp. 142 - 160,

Lewis SJG; Shine JM; Brooks D; Halliday GM, 2015, 'Hallucinogenic mechanisms: Pathological and pharmacological insights', in Collerton D (ed.), The Neuroscience of Visual Hallucinations, Wiley Blackwell, pp. 121 - 149,

Lewis SJG; Shine JM; Brooks D; Halliday GM, 2015, 'Hallucinogenic mechanisms: pathological and pharmacological insights', in The Neuroscience of Visual Hallucinations, Wiley, pp. 119 - 149,

Revesz T; Clark HB; Holton JL; Houlden HH; Ince PG; Halliday GM, 2015, 'Extrapyramidal Diseases of Movement', in Love S; Budka H; Ironside JW; Perry A (ed.), GREENFIELD'S NEUROPATHOLOGY, 9TH EDITION, VOLS 1AND 2, CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP, pp. 740 - 798,

Kragh CL; Romeero-Ramos M; Halliday GM; Jensen PH, 2014, 'Alpha Synuclein in Parkinson’s Disease', in Kostrzewa R (ed.), Handbook of Neurotoxicity, Springer, Sao Paulo, Brazil, pp. 691 - 726

Kragh CL; Romero-Ramos M; Halliday GM; Jensen PH, 2014, 'Alpha-synuclein in Parkinson's Disease', in Kostrzewa R (ed.), Handbook of Neurotoxicity, Springer, pp. 691 - 726

Stevens C; Halliday GM, 2014, 'The Role of Astrocytes in Parkinson’s Disease', in Thomas M (ed.), Inflammation in Parkinson's Disease: Scientific and Clinical Aspects, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 127 - 144

Halliday GM; Murphy K; Cartwright H, 2014, 'Pathology of Parkinson’s disease', in Baumann C; Wolters E (ed.), Parkinson Disease and Other Movement Disorders Motor Behavioural Disorders and Behavioural Motor Disorders, Vu University Press Amsterdam, Amsterdam, pp. 303 - 320

Halliday GM; Tan R; Cartwright H, 2013, 'Neuropathology for the Movement Disorder Specialist', in Burn D (ed.), Oxford Textbook of Movement Disorders, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 11 - 20

Halliday G; Reyes S; Double K, 2012, 'Chapter 13 Substantia Nigra, Ventral Tegmental Area, and Retrorubral Fields', in The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, pp. 439 - 455,

Halliday GM; Reyes S; Double KL, 2012, 'Substantia Nigra, Ventral Tegmental Area and Retrorubral Fields', in Mai JK; Paxinos G (ed.), The Human Nervous System, Academic Press, London, pp. 439 - 455

Fahn S; Halliday GM, 2011, 'Lesions associated with the classic triad of Parkinsonian motor features', in Halliday GM; Barker RA; Rowe DB (ed.), Non Dopamine Lesions in Parkinsons Disease, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 3 - 17

Halliday G; Murphy K, 2010, 'Chapter 9 Pathology of Parkinson's Disease', in MOVEMENT DISORDERS 4, Elsevier, pp. 132 - 154,

Bhatia K; Bonifati V; James Brooks D; Brotchie JM; John Burn D; Compta Y; Dawson TM; Deuschl G; Dickson DW; Fahn S; Farrer MJ; Fasano A; Ferraris A; Fox S; Gaig C; Gasser T; Geser F; Gupta A; Halliday G; Hamani C; Hatano T; Hattori N; Hening W; Jankovic J; Jellinger K; Josephs KA; Klein C; Köllensperger M; Kubo S-I; Landwehrmeyer GB; Lang AET; Laxton AW; Lozano AM; Ludolph AC; Machida Y; Moro E; Morris HR; Murphy K; Obeso JA; Warren Olanow C; Poewe W; Rademakers R; Santamaria J; Sato S; Schapira AHV; Schneider SA; Seppi K; Shoulson I; Singer HS; Stefanova N; Tanner CM; Thomas M; Thompson P; Tolosa E; Trenkwalder C; Valente EM; Vidailhet M; Walker RH; Warner TT; Weintraub D; Wenning GK; Weydt P; Wider CW; Wszolek ZK, 2010, 'CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS', in Blue Books of Neurology, Elsevier, pp. xiii - xxii,

Halliday GM; Murphy KE, 2010, 'Pathology of Parkinson's Disease', in Schapira AHV; Lang ET; Fahn S (ed.), Movement Disorders 4, Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 132 - 154

Ince PG; Halliday GM, 2010, 'The pathology of dementia with Lewy bodies', in Ames D; Burns A; O'Brien J (ed.), Dementia, Hodder Education, London, pp. 608 - 618

Huang Y; Chan P; Halliday G, 2007, 'Chapter 28 Genetics of Parkinson's disease', in Oxidative Stress and Neurodegenerative Disorders, Elsevier, pp. 663 - 697,

Halliday GM; Gandevia SC, 2007, 'CHAPTER 31 ORGANIZATION: PYRAMIDAL AND EXTRAPYRAMIDAL SYSTEM', in Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience, Elsevier, pp. 396 - 401,

Huang Y; Chan P; Halliday GM, 2007, 'Genetics of Parkinson`s disease', in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Karger, Basel, pp. 663 - 696

Halliday GM; Gandevia SC, 2007, 'Organisation: pyramidal and extrapyramidal system', in Schapira AHV; Byrne E; DiMauro S; Frackowiak RSJ; Johnson RT; Misuno Y; Samuels MA; Silberstein SD (ed.), Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience, Mosby Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 396 - 401

Gregory GC; Shepherd CE; Halliday GM, 2007, 'Physiologic and neurotoxic properties of Abeta peptides', in Barrow CJ; Small DH (ed.), Abeta Peptide and Alzheimer`s Disease, Springer Verlag, London, pp. 179 - 197

Halliday GM, 2007, 'The status of alpha-synuclein in Alzheimer's cases with and without Lewy Bodies', in Iqbal K; Winblad B; Avila J (ed.), Alzheimer's Disease: New Advances, Medimond SRL, Bologna, pp. 267 - 273

Halliday GM; Gandevia SC, 2006, 'Organization: Pyramidal and Extrapyramidal System', in Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience: Text with CD-ROM, pp. 396 - 401,

Halliday GM; Del Tredici K; Braak H, 2006, 'Critical appraisal of brain pathology staging related to presymptomatic and symptomatic cases of sporadic Parkinson’s disease', in Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders, Springer Nature, pp. 99 - 103,

Henderson J; Macdonald V; Halliday GM, 2005, 'Thalamic and cortical changes in Parkinsonian disorders', in Bolam JP; Ingham CA; Magill PJ (ed.), The Basal Ganglia VIII, Springer Science + Business Media, Inc, New York, pp. 415 - 424

Karlstrom H; Brooks WS; Kwok JB; Kril J; Halliday GM; Schofield PR, 2005, 'Variable phenotype of Alzheimer's Disease with spastic paraparesis', in Cummings J; Hardy J; Poncet M ; Christen Y (ed.), Genotype-Proteotype-Phenotype Relationships in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 73 - 92

Koutcherov Y; Halliday G; Paxinos G; Huang X-F, 2004, 'Chapter 10 Organization of Human Brain Stem Nuclei', in The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, pp. 267 - 320,

Halliday G, 2004, 'Chapter 14 Substantia Nigra and Locus Coeruleus', in The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, pp. 449 - 463,

Harding A; Paxinos G; Halliday G, 2004, 'Chapter 34 The Serotonin and Tachykinin Systems', in The Rat Nervous System, Elsevier, pp. 1205 - 1256,

Koutcherov I; Huang X; Halliday GM; Paxinos G, 2004, 'Organization of human brain stem nuclei', in Paxinos G; Mai JK (ed.), The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, USA, pp. 267 - 320

Halliday GM, 2004, 'Substantia nigra and locus coeruleus', in Paxinos G; Mai JK (ed.), The Human Nervous System, Elsevier, USA, pp. 449 - 463

Hodges JR; Davies R; Xuereb J; Kril J; Halliday GM, 2004, 'Survival in frontotemporal dementia, Neurology 2003', in Vellas B; Winblad B; Grundman M; Fitten LJ; Feldman H; Giacobini E (ed.), Research and Practice in Alzheimers Disease (Vol 9), Serdi Publisher, Paris, France, pp. 215 - 219

Harding AJ; Paxinos G; Halliday GM, 2004, 'The serotonin and tachykinin systems', in Paxinos G (ed.), The Rat Nervous System (3rd Ed), Elsevier (USA), pp. 1205 - 1256

Kril J; Patel S; Harding AJ; Halliday GM, 2003, 'Hippocampal neuron loss in vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease', in Vellas B; Winblad B; Grundman M; Fitten LJ; Feldman H; Giacobini E (ed.), Research and Practice in Alzheimer's Disease (Vol 7), Serdi Publisher, Paris, France, pp. 199 - 203

Morris JG; Hely MA; Halliday GM, 2003, 'Parkinsonism and Ageing', in Sachdev P (ed.), The Ageing Brain, Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, Netherlands, pp. 275 - 282

Henderson JM; Halliday GM; O Sullivan DJ; Pell MF; Fung VS; McCusker E; Hely MA; Morris JG; Annett LE; Dunnett SB; Ghika JA; Favre J, 2002, 'Which basal ganglia surgical targets ameliorate Parkinsonian symptoms?', in Nicholson LFB; Faull RLM (ed.), The Basal Ganglia VII, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 533 - 542

Harper C; Sheedy D; Halliday GM; Double KL; Dodd P; Lowehl JM; Kril J, 1998, 'Neuropathological studies: the relationship between alcohol and ageing', in NIAAA Research monograph 33: Alcohol Problems and Aging, US Department of Health and Human Services, Bethesda, MD USA, pp. 117 - 134

Halliday GM; McRitchie DA; Cartwright H; Hely MA; Morris JGL, 1996, 'Pattern of midbrain pathology in different Parkinsonian syndromes', in Ohye C; Kimura M; McKenzie JS (ed.), The Basal Ganglia V, Springer Science & Business Media, pp. 441 - 444

Allen BJ; Setiawan Y; Moore DE; Halliday G; Harding T, 1996, 'Evidence for a Null Effect of L-10BPA Neutron Capture Therapy on Mouse Brain Dopamine Tracts', in Cancer Neutron Capture Therapy, Springer US, pp. 795 - 801,

Baker K; Halliday GM, 1995, 'Ascending noradrenergic and serotonergic systems in the human brain', in Tracey DJ; Paxinos G; Stone J (ed.), Neurotransmitters in the human brain: Conference in Honour of Istvan Tork, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 155 - 171

Mcritchie DA; Halliday GM, 1995, 'Calcium binding proteins differentiate midbrain dopaminergic systems in humans', in Alzheimer`s and Parkinson`s disease: recent developments: advances in behavioural biology, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 303 - 306

Halliday GM; McRitchie DA, 1995, 'Cytoarchitecture and Chemistry of Midbrain Dopaminergic Cell Groups', in Tracey DJ; Paxinos G; Stone J (ed.), Neurotransmitters in the human brain, Plenum Pub Corp, pp. 115 - 127

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