Select Publications
Book Chapters
2021, ''You can reject me; I can also reject you’: Intersections of migration, race/ethnicity, and sexuality among Chinese diasporic gay men in Australia', in Zhou YR; Sinding C; Goellnicht D (ed.), Sexualities, Transnationalism, and Globalisation New Perspectives, Routledge, London,
,2005, 'HIV transmission, behavioural surveillance and HIV vaccine trial in Australia (Aodaliya HIV de chuanbo, xiangguan xingwei jiance yu yimiao yanzhi)', in Gao YJ; Gao YN (ed.), The social immunity of AIDS (Aizibing de shehui mianyi): Fudan University academic forum [Chinese], Fudan University Press, Shanghai, pp. 411 - 429
,Journal articles
2024, 'Barriers and facilitators to primary care management of type 2 diabetes in Shijiazhuang City, China: a mixed methods study', BMC Primary Care, 25, pp. 84,
,2024, 'Strengthening China’s National Essential Public Health Services Package for hypertension and diabetes care: protocol for an interrupted time series study with mixed-methods process evaluation and health economic evaluation', BMC Public Health, 24, pp. 2563,
,2024, 'Understanding stigma and attitudes towards hepatitis B among university students in Australia of Chinese and Vietnamese background', BMC Public Health, 24, pp. 2801,
,2024, 'Increasing event-driven HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis use among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Australia: results from behavioural surveillance 2019–2023', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 27,
,2024, 'Trends in HIV testing and HIV stage at diagnosis among people newly diagnosed with HIV', AIDS, 38, pp. 1774 - 1782,
,2024, 'Ending HIV Transmission in Australia: Expanding PrEP to Cisgender Women: A Scoping Review', AIDS and Behavior, 28, pp. 3038 - 3050,
,2024, 'Co-designing interventions to strengthen the primary health care system for the management of hypertension and type 2 diabetes in China', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 49, pp. 101131,
,2024, 'Factors associated with HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis use among Asian men who have sex with men in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia: a cross-sectional study', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 46, pp. 101071,
,2024, 'Using routinely collected data to determine care cascades of hypertension and type-2 diabetes management in China: a cross-sectional study', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 45, pp. 101019,
,2024, 'Hiding in Plain Sight: Highlighting the Research Gap on Access to HIV and other Sexual Health Services for Underrepresented Gay Men in Developed Western Countries – Insights from a Scoping Review with a Focus on Arab Men.', Sexual Health, 21,
,2024, 'Assessing HIV risk and the social and behavioural characteristics of gay and bisexual men who have recently migrated to Australia: an analysis of national, behavioural surveillance data 2019–2021', Journal of the International AIDS Society, 27, pp. e26204,
,2023, 'Features, functions, and quality of mobile applications for type 2 diabetes care in China: Systematic search of app stores', International Journal of Medical Informatics, 180,
,2023, 'National Surveillance of Home-Based HIV Testing Among Australian Gay and Bisexual Men, 2018–2020: Uptake After Commercial Availability of HIV Self-Tests', AIDS and Behavior, 27, pp. 4106 - 4113,
,2023, 'Trends in illicit drug use and their association with HIV transmission risks from behavioural surveillance of Australian gay and bisexual men', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 539 - 550,
,2023, 'Trends in Testing and Self-Reported Diagnoses of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Gay and Bisexual Men in Australia, 2017-2021: Analysis of National Behavioural Surveillance Surveys', Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 50, pp. 789 - 795,
,2023, 'Variations in HIV Prevention Coverage in Subpopulations of Australian Gay and Bisexual Men, 2017–2021: Implications for Reducing Inequities in the Combination Prevention Era', AIDS and Behavior, 28, pp. 1469 - 1484,
,2023, 'The impact of social connections and discrimination to HIV risk among Asian gay and bisexual men in Australia', Sexual Health, 20, pp. 479 - 487,
,2023, 'Changing Characteristics of HIV-Positive Gay and Bisexual Men's Relationships in the Era of Biomedical Prevention', Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 94, pp. 10 - 17,
,2023, 'Stigma Regarding HIV and Sexual Identity as Barriers to Accessing HIV Testing and Prevention Services Among Gay and Bisexual Migrants in Australia', Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 20, pp. 964 - 976,
,2023, 'Improving access to oral pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV among international migrant populations', The Lancet Public Health, 8, pp. e651 - e658,
,2023, 'Engagement and outcomes of marginalised young people in an early intervention youth alcohol and other drug program: The Street Universities model', PLoS ONE, 18, pp. e0286025,
,2023, 'Low incidence of advanced neurological burden but high incidence of age-related conditions that are dementia risk factors in aging people living with HIV: a data-linkage 10-year follow-up study', Journal of NeuroVirology, 29, pp. 141 - 155,
,2023, 'HIV-Related Knowledge and Practices among Asian and African Migrants Living in Australia: Results from a Cross-Sectional Survey and Qualitative Study', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, pp. 4347,
,2023, 'Factors associated with the uptake of national essential public health service package for hypertension and type-2 diabetes management in China's primary health care system: a mixed-methods study', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 31, pp. 100664,
,2023, 'Meaningful cognitive decline is uncommon in virally suppressed HIV, but sustained impairment, subtle decline and abnormal cognitive aging are not', eClinicalMedicine, 56, pp. 101792,
,2023, 'eSexualHealth: Preferences to use technology to promote sexual health among men who have sex with men and trans and gender diverse people', Frontiers in Public Health, 10, pp. 1064408,
,2023, 'Is sex lost in translation? Linguistic and conceptual issues in the translation of sexual and reproductive health surveys', Culture, Health and Sexuality, 25, pp. 1 - 17,
,2023, 'Preferences for HIV prevention strategies among newly arrived Asian-born men who have sex with men living in Australia: A discrete choice experiment', Frontiers in Public Health, 11, pp. 1018983,
,2022, 'Belonging, social connection and non-clinical care: Experiences of HIV peer support among recently diagnosed people living with HIV in Australia', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. e4793 - e4801,
,2022, 'Experiences of recently HIV-diagnosed gay and bisexual migrants in Australia: Implications for sexual health programmes and health promotion', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. e5801 - e5810,
,2022, 'What is known about the care and support provided for an ageing population with lived experience of chronic viral hepatitis as they near end-of-life: A scoping review', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. e3775 - e3788,
,2022, 'Strategies for Recruiting Migrants to Participate in a Sexual Health Survey: Methods, Results, and Lessons', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19, pp. 12213,
,2022, 'Assessing the Impact of HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis Scale-Up on Gonorrhea Incidence among Gay and Bisexual Men in Sydney: A Mathematical Modeling Study', Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 49, pp. 534 - 540,
,2022, 'Adjusting Behavioural Surveillance and Assessing Disparities in the Impact of COVID-19 on Gay and Bisexual Men’s HIV-Related Behaviour in Australia', AIDS and Behavior, 27, pp. 518 - 534,
,2022, 'Abnormal cognitive aging in people with HIV: evidence from data integration between two countries’ cohort studies', AIDS, 36, pp. 1171 - 1179,
,2022, 'Changing Levels of Social Engagement with Gay Men Is Associated with HIV Related Outcomes and Behaviors: Trends in Australian Behavioral Surveillance 1998–2020', Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51, pp. 2509 - 2521,
,2022, 'Interprofessional dynamics that promote client empowerment in mental health practice: A social work perspective', Journal of Social Work, 22, pp. 364 - 383,
,2022, 'Primary health care system responses to non-communicable disease prevention and control: A scoping review of national policies in Mainland China since the 2009 health reform', The Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific, 31, pp. 100390,
,2022, 'Patient-centred approaches to providing care at HIV diagnosis: perspectives from healthcare and peer-support workers', Sexual Health, 19, pp. 448 - 455,
,2021, 'Are sexual health survey items understood as intended by African and Asian migrants to Australia? Methods, results and recommendations for qualitative pretesting', BMJ Open, 11, pp. e049010,
,2021, 'Translating best practice into real practice: Methods, results and lessons from a project to translate an English sexual health survey into four Asian languages', PLoS ONE, 16, pp. e0261074,
,2021, 'Using Videoconferencing Focus Groups in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research With Chinese Im/Migrants in Australia', Qualitative Health Research, 31, pp. 2757 - 2769,
,2021, 'STI testing among young people attending music festivals in New South Wales, Australia: Exploring the client segmentation concept in the 'Down to Test' program', Sexual Health, 18, pp. 405 - 412,
,2021, 'Impact of the removal of patient co-payments for antiretroviral therapy (ART) on out-of-pocket expenditure, adherence and virological failure among Australian adults living with HIV', HEALTH POLICY, 125, pp. 1131 - 1139,
,2021, 'Increased targeted HIV testing and reduced undiagnosed HIV infections among gay and bisexual men', HIV Medicine, 22, pp. 605 - 616,
,2021, 'Cognitive ageing is premature among a community sample of optimally treated people living with HIV', HIV Medicine, 22, pp. 151 - 164,
,2021, 'Is There Any Evidence of Premature, Accentuated and Accelerated Aging Effects on Neurocognition in People Living with HIV? A Systematic Review', AIDS and Behavior, 25, pp. 917 - 960,
,2021, 'Increasing preexposure prophylaxis use and 'net prevention coverage' in behavioural surveillance of Australian gay and bisexual men.', AIDS, 35, pp. 835 - 840,