Select Publications


Suteja F; Li H; Fu Y; Halliday G, 2024, Image Capture and Neuropathological Quantification of post-mortem human brain tissue v1,

S. Pineda S; Li H; Fu Y; Halliday G, 2024, Methods for xenograft tissue processing and capture for spatial transcriptomics using 10x-Genomics Visium platform v1,

S. Pineda S; Li H; Wu Z; Fu Y; Halliday G, 2024, Methods for human brainstem tissue processing and capture for spatial transcriptomics using 10x-Genomics Visium Spatial platform. v1,

S. Pineda S; Li H; Wu Z; Fu Y; Halliday G, 2024, Methods for human brainstem tissue processing and capture for spatial transcriptomics using 10x-Genomics Visium Spatial platform. v2,

Liu Y; Chedid J; Fu Y; Halliday G, 2024, Cytopathology Quantification in iPSCs with Harmony Software v1,

Sagredo G; Li H; Fu Y; Halliday G, 2024, Quantification of pathological protein accumulation (aSyn and tau) in transplanted human iPSC-derived dopamine neurons v1,

Rademacher K; Doric Z; Haddad D; Mamaligas A; Liao S-C; Creed RB; Kano K; Chatterton Z; Fu Y; Garcia JH; Vance V; Sei Y; Kreitzer A; Halliday GM; Nelson AB; Margolis EB; Nakamura K, 2024, Chronic hyperactivation of midbrain dopamine neurons causes preferential dopamine neuron degeneration.,

Jensen NM; Fu Y; Betzer C; Li H; Elfarrash S; Shaib A; Krah D; Vitic Z; Reimer L; Gram H; Buchman V; Denham M; Rizzoli S; Halliday G; Jensen PH, 2024, MJF-14 proximity ligation assay detects early non-inclusion alpha-synuclein pathology with enhanced specificity and sensitivity,

Powell A; Foxe D; Halliday GM; Piguet O; Hodges J; Burrell JR, 2023, Frontotemporal dementia or frontal variant Alzheimer's disease? A case series,

Naaldijk Y; Fernández B; Fasiczka R; Fdez E; Leghay C; Croitoru I; Kwok JB; Boulesnane Y; Vizeneux A; Mutez E; Calvez C; Destée A; Taymans J-M; Aragon AV; Yarza AB; Padmanabhan S; Delgado M; Alcalay RN; Chatterton Z; Dzamko N; Halliday G; Ruiz-Martínez J; Chartier-Harlin M-C; Hilfiker S, 2023, A potential patient stratification biomarker for Parkinso’s disease based on LRRK2 kinase-mediated centrosomal alterations in peripheral blood-derived cells,

Lam I; Ndayisaba A; Lewis AJ; Fu Y; Sagredo GT; Zaccagnini L; Sandoe J; Sanz RL; Vahdatshoar A; Martin TD; Morshed N; Ichihashi T; Tripathi A; Ramalingam N; Oettgen-Suazo C; Bartels T; Schäbinger M; Hallacli E; Jiang X; Verma A; Tea C; Wang Z; Hakozaki H; Yu X; Hyles K; Park C; Theunissen TW; Wang H; Jaenisch R; Lindquist S; Stevens B; Stefanova N; Wenning G; Luk KC; Pernaute RS; Gómez-Esteban JC; Felsky D; Kiyota Y; Sahni N; Yi SS; Chung C-Y; Stahlberg H; Ferrer I; Schöneberg J; Elledge SJ; Dettmer U; Halliday GM; Bartels T; Khurana V, 2022, Rapid iPSC inclusionopathy models shed light on formation, consequence and molecular subtype of α-synuclein inclusions,

Forrest SL; Kim JH; Crockford DR; Huynh K; Cheong R; Knott S; Kane MA; Ittner LM; Halliday GM; Kril JJ, 2022, Distribution patterns of astrocyte populations in the human cortex,

Gibbons E; Rongve A; de Rojas I; Shadrin A; Westra K; Baumgartner A; Rosendall L; Madaj Z; Hernandez D; Ross O; Escott-Price V; Shepherd C; Parkkinen L; Scholz S; Troncoso J; Pletnikova O; Dawson T; Rosenthal L; Ansorge O; Clarimon J; Lleo A; Morenas-Rodriguez E; Clark L; Honig L; Marder K; Lemstra A; Rogaeva E; George-Hyslop PS; Londos E; Zetterberg H; Morgan K; Troakes C; Al-Sarraj S; Lashley T; Holton J; Compta Y; Van Deerlin V; Serrano G; Beach T; Lesage S; Galasko D; Masliah E; Santana I; Pastor P; Diez-Fairen M; Aguilar M; Marquie M; Garcia-Gonzalez P; Olive C; Puerta R; Cano A; Sotolongo-Grau O; Valero S; Pytel VV; Rosende-Roca M; Alegret M; Tarraga L; Boada M; Carracedo A; Franco-Macias E; Perez-Tur J; Royo JL; Garcia-Alberca JM; Real LM; Saez ME; Bullido MJ; Calero M; Medina M; Mir P; Sanchez-Juan P; Alvarez V; Parveen K; Tripathi KP; Heilmann-Heimbach S; Ramirez A; Tienari P; Bousiges O; Blanc F; Fenoglio C; Padovani A; Borroni B; Pilotto A; Nobili F; Saltvedt I; Fladby T; Selbaek G; Bosnes I; Brathen G; Hartmann A; Lemstra A; Rujescu D; Mollenhauer B; Creese B; Chartier-Harlin M-C; Athanasiu L; Djurovic S; Chouliaras L; OBrien J; Myllykangas L; Oinas M; Revesz T; Lees A; Boeve B; Petersen R; Ferman T; Graff-Radford N; Cairns N; Morris J; Halliday G; Hardy J; Dickson D; Singleton A; Stone D; Andreassen O; Ruiz A; Aarsland D; Guerreiro R; Bras J, 2022, Identification of a sex-specific genetic signature in dementia with Lewy bodies: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies,

Chatterton Z; Lamichhane P; Rastegar DA; Fitzpatrick L; Lebhar H; Marquis C; Halliday G; Kwok J, 2022, Single-cell DNA methylation sequencing by combinatorial indexing and enzymatic DNA methylation conversion,

Hopfner F; Tietz AK; Ruf V; Ross OA; Koga S; Dickson D; Aguzzi A; Attems J; Beach T; Beller A; van Deerlin V; Desplats P; Deuschl G; Duyckaerts C; Ellinghaus D; Evsyukov V; Flanagan ME; Franke A; Frosch MP; Gearing M; Gelpi E; Ghetti B; Glass JD; Grinberg LT; Halliday G; Helbig I; Höllerhage M; Huitinga I; Irwin DJ; Keene DC; Kovacs GG; Lee EB; Levin J; Martí MJ; Mackenzie I; McKeith I; Mclean C; Mollenhauer B; Neumann M; Newell KL; Pantelyat A; Pendziwiat M; Peters A; Porcel LM; Rabano A; Matěj R; Rajput A; Rajput A; Reimann R; Scott WK; Seeley W; Selvackadunco S; Simuni T; Stadelmann C; Svenningsson P; Thomas A; Trenkwalder C; Troakes C; Trojanowski JQ; White CL; Xie T; Ximelis T; Yebenes J; Müller U; Schellenberg GD; Herms J; Kuhlenbäumer G; Höglinger G, 2021, Genome-wide association study of autopsy-confirmed Multiple System Atrophy identifies common variants near ZIC1 and ZIC4,

Stevanovski I; Chintalaphani S; Gamaarachchi H; Ferguson J; Pineda S; Scriba C; Tchan M; Fung V; Ng K; Cortese A; Houlden H; Dobson-Stone C; Fitzpatrick L; Halliday G; Ravenscroft G; Davis M; Laing N; Fellner A; Kennerson M; Kumar K; Deveson I, 2021, Comprehensive genetic diagnosis of tandem repeat expansion disorders with programmable targeted nanopore sequencing,

Chia R; Sabir MS; Bandres-Ciga S; Saez-Atienzar S; Reynolds RH; Gustavsson E; Walton RL; Ahmed S; Viollet C; Ding J; Makarious MB; Diez-Fairen M; Portley MK; Shah Z; Abramzon Y; Hernandez DG; Blauwendraat C; Stone DJ; Eicher J; Parkkinen L; Ansorge O; Clark L; Honig LS; Marder K; Lemstra A; George-Hyslop PS; Londos E; Morgan K; Lashley T; Warner TT; Jaunmuktane Z; Galasko D; Santana I; Tienari PJ; Myllykangas L; Oinas M; Cairns NJ; Morris JC; Halliday GM; Van Deerlin VM; Trojanowski JQ; Grassano M; Calvo A; Mora G; Canosa A; Floris G; Bohannan RC; Brett F; Gan-Or Z; Geiger JT; Moore A; May P; Krüger R; Goldstein D; Lopez G; Tayebi N; Sidransky E; Palma J-A; Kaufmann H; Shakkottai V; Perkins M; Newell KL; Gasser T; Schulte C; Landi F; Salvi E; Cusi D; Masliah E; Kim RC; Caraway CA; Monuki E; Brunetti M; Dawson TM; Rosenthal LS; Albert MS; Pletnikova O; Troncoso JC; Flanagan ME; Mao Q; Bigio EH; Rodríguez-Rodríguez E; Infante J; Lage C; González-Aramburu I; Sanchez-Juan P; Ghetti B; Keith J; Black SE; Masellis M; Rogaeva E; Duyckaerts C; Brice A; Lesage S; Xiromerisiou G; Barrett MJ; Tilley BS; Gentleman S; Logroscino G; Serrano GE; Beach TG; McKeith IG; Thomas AJ; Attems J; Morris CM; Palmer L; Love S; Troakes C; Al-Sarraj S; Hodges AK; Aarsland D; Klein G; Kaiser SM; Woltjer R; Pastor P; Bekris LM; Leverenz J; Besser LM; Kuzma A; Renton AE; Goate A; Bennett DA; Scherzer CR; Morris HR; Ferrari R; Albani D; Brown SP; Faber K; Kukull W; Morenas-Rodriguez E; Lleó A; Fortea J; Alcolea D; Clarimon J; Nalls MA; Ferrucci L; Resnick SM; Tanaka T; Foroud TM; Graff-Radford NR; Wszolek ZK; Ferman T; Boeve BF; Hardy JA; Topol E; Torkamani A; Singleton AB; Ryten M; Dickson D; Chiò A; Ross OA; Gibbs JR; Dalgard CL; Traynor BJ; Scholz SW, 2020, Genome sequencing analysis identifies new loci associated with Lewy body dementia and provides insights into the complex genetic architecture,

Piras IS; Bleul C; Schrauwen I; Talboom J; Llaci L; De Both MD; Naymik MA; Halliday G; Bettencourt C; Holton JL; Serrano GE; Sue LI; Beach TG; Stefanova N; Huentelman MJ, 2020, Transcriptional profiling of Multiple System Atrophy cerebellar tissue highlights differences between the parkinsonian and cerebellar sub-types of the disease,

Amadoru S; Doré V; McLean CA; Hinton F; Shepherd CE; Halliday GM; Leyton CE; Yates PA; Hodges JR; Masters CL; Villemagne VL; Rowe CC, 2019, Comparison of amyloid PET measured in Centiloid units with neuropathological findings in Alzheimer’s Disease,

Hardwick SA; Bassett SD; Kaczorowski D; Blackburn J; Barton K; Bartonicek N; Carswell SL; Tilgner HU; Loy C; Halliday G; Mercer TR; Smith MA; Mattick JS, 2019, TARGETED, HIGH-RESOLUTION RNA SEQUENCING OF NON-CODING GENOMIC REGIONS ASSOCIATED WITH NEUROPSYCHIATRIC FUNCTIONS,

Zhang Q; Vallerga CL; Walker RM; Lin T; Henders AK; Montgomery GW; He J; Fan D; Fowdar J; Kennedy M; Pitcher T; Pearson J; Halliday G; Kwok JB; Hickie I; Lewis S; Anderson T; Silburn PA; Mellick GD; Harris SE; Redmond P; Murray AD; Porteous DJ; Haley CS; Evans KL; McIntosh AM; Yang J; Gratten J; Marioni RE; Wray NR; Deary IJ; McRae AF; Visscher PM, 2018, Improved prediction of chronological age from DNA methylation limits it as a biomarker of ageing,

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