Select Publications

Conference Papers

Bednall TC; Sanders K, 2014, 'Formal training stimulates follow-up participation in informal learning: A three-wave study', in Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, pp. 399 - 402,

Konermann J; Vermeulen M; Sanders K; Runhaar P, 2011, 'Knowledge Sharing and Innovative Behaviour: The influence of Work Engagement', Groningen, the Netherlands, presented at International Conference of the Dutch HRM network, Groningen, the Netherlands, 10 November 2011 - 11 November 2011

Sanders K; Farrell PV; Pfatteicher SKA, 2006, 'Curriculum innovation using job design theory', in Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, pp. 779 - 783,

Browne A; French D; Bruce N; Sanders K, 2001, 'The impact of stress and social support on reproductive function in women', in JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY, CARFAX PUBLISHING, pp. 262 - 262

Brent R; Felder R; Regan T; Walser A; Carlson-Dakes C; Evans D; Malave C; Sanders K; McGourty J, 2000, 'Engineering faculty development: A multicoalition perspective', in ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, pp. 2479 - 2489

Sanders K; Carlson-Dakes C; Mitchell J; Farrell P, 2000, 'Faculty development workshops on the road: What's missing?', in ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, pp. 2747 - 2759

Corradini M; Farrell P; Mitchell J; Marleau R; Moskwa J; Sanders K; Webster J, 1995, 'Team-based design course for freshmen', in ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, pp. 2044 - 2053

Cohen W; Sanders KJ; Smith MJ, 1991, 'Job conditions and intentions to quit', in Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, pp. 964 - 968,

Schyns B; Sanders K, 'Implicit leadership theories and the perception of leadership in The Netherlands', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY PRESS, pp. 129 - 129

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