Select Publications

Journal articles

Drinkwater P; Uncles MD, 2007, 'The Impact of Program Brands on Consumer Evaluations of Television and Radio Broadcaster Brands', Journal of Product and Brand Management, 16, pp. 178 - 187,

Kwok S; Uncles MD; Huang YS, 2006, 'Brand Preferences and Brand Choice Among Urban Chinese Consumers: An Investigation of Country-of-Origin Effects.', Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 18, pp. 163 - 172,

Uncles MD; Lee D, 2006, 'Brand Purchasing by Older Consumers: An Investigation Using the Juster Scale and the Dirichlet Model', Marketing Letters, 17, pp. 17 - 29,

Uncles MD; Patterson PG, 2005, 'amj - Progress and Prospects', Australasian Marketing Journal, 13, pp. 5 - 7

Uncles MD; Macdonald EK, 2005, 'Discovering the Savvy New Consumer', Marketing, pp. 42 - 42

Woodside AG; Uncles MD, 2005, 'How Behavioral Primacy Interacts with Short-Term Marketing Tactics to Influence Subsequent Long-Term Brand Choice', Journal of Advertising Research, 45, pp. 229 - 240,

Uncles MD, 2005, 'Marketing Metrics: A Can of Worms, or the Path to Enlightenment?', Journal of Brand Management, 12, pp. 412 - 418,

Kwok S; Uncles MD, 2005, 'Sales Promotion Effectiveness: The Impact of Consumer Differences at an Ethnic-Group Level', Journal of Product and Brand Management, 14, pp. 170 - 186,

Page K; Uncles MD, 2004, 'Consumer Knowledge of the World Wide Web: Conceptualization and Measurement', Psychology and Marketing, 21, pp. 573 - 591,

Uncles MD; Wright M, 2004, 'Empirical Generalisation in Marketing', Australasian Marketing Journal, 12, pp. 5 - 18

Uncles MD, 2004, 'Journal Rankings: How Much Credence Should We Give Them?', Australasian Marketing Journal, 12, pp. 67 - 72

Uncles MD; Ehrenberg A; Goodhardt GJ, 2004, 'Reply to Commentary on `Understanding Brand Performance Measures: Using Dirichlet Benchmarks`.', Journal of Business Research, 57, pp. 1329 - 1330

Uncles MD; Drinkwatr P, 2004, 'Tuning in to broadcaster branding.', Professional Marketing, pp. 22 - 23

Uncles MD; Ehrenberg A; Goodhardt GJ, 2004, 'Understanding Brand Performance Measures: Using Dirichlet Benchmarks.', Journal of Business Research, 57, pp. 1307 - 1325

Uncles MD, 2003, 'Comment: Too few principles or too few grounded principles?', Interfaces, 33, pp. 101 - 103

Uncles MD; Dowling GR; Hammond K, 2003, 'Customer Loyalty and Customer Loyalty Programs', Journal of Consumer Marketing, 20, pp. 294 - 316,

Uncles MD; Goh K, 2003, 'The Benefits of Airline Global Alliances: An Empirical Assessment of the Perceptions of Business Travelers', Transportation Research Part A - Policy and Practice, 37, pp. 479 - 497

Uncles MD, 2003, 'Too few principles or too few grounded principles?', Interfaces, 33, pp. 101 - 103

Uncles MD; Bock TJ, 2002, 'A Taxonomy of Differences Between Consumers for Market Segmentation', International Journal of Research in Marketing, 19, pp. 215 - 224,

Uncles MD, 2002, 'e-Branding: It is Really a New World? (in mandarin)', China Entrepreneur, 2002, pp. 112 - 113

Uncles MD, 2002, 'From Marketing Knowledge to Marketing Principles', Journal of Marketing Theory, 2, pp. 345 - 353,

Uncles MD, 2002, 'On the Value of Manuals and Handbooks in Marketing Planning', Australasian Marketing Journal, 10, pp. 88 - 91,

Uncles MD; Patterson PG, 2001, 'Editorial', Australasian Marketing Journal, 9, pp. 5 - 6,

Uncles MD, 2001, 'Editorial: Interactive Electronic Marketing and Brand Management', Journal of Brand Management, 8, pp. 245 - 254,

Uncles MD, 2000, 'What Can Be Done to Enhance the Research Productivity of Junior Staff', Australasian Marketing Journal, 8, pp. 73 - 79,

Uncles MD; Suarazas J, 2000, 'Editorial: Market orientation', Australian Journal of Management, pp. i - ix,

Wilkinson IF, 2000, 'What can be done to enhance the research productivity of junior staff?', Australasian Marketing Journal, pp. 73 - 79

Uncles MD; Magill G, 1999, 'How prospective clients find out about your practice', Law Society Journal, pp. 64 - 67

Uncles MD, 1998, 'A structured approach to the presentation of research theses.', Australasian Marketing Journal, pp. 87 - 94,

Uncles MD, 1998, 'Book Review of `Britain TM: Renewing our identity`', Journal of Brand Management, pp. 138 - 141

Uncles MD, 1998, 'Book review: `Grocery revolution: The new focus on the consumer`', International Review of Retail Distribution and Consumer Research, pp. 351 - 352,

Uncles MD; Keng KA; Ehrenberg A; Barnard N, 1998, 'Competitive Brand-Choice and Store-Choice Among Japanese Consumers', Journal of Product and Brand Management, 7, pp. 421 - 1061,

Uncles MD, 1998, 'Editorial: Brand management in Australasia and the Far East', Journal of Product and Brand Management, pp. 448 - 462

Uncles MD; Styles CW, 1998, 'Marketing management in Australia - Joint AMI/UNSW survey', Professional Marketing (Supplement of B and T Weekly), pp. 32 - 33

Uncles MD; Polonsky M; Lawson R; Johnson LW; Wilkinson IF; Alpert F, 1998, 'Perspectives on academic publishing: advice for those just starting', Australasian Marketing Journal, pp. 63 - 80,

Uncles MD; Styles CW, 1998, 'Preparing tomorrow`s marketers for tomorrow`s world', Professional Marketing (Supplement of B and T Weekly), pp. 14 - 21

Uncles MD, 1997, 'Retailing, consumption and capital: toward the new retail geography - Wrigley,N, Lowe,M', ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-PLANNING & DESIGN, 24, pp. 929 - 931,

Macrae C; Uncles MD, 1997, 'Rethinking brand management: the role of “brand chartering”', Journal of Product & Brand Management, 6, pp. 64 - 77,

Dowling GR; Uncles MD, 1997, 'Do Customer Loyalty Programs Really Work', Sloan Management Review, pp. 71 - 82,

Uncles M; Laurent G, 1997, 'Editorial', International Journal of Research in Marketing, 14, pp. 399 - 404,

Uncles MD; Laurent G, 1997, 'Loyalty', International Journal of Research in Marketing, 14, pp. 399 - 404

Uncles MD, 1997, 'Retail power plays: from trading to brand leadership` by A Wileman & M Jary', Journal of Brand Management, pp. 142 - 144,

Uncles MD, 1997, 'Romanticism and realism in brand management', Journal of Brand Management, 5, pp. 76 - 81,

Uncles MD, 1996, 'Classifying shoppers by their shopping-trip behaviour: a polythetic-divisive method', Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 14, pp. 35 - 44,

Macrae C; Uncles MD, 1996, 'Re-Thinking Brand Management : The Role of Brand Chartering', Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 14, pp. 46 - 55,

Uncles MD; Cocks M; Macrae C, 1995, 'Brand Architecture: Reconfiguring Organisations for Effective Brand Management', Journal of Brand Management, 3, pp. 81 - 92,

Uncles MD, 1995, 'Branding - The Marketing Advantage', Journal of Brand Management, 3, pp. 9 - 18

Uncles M; Jobber D, 1995, 'Editorial: Making marketing work', Journal of Marketing Management, 11, pp. 751 - 753,

Uncles MD, 1995, 'Grocery Store Patronage', The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 5, pp. 287 - 302,

Uncles MD; Ehrenberg ASC; Hammond K, 1995, 'Patterns of Buyer Behavior: Regularities, Models and Extensions', Marketing Science, 14, pp. G71 - G78,

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