Select Publications

Journal articles

Nolan J, 2017, 'Business and human rights: The challenge of putting principles into practice and regulating global supply chains', Alternative Law Journal, 42, pp. 42 - 46

Baumann-Pauly D; Nolan J; van Heerden A; Samway M, 2017, 'Industry-Specific Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives That Govern Corporate Human Rights Standards: Legitimacy assessments of the Fair Labor Association and the Global Network Initiative', Journal of Business Ethics, 143, pp. 771 - 787,

Nolan J; farbenblum B, 2017, 'The Business of Migrant Worker Recruitment: Who has the Responsibility and Leverage to Protect Rights?', Texas International Law Journal, 52, pp. 1 - 44

Nolan J, 2016, 'Corporate Social Responsibility? Human Rights in the New Global Economy, edited by Charlotte Walker-Said and John D. Kelly. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. 392 pp. ISBN: 978-0226244273', Business Ethics Quarterly, 26, pp. 565 - 567,

Nolan J, 2014, 'Refining the Rules of the Game: The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights', Utrecht Journal of International and European Law, 30, pp. 7 - 23,

Nolan J; Posner M; Labowitz S, 2014, 'Beyond Kiobel: Alternative Remedies for Sustained Human Rights Protection', American Journal of International Law Unbound, January 2014, pp. e-48,

Nolan J; Taylor L, 2009, 'Corporate Responsibility for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Rights in Search of a Remedy?', Journal of Business Ethics, 87, pp. 433 - 451

Nolan J, 2009, 'The China Dilemma: Internet censorship and corporate responsibility', Asian Journal of Comparative Law, 4, pp. article 3 - 1-28,

Nolan J, 2008, 'Multinationals and Corporate Social Responsibility, Limitations and Opportunities in International Law', MODERN LAW REVIEW, 71, pp. 492 - 496,

Nolan J, 2008, 'Human rights at the UN: The political history of universal justice', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, 43, pp. 572 - 573,

Kinley D; Nolan J, 2008, 'Trading & Aiding Human Rights: Corporations in the Global Economy', Nordisk Tidsskrift for Menneskerettigheter: Nordic journal on human rights, 25, pp. 353 - 377

Nolan J, 2007, 'Corporate Responsibility in Australia: rhetoric or reality?', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 12, pp. 63 - 88

Kinley D; Nolan J; Zerial N, 2007, 'Reflections on the United Nations Human Rights Norms for Corporations', Company and Securities Law Journal, 25, pp. 30 - 42

Nolan J; Kinley D; Zerial N, 2007, 'The Politics of Corporate Social Resonsibility: Reflections on the UN Human Rights Norms for Companies', Company and Securities Law Journal, 1, pp. 30 - 42

Nolan J, 2005, 'The United Nations Compact with Business: Hindering or Helping with Protection of Human Rights?', University of Queensland Law Journal, 24, pp. 445 - 466

Nolan J, 2005, 'With Power Comes Responsibiity: Human RIghts and Corporate Accountability', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 28, pp. 581 - 613

Nolan J; Posner M, 2000, 'International Standards to promote Labor Rights', Columbia Business Law Review

Conference Papers

Nolan J, 2006, 'Corporate Accountability and Triple Line Reporting: Determining the Material Issues for Disclosure', in Enhancing Corporate Accountability prospects and Challenges, Enhancing Corporate Accountability prospects and Challenges, Melbourne, presented at Enhancing Corporate Accountability prospects and Challenges, Melbourne, 08 February 2006 - 09 February 2006


Salter M; Woodlock D; Whitten T; Tyler M; Naldrett G; Breckenridge J; Nolan J; Peleg N, 2023, Identifying and understanding child sexual offending behaviours and attitudes among Australian men, UNSW, Sydney,

Nolan J; Marshall S; Bhakoo V; Kach A; McGaughey F; Boersma M; Dinshaw F; Sinclair A, 2023, Australia’s Modern Slavery Act: Is it Fit for Purpose?

Nolan J; Marshall S; Bhakoo V; Boersma M; Dinshaw F; Knop S; McGaughey F; Sinclair A, 2023, Good Practice Toolkit: Strengthening Modern Slavery Responses

Nolan J; Dinshaw F; Hill C; Sinclair A; Marshall S; McGaughey F; Bhakoo V; Boersma M; Goss J; Keegan P, 2022, Broken Promises: Two Years of Corporate Reporting under Australia’s Modern Slavery Act

Nolan J; Sinclair A; Dinshaw F; Marshall S; Hill C; McGaughey F; Boersma M; Bhakoo V; Goss J; Keegan P, 2022, Paper Promises? Evaluating the impact of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act

Nolan J; Ford J; Islam MA, 2019, Regulating Transparency and Disclosures on Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains, CPA Australia, Australia,

Fourie J; Dorothee B-P; Nolan J, 2019, Assessing Legislation on Human Rights in Supply Chains: Varied Designs but Limited Compliance, NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights,

Nolan J; McGauhey F; Marshall S; Adams K, 2019, Submission on behalf of ACAN to the Draft Guidance for Reporting Entities on Modern Slavery (May 2019)

Nolan J, 2018, Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee: Inquiry into the provisions of the Modern Slavery Bill 2018

Nolan J; Baumann-Pauly D; Landau I, 2018, Submission to the United Nations Working Group Consultations on Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence

Nolan J, 2017, Submission to Australian Justice Minister’s Inquiry into Modern Slavery

Nolan J; Ford J, 2017, Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into Establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia

Nolan J, 2016, Submission to the United Nations Open Ended Inter-Governmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations & Other Business Enterprises With Respect To Human Rights 2016

Nolan J; Kiobel E; others , 2012, Esther Kiobel et al v Royal Dutch Petroleum et at, Supreme Court of the US, Supplemental Brief of Australian International Law Scholars, Amici Curiae in support of Petitioners,, Supreme Court of the US

nolan J, 2009, Joint submission of international academic human rights programs’ to the UK Parliament Joint Committee on Human Rights Inquiry into business and human rights,

Nolan J, 2006, Submission to CAMAC's Corporate Social Responsibility Discussion Paper

Nolan J, 2005, Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services



Nolan J; Boersma M, 2020, The real economic victims of corona virus are those we can’t see, ,

Nolan J, 2019, Woolworths shortchanging workers ABC 7.30, ,

Nolan J, 2019, Australia not immune from people trafficking tragedies: Justine Nolan, ,

Nolan J; Boersma M, 2019, Radio National Life Matters 'Are you supporting modern slavery?', ,

Nolan J; Boersma M, 2019, The long and winding road to respecting workers' rights in global supply chains, ,

Nolan J; Berg L; Boersma M, 2019, Message to Coles, Woolworths: Act now to end modern slavery, ,

Nolan J; Boersma M, 2019, Interview with Myf Warhurst ABC Radio on modern slavery., ,

Nolan J; Boersma M, 2019, What does modern slavery mean for your business?, ,

Nolan J, 2019, Corporate risk analysis downplays slave labour in supply chains. Featured: Justine Nolan, Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Academic), Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, ,

Nolan J; Boersma M, 2019, Blockchain can help break the chains of modern slavery, but it is not a complete solution, ,

Nolan J, 2018, Focus - I found out I have 63 slaves working for me, ,

Nolan J; McGaughey F, 2018, Modern Slavery Bill a step in the right direction – now businesses must comply, ,

Nolan J, 2018, Justine Nolan on Modern Slavery, ,

Nolan J, 2014, Business as usual not an option, ,

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