Select Publications


Hull P; Mao L; Rossteuscher K; Marion-Landais S; Prestage G; Zablotska I; De Wit J; Holt M, 2014, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Canberra 2013, Centre for Social Research in Health, The University of New South Wales, Sydney,,

Lee E; Mao L; von Doussa H; Batrouney C; West M; Prestage G; Zablotska I; De Wit J; Holt M, 2014, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Melbourne 2014, Sydney,,

Lee E; Mao L; Watts P; Mackie A; Prestage G; Zablotska I; De Wit J; Holt M, 2014, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Queensland 2013, Centre for Social Research in Health, The University of New South Wales, Sydney,,

Lee E; Hull P; Mao L; Comfort J; Chanmugam M; Laing S; Fragomeni S; Prestage G; Zablotska I; De Wit J; Holt M, 2014, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Perth 2014, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Australia, Sydney,,

de Wit J; Mao L; Adam P; Treloar C, 2014, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia: Annual Report of trends in behaviour 2014, Sydney: Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW, Australia,,

de Wit J; Mao L; Holt M; Treloar C, 2013, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia: Annual Report of trends in behaviour 2013, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Australia, Sydney,,

Lee E; Mao L; Comfort J; Prestage G; Zablotska I; Fragomeni S; Yam S; de Wit J; Holt M, 2013, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Queensland 2012,

Lee E; Mao L; Skene H; Cannon R; Narciso L; Prestage G; Zablotska I; de Wit J; Holt M, 2013, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Adelaide 2012, National Centre in HIV Social Research, University of New South Wales, Sydney,,

Lee E; Mao L; McKenzie T; Batrouney C; West M; Prestage GP; Zablotska IB; De Wit J; Holt M, 2013, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Melbourne 2013, National Centre in HIV Social Research, Sydney,,

Hull PB; Mao L; Comfort J; Prestage G; Zablotska I; Fragomeni S; Yam S; de Wit J; Holt M, 2013, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Perth 2012, University of New South Wales, Sydney,,

Hull PB; Mao L; Kao S-C; Edwards B; Prestage GP; Zablotska IB; De Wit J; Holt M, 2013, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Sydney 2013, National Centre in HIV Social Research, Sydney,,

Lee E; Holt M; Mao L; Wanganeen K; Dinnison S; Williams S; Prestage G; Zablotska I; de Wit J, 2012, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Adelaide 2011, National Centre in HIV Social Research, University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Hull PB; Mao L; Rossteuscher K; Prestage G; Zablotska I; de Wit J; Holt M, 2012, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Canberra 2011,

Lee E; Mao L; McKenzie T; Batrouney C; West M; Prestage G; Zablotska I; de Wit J; Holt M, 2012, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Melbourne 2012,

Hull PB; Mao L; Kao SC; Edwards B; Prestage G; Zablotska I; de Wit J; Holt M, 2012, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Sydney 2012,

Li JH; Luo J; Mao L; Burrows D; Hardacre P, 2011, Study of outcomes of the Comprehensive Package of Services Model for injecting drug users: Yunnan and Guangxi.,,

Hull PB; Holt M; Mao L; Skene H; Dinnison S; Mortimer E; Prestage G; Zablotska I; de Wit J, 2011, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Adelaide 2010, National Centre in HIV Social Research, The University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Lee E; Holt M; Mao L; McKenzie T; Batrouney C; Kennedy M; Dixon M; Prestage G; Zablotska I; de Wit J, 2011, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Melbourne 2011, National Centre in HIV Social Research, The University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Hull PB; Holt M; Mao L; Freijah R; Comfort J; Laing S; Prestage G; Zablotska I; de Wit J, 2011, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Perth 2010, National Centre in HIV Social Research, The University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Hull PB; Holt M; Mao L; Prestage G; Zablotska I; Norton G; Watts P; de Wit J, 2011, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Queensland 2010,

Lee E; Holt M; Mao L; Prestage G; Zablotska I; Spratling T; Norton G; Watts P; de Wit J, 2011, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Queensland 2011, National Centre in HIV Social Research, The University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Hull PB; Holt M; Mao L; Kao SC; Prestage G; Zablotska I; Triffitt K; Edwards B; de Wit J, 2011, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Sydney 2011, National Centre in HIV Social Research, The University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Newman C; Mao L; Kidd M; Saltman D; Kippax S, 2009, Primary health care project on HIV and depression: key findings, National Centre in HIV Social Research, University of New Southe Wales, Sydney

Fogarty A; Mao L; Zablotska Manos I; Santana HR; Prestage G; Rule J; Canavan P; Murphy D; McGuigan D, 2006, The Health in Men and Positive Health cohorts: A comparison of trends in the health and sexual behaviour of HIV-negative and HIV-positive gay men, 2002-2005, National Centre in HIV Social Research, Sydney

Mao L; Van de Ven P; Prestage G; Wang J; Hua M; Prihaswan P; Ku A, 2003, Asian Gay Community Periodic Survey: Sydney 2002, National Centre in HIV Social Research, UNSW, Sydney,

Prestage G; Mao L; Van de Ven P; Jin F; Grulich A; Crawford J; Kippax S; Kaldor J; Baxter D; Allan B, 2002, Health in Men: updated to end of 2002,

Mao L; Van De Ven PG; Prestage G; Jin F; Grulich AE; Crawford J; Kippax SC; Murphy D; Allan B, 2002, Health in Men. Baseline data, National centre in HIV Social Research, UNSW, Sydney

Theses / Dissertations

Mao L, Gay Asian and Caucasian men in Sydney : cultural, social and cognitive factors associated with sex practices, UNSW,


Brener L; Horwitz R; Cama E; Vu HMK; Jin D; WU E; Rance J; Broady T; Treloar C; Mao L; Okeke S; Bryant J, 2024, “We are studying abroad and need to protect ourselves first”: A mixed-methods study of attitudes towards hepatitis B among university students in Australia of Chinese and Vietnamese background,

Tao X; Mao L; Zhang P; Ma X; Liang Z; Sun K; Peiris D, 2023, Barriers and Facilitators to Primary Care Management of Type 2 Diabetes in China: A Mixed Methods Study,

Abraham E; Chow EPF; Fairley C; Lee D; Kong FYS; Mao L; Goller J; Medland N; Bavinton B; Sudarto B; Joksic S; Wong J; Phillips T; Ong J, 2022, eSexualHealth: Preferences to Use Technology to Promote Sexual Health Among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Trans and Gender Diverse People,

Tao X; Zhang X; Mao L; Zhang P; Peiris D, Status, Functions, and Quality of Mobile Applications for Type 2 Diabetes Care in China: Survey Based on App Markets,


Liu E; Prankumar S; Wong H; Mao L, 2023, Ageing at the intersection of diversities: Assessing and addressing formal and informal care needs when diversities intersect, the Healthy Urban Environments (HUE) Collaboratory, Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (Maridulu Budyari Gumal),

Mao L, 2015, Updates from the National Gay Community Period Surveys, invited speaker by the STIs in Gay Men Action (STIGMA) Group, ACON, Sydney

Newman C; de Wit J; Persson AS; Holt M; Mao L; Slavin S; Kidd M, 2015, Why might some people with HIV feel concerned about using treatment as prevention?, AFAO,

Mao L, 2015, ART use or non-use by PLHIV in Australia, for the HIV Treatment Forum (National), invited speaker by HIV Foundation Queensland, Brisbane

Mao L, 2015, Research and projects/programs in Australia for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) MSM background: a report-back, invited report-back to the CALD Gay Men Working Group, ACON, Sydney

Newman C; Persson A; Holt M; Mao L; de Wit J; Treloar C, 2014, Using treatment to prevent HIV transmission… and HCV? Emerging perspectives from social research, Scientific Advisory Committee, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Australia

Newman C; de Wit J; Mao L; Kidd M, 2014, Engaging service users and providers with new priorities in HIV medicine, SiREN Symposium – Building the Foundations for Innovation, The Western Australian Sexual Health and Blood-Borne Virus Applied Research and Evaluation Network

Newman C; Mao L, 2013, ART treatment uptake project, NAPWA Treatment Officers Forum, Sydney

Newman C; Mao L, 2013, Barriers and incentives to cART uptake: prescriber and patient perspectives, Sydney Sexual Health Centre, Sydney.

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