Select Publications
Journal articles
2015, 'Teacher Attitudes Towards Students Who Exhibit ADHD-Type Behaviours', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 39, pp. 15 - 36,
,2014, 'Predictors of Attitudes to Gifted Programs/Provisions: Evidence From Preservice Educators', Gifted Child Quarterly, 58, pp. 247 - 258,
,2014, 'Modeling the Occupational/Career Decision-Making Processes of Intellectually Gifted Adolescents: A Competing Models Strategy', Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 37, pp. 128 - 152,
,2013, 'The cognitive processes associated with occupational/ career indecision: A model for gifted adolescents', Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 36, pp. 433 - 460,
,2013, 'Adolescent decision-making processes regarding university entry: A model incorporating cultural orientation, motivation and occupational variables', Tertiary Education and Management, 19, pp. 97 - 111,
,2013, 'Amotivation and indecision in the decision-making processes associated with university entry', Research in Higher Education, 54, pp. 115 - 136,
,2012, 'Giftedness as a developmental construct that leads to eminence as adults: Ideas and implications from an occupational/career decision-making perspective', Gifted Child Quarterly, 56, pp. 189 - 193,
,2012, 'The forced choice dilemma: A model incorporating idiocentric/allocentric cultural orientation', Gifted Child Quarterly, 56, pp. 15 - 24,
,2011, 'Culture, Motivation, and Vocational Decision-Making of Australian Senior High School Students in Private Schools', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 21, pp. 85 - 106,;dn=210324274986448;res=IELHEA
,2011, 'Levels of Intellectual Giftedness, Culture, and the Forced-Choice Dilemma', Roeper Review A Journal on Gifted Education, 33, pp. 182 - 197,
,2011, 'Occupational Decision-Related Processes for Amotivated Adolescents: Confirmation of a Model', Journal of Career Development, 38, pp. 275 - 292,
,2011, 'The occupational decision: A cultural and motivational perspective', Journal of Career Assessment, 19, pp. 75 - 91,
,2010, 'Amotivation and the occupational decision: An investigation of Australian senior high school students', British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 38, pp. 441 - 458,
,Conference Posters
2009, 'Amotivation and the Occupational Decision: An Investigation Using Structural Equation Modeling.', San Diego, USA, presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, USA
,2009, 'The roles of culture and motivation on vocational choice.', Toronto, Canada, presented at Annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada
,2006, 'Attitudes of academically gifted students toward friends and school.', Sydney Australia, presented at NSW Institute for Educational Research Conference, Sydney Australia
,Conference Abstracts
2017, 'Predictors of STEM career intentions for gifted international exchange students with Australian educational experiences', Sydney, Australia, presented at World Gifted Conference, Sydney, Australia, 20 July 2017 - 23 July 2017
,2017, 'The state of gifted education in Australia: A SWOT analysis', Sydney, Australia, presented at World Gifted Conference, Sydney, Australia, 20 July 2017 - 23 July 2017
,2017, 'Familial influences on the career decision-making processes of gifted EFL high school students in Vietnam', Sydney, Australia, presented at World Gifted Conference, Sydney, Australia, 20 July 2017 - 23 July 2017
,2016, 'The process of forming career intentions: Evidence from gifted adolescents of low SES backgrounds', Sydney, Australia, presented at Australian National Gifted Conference, Sydney, Australia, 29 September 2016 - 01 October 2016
,2016, 'Career choice intentions of gifted high school EFL students: A grounded theory analysis', Sydney, Australia, presented at Australian National Gifted Conference, Sydney, Australia, 29 September 2016 - 01 October 2016
,2015, 'Cognitive processes that lead to career indecision for highly able adolescents from low socioeconomic backgrounds: A mixed methods approach', Chicago, USA, presented at Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, USA, 16 April 2015 - 20 April 2015
,2015, 'The career decision-making processes of economically disadvantaged gifted adolescents: A mixed methods investigation', Chicago, USA, presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, USA, 16 April 2015 - 20 April 2015
,2014, 'The career decision making processes of high ability adolescents from low socio-economic status backgrounds: A grounded theory approach', Coimbra, Portugal, presented at Society for Vocational Psychology Biennial Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 14 July 2014 - 16 July 2014
,2013, 'Amotivation and indecision in the occupational/career decision-making processes of high ability adolescents.', San Francisco, USA, presented at Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, USA
,2012, 'Early college entrance programs in Australia', Denver, USA, presented at National Association for Gifted Children Annual Convention, Denver, USA
,2011, 'Predictors of attitudes toward special gifted programs: Support vs. Perceptions of elitism among pre-service teachers.', New Orleans, presented at National Association for Gifted Children Annual Convention, New Orleans
,2010, 'Culture, motivation and occupational decisions', in Culture, motivation and occupational decisions, Melbourne, Australia, presented at 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia
,2010, 'Reasons for the experience and non-experience of the forced choice dilemma: The case of Asian Anglo-Saxon/Celtic background students in Australia', in Reasons for the experience and non-experience of the forced choice dilemma: The case of Asian Anglo-Saxon/Celtic background students in Australia, Sydney, Australia, presented at Asia-Pacific Conference on Giftedness, Sydney, Australia
,2009, 'A new model of amotivation with the occupational decision.', Sydney, presented at Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference, Sydney
,2009, 'Culture, motivation and vocational choice: A mixed method investigation.', San Diego, USA, presented at Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, USA
,2008, 'Culture, motivation and vocational decision-making of senior high school students.', Gothenburg, Sweden, presented at European Conference on Educational Research, Gothenburg, Sweden
2013, The ingredients of challenge, ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD,