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Select Publications
Nolan J; Boersma M, 2019, Addressing Modern Slavery, UNSW Press, Sydney Australia, https://www.newsouthbooks.com.au/books/anti-modern-slavery-manifesto/
Nolan J; McBeth A; Rice S, 2017, The International Law of Human Rights, Oxford University Press, Australia
Baumann-Pauly D; Nolan J, 2016, Business and human rights, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315735429
Baumann-Pauly D; Nolan J, 2016, Preface
Nolan J; Rice S; Mcbeth A, 2011, The International Law of Human Rights, Oxford University Press, http://www.oup.com.au/titles/higher_ed/law/human_rights_law/9780195568806
Nolan J, 2024, 'Human Rights', in Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Governance, Edward Elgar, pp. 348 - 349, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781839107061.ch137
Nolan J, 2023, 'Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains', in Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1338 - 1344, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22767-8_1247
Nolan J, 2023, 'Modern slavery in supply chains', in Ewing A (ed.), Teaching Business and Human Rights, Edward Elgar, USA, pp. 245 - 264, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781802201130.00030
Nolan J, 2022, 'Regulating human rights in the textile sector: smoke and mirrors', in Marx A; Van Calster G; Wouters J; Otteburn K; Lica D (ed.), Research Handbook on Global Governance, Business and Human Rights, Edward Elgar, USA, pp. 291 - 311, http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781788979832.00021
Nolan J, 2021, 'Closing Gaps in the Chain: Regulating Respect for Human Rights in Global Supply Chains and the Role of Multi-stakeholder Initiatives', in Brinks D; Dehm J; Engle K; Taylor K (ed.), Power, Participation and Private Regulatory Initiatives: Human Rights Under Supply Chain Capitalism, University of Pennsylvania Press, USA, pp. 33 - 50, http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1f45qkb.6
Nolan J, 2021, 'Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains', in Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, Springer, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23514-1_1247-1
Nolan J; Frishling N, 2020, 'Human Rights Due Diligence and the (over) Reliance on Social Auditing in Supply Chains', in Deva S; Birchall D (ed.), Research Handbook on Human Rights and Business, Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/research-handbook-on-human-rights-and-business-9781786436399.html
Moon G; Nolan J, 2018, 'Embedded Liberalism and Global Business: Domestic Stability versus Corporate Autonomy?', in The Future of International Economic Integration: The embedded liberalism compromise revisited, pp. 185 - 198, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/9781108224949.013
Moon GF; Nolan J, 2018, 'Embedded Liberalism and Global Business: Domestic stability versus corporate autonomy?', in The Future of International Economic Integration: The Embedded Liberalism Compromise Revisited, Cambridge University Press, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/9781108224949
Nolan J, 2018, 'Regulating Human Rights and Responsibilities in Global Supply Chains', in Murray J; Malik A; Geschke A (ed.), The Social Effects of Global Trade, Pan Stanford, USA, pp. 19 - 30, http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/b22382
Nolan J, 2017, 'Human rights and global supply chains: is effective supply chain accountability possible?', in Deva S; Bilchitz D (ed.), Building a Treaty on Business and Human Rights : Context and Contours, Cambridge University Press, UK, pp. 238 - 265
Nolan J, 2016, '1.1 Business and Human Rights in Context and 1.4 Rana Plaza: the collapse of a factory in Bangladesh and its ramifications for the global garment industry', in Nolan J; Baumann Pauly D (ed.), Business and Human Rights From Principles to Practice, Routledge, UK, pp. 1 - 30
Nolan J, 2016, 'Business and human rights in context', in Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice, pp. 2 - 10
Nolan J, 2016, 'Mapping the movement: The business and human rights regulatory framework', in Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice, pp. 32 - 51
Baumann-Pauly D; Nolan J; Labowitz S; Van Heerden A, 2016, 'Setting and enforcing industry-specific standards for human rights: The role of multi-stakeholder initiatives in regulating corporate conduct', in Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice, pp. 107 - 127
Baumann-Pauly D; Nolan J; Posner M, 2016, 'The future of business and human rights: Challenges and opportunities', in Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice, pp. 316 - 320
Nolan J, 2016, 'The United Nations' Compact with Business: Hindering or Helping the Protection of Human Rights?', in The United Nations System for Protecting Human Rights: Volume IV, pp. 527 - 548, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781315236674-31
Nolan J, 2016, '2.1 Mapping the Movement: the regulatory framework for business and human rights and 2.4 A Business and Human Rights Treaty', in nolan J; Baumann-Pauly D (ed.), Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice, Routledge, UK, pp. 31 - 76
Nolan J; Baumann-Pauly D; Labowitz S; van Heerden A, 2016, '4.1 Setting and Enforcing Industry-Specific Standards for Human Rights: the Role of Multi-stakeholder Initiatives in Regulating Corporate Conduct', in nolan J; Baumann-Pauly D (ed.), Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice, Routledge, UK, pp. 107 - 127
Nolan J; Baumann-Pauly D; Posner M, 2016, '7.2 The Future of Business and Human Rights', in nolan J; Baumann-Pauly D (ed.), Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice, Routledge, UK, pp. 316 - 320
Nolan J, 2015, 'From Principles to Practice: Implementing Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights', in The Business and Human Rights Landscape Moving Forward, Looking Back, Cambridge University Press, ebook, pp. 387 - 413
Nolan J, 2015, 'All care, no responsibility?', in Blecher LJ; Stafford NK; Bellamy G (ed.), Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights Impacts: New Expectations and Paradigms, pp. 3 - 26
Nolan J, 2013, 'The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights: Soft Law or Not Law?', in Deva S; Bilchitz D (ed.), Human Rights Obligations of Business, Cambridge University Press, pp. 138 - 161
Nolan J; van Heerden A, 2013, 'Engaging Business in the Business of Human Rights', in Pedersen MB; Kinley D (ed.), Principled Engagement: Negotiating Human Rights in Repressive States, Ashgate, England, pp. 153 - 170
Nolan J; Mcbeth A, 2012, 'The International Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms', in Tully S (ed.), International Corporate Legal Responsibility, Wolters Kluwer, The Netherlands, pp. 175 - 274
Nolan J, 2009, 'The nexus between human rights and business: Defining the sphere of corporate responsibility', in Farrall J; Rubenstein K (ed.), Sanctions Accountability and Governance in a Globalised World, Cambridge University Press, UK, pp. 217 - 238
Nolan J; Kinley D, 2008, 'Human rights, corporations and the global economy: an international law perspective', in Handbook of Research on Global Corporate Citizenship, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 343 - 373
Nolan J; Kinley D; Zerial N, 2007, 'The Norms are dead! Long live the Norms! The politics behind the UN Human Rights Norms for Corporations', in The New Corporate Accountability: Corporate Responsibility & the Law, Cambridge, UK, pp. 459 - 475
Nolan J; Posner M, 2003, 'Can Codes of Conduct play a role in promoting workers' rights?', in Flanagan R; Gould W (ed.), International Labor Standards: Globalization, Trade and Public Policy, Stanford University Press, Stanford CA USA
Nolan J; Baumann Pauly D, (ed.), 2016, Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice, Routledge, UK
Kach A; Bhakoo V; McGaughey F; Boersma M; Nolan J; Marshall Lichtman S, 2025, 'Humanizing supply chains: Turning the spotlight towards remediation in modern slavery scholarship', Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 31
Pryde S; Nolan J; Marsall S; Boersma M; McGaughey F; Bhakoo V, 2024, 'Understanding Remedy Under the Australian Modern Slavery Act: From Conceptualisation to Provision of Remedy', Journal of Modern Slavery, 9, pp. 70 - 95, https://slavefreetoday.org/journal_of_modern_slavery/v9i1a4-understanding-remedy-under-the-australian-modern-slavery-act-from-conceptualisation-to-provision-of-remedy.pdf
Nolan J; Pryde S, 2024, 'Towards the Effective Regulation of Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains: Lessons Learned from the UK and Australia and Future Directions', International Criminology, 4, pp. 371 - 382, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s43576-024-00144-2
Boersma M; Nolan J, 2022, 'Modern slavery and the employment relationship: Exploring the continuum of exploitation', Journal of Industrial Relations, 64, pp. 165 - 176, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/00221856211069238
Harris H; Nolan J, 2022, 'Outsourcing the enforcement of modern slavery: Overcoming the limitations of a market-based disclosure model', Journal of Industrial Relations, 64, pp. 223 - 247, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/00221856211051431
Nolan J, 2022, 'Chasing the Next Shiny Thing: Can Human Rights Due Diligence Effectively Address Labour Exploitation in Global Fashion Supply Chains?', International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 11, pp. 1 - 14, http://dx.doi.org/10.5204/ijcjsd.2398
McCorquodale R; Nolan J, 2021, 'The Effectiveness of Human Rights Due Diligence for Preventing Business Human Rights Abuses', Netherlands International Law Review, 68, pp. 455 - 478, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40802-021-00201-x
Nolan J; Harris H, 2021, 'Learning from experience: Comparing legal approaches to foreign bribery and modern slavery', Cardozo International and Comparative law Review, 4, https://www.cardozociclr.com/ciclr-volume-4
Golder B; Hush A; Jefferies R; Johns F; Nolan J, 2021, 'Foreword', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 27, pp. 399 - 401, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1323238X.2022.2039056
Ford J; Nolan J, 2020, 'A regulação da transparência em direitos humanos e escravidão moderna nas cadeias de suprimentos corporativas', DESC - Direito Economia e Sociedade Contemporânea, 3, pp. 99 - 130, http://dx.doi.org/10.33389/desc.v3n1.2020.p99-130
Nolan J; Chappell L, 2020, 'Foreword to the New Thinking on Business and Human Rights Special Issue', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 26, pp. 1 - 4, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1323238X.2020.1791396
Ford J; Nolan J, 2020, 'Regulating transparency on human rights and modern slavery in corporate supply chains: the discrepancy between human rights due diligence and the social audit', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 26, pp. 27 - 45, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1323238X.2020.1761633
Sinclair A; Nolan J, 2020, 'Modern Slavery Laws in Australia: Steps in the Right Direction?', Business and Human Rights Journal, 5, pp. 164 - 170, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/bhj.2019.7
Nolan J; Boersma M, 2020, 'Can blockchain help resolve modern slavery in supply chains?', AIB Insights, https://aibinsights.scholasticahq.com/
Nolan J; Frishling N, 2019, 'Australia's Modern Slavery Act: Towards Meaningful Compliance', Company and Securities Law Journal, 37, pp. 104 - 126, https://www.westlaw.com.au/maf/wlau/app/document?&src=search&docguid=Ib8d2477ad9d911e98d34858489f4be61&epos=4&snippets=true&fcwh=true&startChunk=1&endChunk=1&nstid=std-anz-highlight&nsds=AUNZ_SEARCHALL&isTocNav=true&tocDs=AUNZ_AU_JOURNALS_TOC&context=2&extLink=false&searchFromLinkHome=true