Select Publications

Journal articles

Huang X; MacIsaac R; Thompson JLP; Levin B; Buchsbaum R; Haley EC; Levi C; Campbell B; Bladin C; Parsons M; Muir KW, 2016, 'Tenecteplase versus alteplase in stroke thrombolysis: An individual patient data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials', International Journal of Stroke, 11, pp. 534 - 543,

Anderson CS; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Arima H; Lavados PM; Lee TH; Broderick JP; Chen X; Chen G; Sharma VK; Kim JS; Thang NH; Cao Y; Parsons MW; Levi C; Huang Y; Olavarría VV; Demchuk AM; Bath PM; Donnan GA; Martins S; Pontes-Neto OM; Silva F; Ricci S; Roffe C; Pandian J; Billot L; Woodward M; Li Q; Wang X; Wang J; Chalmers J, 2016, 'Low-dose versus standard-dose intravenous alteplase in acute ischemic stroke', New England Journal of Medicine, 374, pp. 2313 - 2323,

Zhang S; Zhang X; Yan S; Lai Y; Han Q; Sun J; Zhang M; Parsons MW; Wang S; Lou M, 2016, 'The velocity of collateral filling predicts recanalization in acute ischemic stroke after intravenous thrombolysis', Scientific Reports, 6,

Lin L; Bivard A; Krishnamurthy V; Levi CR; Parsons MW, 2016, 'Whole-brain CT perfusion to quantify acute ischemic penumbra and core', Radiology, 279, pp. 876 - 887,

Warach SJ; Luby M; Albers GW; Bammer R; Bivard A; Campbell BCV; Derdeyn C; Heit JJ; Khatri P; Lansberg MG; Liebeskind DS; Majoie CBLM; Marks MP; Menon BK; Muir KW; Parsons MW; Vagal A; Yoo AJ; Alexandrov AV; Baron JC; Fiorella DJ; Furlan AJ; Puig J; Schellinger PD; Wintermark M, 2016, 'Acute Stroke Imaging Research Roadmap III Imaging Selection and Outcomes in Acute Stroke Reperfusion Clinical Trials: Consensus Recommendations and Further Research Priorities', Stroke, 47, pp. 1389 - 1398,

Kernan WN; Viscoli CM; Furie KL; Young LH; Inzucchi SE; Gorman M; Guarino PD; Lovejoy AM; Peduzzi PN; Conwit R; Brass LM; Schwartz GG; Adams HP; Berger L; Carolei A; Clark W; Coull B; Ford GA; Kleindorfer D; O'Leary JR; Parsons MW; Ringleb P; Sen S; Spence JD; Tanne D; Wang D; Winder TR, 2016, 'Pioglitazone after ischemic stroke or Transient Ischemic attack', New England Journal of Medicine, 374, pp. 1321 - 1331,

Bivard A; Yassi N; Krishnamurthy V; Lin L; Levi C; Spratt NJ; Mittef F; Davis S; Parsons M, 2016, 'A comprehensive analysis of metabolic changes in the salvaged penumbra', Neuroradiology, 58, pp. 409 - 415,

Bivard A; Cheng X; Lin LT; Levi C; Spratt N; Kleinig T; O'Brien B; Butcher K; Lou M; Zhang JF; Sylaja P; Cao WJ; Jannes J; Dong Q; Parsons M, 2016, 'Global White Matter Hypoperfusion on CT Predicts Larger Infarcts and Hemorrhagic Transformation after Acute Ischemia', CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, 22, pp. 238 - 243,

Kawano H; Bivard A; Lin L; Spratt NJ; Miteff F; Parsons MW; Levi CR, 2016, 'Relationship between Collateral Status, Contrast Transit, and Contrast Density in Acute Ischemic Stroke', Stroke, 47, pp. 742 - 749,

Yu Y; Han Q; Ding X; Chen Q; Ye K; Zhang S; Yan S; Campbell BCV; Parsons MW; Wang S; Lou M, 2016, 'Defining Core and Penumbra in Ischemic Stroke: A Voxel- and Volume-Based Analysis of Whole Brain CT Perfusion', Scientific Reports, 6,

Jolly TAD; Cooper PS; Wan Ahmadul Badwi SA; Phillips NA; Rennie JL; Levi CR; Drysdale KA; Parsons MW; Michie PT; Karayanidis F, 2016, 'Microstructural white matter changes mediate age-related cognitive decline on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)', Psychophysiology, 53, pp. 258 - 267,

Yassi N; Campbell BCV; Moffat BA; Steward C; Churilov L; Parsons MW; Donnan GA; Desmond PM; Davis SM; Bivard A, 2016, 'Association between baseline peri-infarct magnetic resonance spectroscopy and regional white matter atrophy after stroke', Neuroradiology, 58, pp. 3 - 10,

Karayanidis F; Keuken MC; Wong A; Rennie JL; de Hollander G; Cooper PS; Ross Fulham W; Lenroot R; Parsons M; Phillips N; Michie PT; Forstmann BU, 2016, 'The Age-ility Project (Phase 1): Structural and functional imaging and electrophysiological data repository', NeuroImage, 124, pp. 1137 - 1142,

Ma H; Campbell BC; Parsons MW; Levi C; Meretoja A; Churilov L; Christensen S; Yassi N; Yan B; Mitchell P; Sharma G; Connelly A; Carey L; Howells D; Chandra R; Hsu CY; Davis SM; Donnan GA, 2016, 'Abstract 59: Extending the Time for Thombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits (EXTEND) - High Prevalence of Intracranial Vessel Occlusion in Wake-up-stroke Patients', Stroke, 47,

Ma H; Campbell BC; Parsons MW; Levi C; Meretoja A; Churilov L; Howells D; Carey L; Sharma G; Christenen S; Yan B; Michell P; Yassi N; Connelly A; Chung HY; Davis SM; Donnan GA, 2016, 'Abstract 62: Extending the Time for Thombolysis in Emergency Neurological Deficits (EXTEND) - Penumbral Patterns Among Patients 4.5-9 Hrs and Wake - Up Stroke', Stroke, 47,

Bivard A; Krishnamurthy V; Levi C; Parsons M, 2016, 'Abstract TP41: Perfusion CT Identifies Ischemic Stroke Patients With a Good Natural History Regardless of Treatment', Stroke, 47,

Huynh DC; Parsons MW; Wintermark M; Vagal A; d’Esterre CD; Vitorino R; Efkehari D; Knight J; Huynh TJ; Bivard A; Swartz R; Symons S; Aviv RI, 2016, 'Can CT perfusion accurately assess infarct core?', Neurovascular Imaging, 2,

Conley AC; Fulham WR; Marquez JL; Parsons MW; Karayanidis F, 2016, 'Corrigendum: No Effect of Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Over the Motor Cortex on Response-Related ERPs during a Conflict Task.', Front Hum Neurosci, 10, pp. 584,

Aviv RI; Parsons M; Bivard A; Jahromi B; Wintermark M, 2015, 'Multiphase CT angiography: A poor man's perfusion CT', Radiology, 277, pp. 922 - 923,

Yassi N; Churilov L; Campbell BCV; Sharma G; Bammer R; Desmond PM; Parsons MW; Albers GW; Donnan GA; Davis SM, 2015, 'The association between lesion location and functional outcome after ischemic stroke', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 1270 - 1276,

Ang TE; Bivard A; Levi C; Ma H; Hsu CY; Campbell B; Donnan G; Davis SM; Parsons M, 2015, 'Multi-modal CT in acute stroke: Wait for a serum creatinine before giving intravenous contrast? No!', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 1014 - 1017,

Heeley E; Anderson CS; Woodward M; Arima H; Robinson T; Stapf C; Parsons M; Lavados PM; Huang Y; Wang Y; Crozier S; Parry-Jones A; Wang J; Chalmers J, 2015, 'Poor utility of grading scales in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: Results from the INTERACT2 trial', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 1101 - 1107,

Hubbard IJ; Carey LM; Budd TW; Levi C; McElduff P; Hudson S; Bateman G; Parsons MW, 2015, 'A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effect of Early Upper-Limb Training on Stroke Recovery and Brain Activation', Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 29, pp. 703 - 713,

Marquez J; Conley A; Karayanidis F; Lagopoulos J; Parsons M, 2015, 'Anodal direct current stimulation in the healthy aged: Effects determined by the hemisphere stimulated', Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 33, pp. 509 - 519,

Liebeskind DS; Parsons MW; Wintermark M; Selim M; Molina CA; Lev MH; González RG, 2015, 'Computed Tomography Perfusion in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Is It Ready for Prime Time?', Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 46, pp. 2364 - 2367,

Wardlaw JM; von Kummer R; Carpenter T; Parsons M; Lindley RI; Cohen G; Murray V; Kobayashi A; Peeters A; Chappell F; Sandercock PAG, 2015, 'Protocol for the perfusion and angiography imaging sub-study of the Third International Stroke Trial (IST-3) of alteplase treatment within six-hours of acute ischemic stroke', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 956 - 968,

Yassi N; Campbell BCV; Moffat BA; Steward C; Churilov L; Parsons MW; Desmond PM; Davis SM; Bivard A, 2015, 'Know your tools—concordance of different methods for measuring brain volume change after ischemic stroke', Neuroradiology, 57, pp. 685 - 695,

Wintermark M; Luby M; Bornstein NM; Demchuk A; Fiehler J; Kudo K; Lees KR; Liebeskind DS; Michel P; Nogueira RG; Parsons MW; Sasaki M; Wardlaw JM; Wu O; Zhang W; Zhu G; Warach SJ, 2015, 'International survey of acute Stroke imaging used to make revascularization treatment decisions', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 759 - 762,

Bivard A; Levi C; Krishnamurthy V; McElduff P; Miteff F; Spratt NJ; Bateman G; Donnan G; Davis S; Parsons M, 2015, 'Perfusion computed tomography to assist decision making for stroke thrombolysis', Brain, 138, pp. 1919 - 1931,

Huang Y; Sharma VK; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Chen X; Kim JS; Lavados P; Olavarría V; Arima H; Fuentes S; Nguyen HT; Lee TH; Parsons MW; Levi C; Demchuk AM; Bath PMW; Broderick JP; Donnan GA; Martins S; Pontes-Neto OM; Silva F; Pandian J; Ricci S; Stapf C; Woodward M; Wang J; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Rationale, design, and progress of the ENhanced Control of Hypertension ANd Thrombolysis strokE stuDy (ENCHANTED) trial: An international multicenter 2×2 quasi-factorial randomized controlled trial of low- vs. standard-dose rt-PA and early intensive vs. guideline-recommended blood pressure lowering in patients with acute ischaemic stroke eligible for thrombolysis treatment', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 778 - 788,

Mcleod DD; Parsons MW; Hood R; Hiles B; Allen J; Mccann SK; Murtha L; Calford MB; Levi CR; Spratt NJ, 2015, 'Perfusion computed tomography thresholds defining ischemic penumbra and infarct core: Studies in a rat stroke model', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 553 - 559,

Carey LM; Crewther S; Salvado O; Lindén T; Connelly A; Wilson W; Howells DW; Churilov L; Ma H; Tse T; Rose S; Palmer S; Bougeat P; Campbell BCV; Christensen S; Macaulay SL; Favaloro J; O' Collins V; Mcbride S; Bates S; Cowley E; Dewey H; Wijeratne T; Gerraty R; Phan TG; Yan B; Parsons MW; Bladin C; Barber PA; Read S; Wong A; Lee A; Kleinig T; Hankey GJ; Blacker D; Markus R; Leyden J; Krause M; Grimley R; Mahant N; Jannes J; Sturm J; Davis SM; Donnan GA, 2015, 'STroke imAging pRevention and treatment (START): A longitudinal stroke cohort study: Clinical trials protocol', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 636 - 644,

Tu HTH; Campbell BCV; Christensen S; Desmond PM; De Silva DA; Parsons MW; Churilov L; Lansberg MG; Mlynash M; Olivot JM; Straka M; Bammer R; Albers GW; Donnan GA; Davis SM, 2015, 'Worse stroke outcome in atrial fibrillation is explained by more severe hypoperfusion, infarct growth, and hemorrhagic transformation', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 534 - 540,

Yassi N; Malpas CB; Campbell BCV; Moffat B; Steward C; Parsons MW; Desmond PM; Donnan GA; Davis SM; Bivard A, 2015, 'Contralesional thalamic surface atrophy and functional disconnection 3 months after ischemic stroke', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 39, pp. 232 - 241,

Conley AC; Marquez J; Parsons MW; Fulham WR; Heathcote A; Karayanidis F, 2015, 'Anodal tDCS over the motor cortex on prepared and unprepared responses in young adults', PLoS ONE, 10,

Marquez J; van Vliet P; Mcelduff P; Lagopoulos J; Parsons M, 2015, 'Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS): Does it have merit in stroke rehabilitation? A systematic review', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 306 - 316,

Campbell BCV; Mitchell PJ; Kleinig TJ; Dewey HM; Churilov L; Yassi N; Yan B; Dowling RJ; Parsons MW; Oxley TJ; Wu TY; Brooks M; Simpson MA; Miteff F; Levi CR; Krause M; Harrington TJ; Faulder KC; Steinfort BS; Priglinger M; Ang T; Scroop R; Barber PA; McGuinness B; Wijeratne T; Phan TG; Chong W; Chandra RV; Bladin CF; Badve M; Rice H; De Villiers L; Ma H; Desmond PM; Donnan GA; Davis SM, 2015, 'Endovascular therapy for ischemic stroke with perfusion-imaging selection', New England Journal of Medicine, 372, pp. 1009 - 1018,

Priglinger M; Arima H; Anderson C; Krause M; Chalmers J; Huang Y; Wang JG; Bath P; Davis S; Kim J; Lindley R; Neal B; Morgenstern LB; MacMahon S; Woodward M; Butcher K; Chambers B; Donnan G; Levi C; Parsons MW; Dorsch N; Huang Y; Wang JG; Lu C; Chen S; Jiang JD; Liu Z; Zhang J; Kong L; Song Y; Wang Z; Wang W; Wu F; Yuan Y; Kim JS; Kim J; Simes J; Hankey G; Jamrozik K; Johnston S; Shunwei L; Skulina C; Peng B; Billot L; Li Q; Su S; Heritier S; Heeley E; Capper H; Chisholm J; Currie R; Fathers J; Hackett M; Homewood S; Jane K; Jones K; Leksuwat S; Mullane B; Pandey S; Patel A; Quilkey A; Scott J; Starzec G; Wadham A; Zeckendorf S; Han D; Ying S; Xu W; Zhang LJ; Huang Q; Li Y; Yan L; Kyung S, 2015, 'No relationship of lipid-lowering agents to hematoma growth: Pooled analysis of the intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trials studies', Stroke, 46, pp. 857 - 859,

Zhang S; Tang H; Yu YN; Yan SQ; Parsons MW; Lou M, 2015, 'Optimal Magnetic Resonance Perfusion Thresholds Identifying Ischemic Penumbra and Infarct Core: A Chinese Population-based Study', CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, 21, pp. 289 - 295,

Hubbard IJ; Carey LM; Budd TW; Parsons MW, 2015, 'Reorganizing therapy: Changing the clinical approach to upper limb recovery post-stroke', Occupational Therapy International, 22, pp. 28 - 35,

Campbell BCV; Parsons MW, 2015, 'Repeat brain imaging after thrombolysis is important', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. E18 - E18,

Pokorney SD; Piccini JP; Stevens SR; Patel MR; Pieper KS; Halperin JL; Breithardt G; Singer DE; Hankey GJ; Hacke W; Becker RC; Berkowitz SD; Nessel CC; Mahaffey KW; Fox KAA; Califf RM; Anderson J; Bedwell N; Bilsker M; Bruce G; Agah R; DeSantis M; Eisenberg S; Flores A; Herzog W; Klein S; Snyder H; Krueger S; Almaguer E; Lavie E; Lee C; Mallis G; Modi M; Woodworth G; Niazi I; Peart B; Sundaram S; Snoddy B; Sotolongo R; Moloney J; Vijayaraghavan K; Whittier F; Yellen L; Banerjee S; Lustgarten D; Suresh D; Gelernt M; Levinson L; Ghanekar R; Niazi I; Kneller G; Hall C; Fadl Y; Suresh D; Pirwitz M; French W; Mayer N; Pugeda J; Steel K; Mody F; Malik A; Chandna H; Go A; Emlein G; Bowden W; Moscoso R; Hodson R; Berk M; Pan D; Pappas J; Orchard R; Lynchard G; Vijay N; Khan W; El Khadra M; Antonishen M; Cucher F; Staab M; Zebrack J; Borromeo S; Heilman J; Chaturvedi S; Makam S; Turk S; Hyers T; Williams G; Labroo A; Gill S; Myears D; Weinstein J; Shanes J; Chandrashekhar Y; Shah S; Reiter W; Logemann T; Almquist A; Bhagwat R; Tak T; Shen-Ling J; Patel P, 2015, 'Cause of death and predictors of all-cause mortality in anticoagulated patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: Data from ROCKET AF', Journal of the American Heart Association, 5,

Campbell BCV; Yassi N; Ma H; Sharma G; Salinas S; Churilov L; Meretoja A; Parsons MW; Desmond PM; Lansberg MG; Donnan GA; Davis SM, 2015, 'Imaging selection in ischemic stroke: Feasibility of automated CT-perfusion analysis', International Journal of Stroke, 10, pp. 51 - 54,

Wang X; Arima H; Yang J; Zhang S; Wu G; Woodward M; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Lavados PM; Stapf C; Robinson T; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Lindley RI; Parsons M; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Mannitol and outcome in intracerebral hemorrhage: Propensity score and multivariable intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral hemorrhage trial 2 results', Stroke, 46, pp. 2762 - 2767,

Arima H; Heeley E; Delcourt C; Hirakawa Y; Wang X; Woodward M; Robinson T; Stapf C; Parsons M; Lavados PM; Huang Y; Wang J; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2015, 'Optimal achieved blood pressure in acute intracerebral hemorrhage: INTERACT2', Neurology, 84, pp. 464 - 471,

Sales M; Quain D; Lasserson D; Levi C; Oldmeadow C; Jiwa M; Parsons M; Russell M; Clarey J; Magin P, 2015, 'Quality of referrals and guideline compliance for time to consultation at an acute neurovascular clinic', Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 24, pp. 874 - 880,

Karayanidis F; Keuken MC; Wong A; Rennie JL; de Hollander G; Cooper PS; Ross Fulham W; Lenroot R; Parsons M; Phillips N; Michie PT; Forstmann BU, 2015, 'The Age-ility Project (Phase 1): Structural and functional imaging and electrophysiological data repository', NeuroImage,

Luby M; Warach SJ; Albers GW; Cognard C; Donnan GA; Fiebach JB; Hacke W; Lansberg MG; Liebeskind DS; Mattle HP; Oppenheim C; Schellinger PD; Wardlaw JM; Bornstein N; Dávalos A; Kang D-W; Kaste M; Michel P; Parsons MW; Sasaki M; Wintermark M, 2015, 'Abstract 179: International Survey of Clinical Case Vignettes in Acute Ischemic Stroke', Stroke, 46,

Yassi N; Campbell BC; Bivard A; Malpas C; Parsons MW; Desmond PM; Davis SM, 2015, 'Abstract T P75: Vertex Analysis Demonstrates Significant Changes in Contralesional Thalamus 3 Months After Ischemic Stroke', Stroke, 46,

Christensen S; Campbell B; Lansberg M; Hislop-Jambrich J; Davis S; Desmond P; Parsons M, 2015, 'Improved dynamic CT angiography visualization by flow territory masking', Brain Circulation, 1, pp. 114 - 114,

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