Select Publications

Journal articles

Mohammed A; Khan A; Saeed Khan H; Santamouris M, 2024, 'On the cooling energy impacts of combined urban heat mitigation strategies in subtropical urban building environment', Energy and Buildings, 309,

Vardopoulos I; Santamouris M; Zorpas AA; Barone G; Italos C; Vassiliades C, 2024, 'A Comparative Study on Discrepancies in Residential Building Energy Performance Certification in a Mediterranean Context', Buildings, 14,

Mohammed A; Khan A; Khan HS; Santamouris M, 2024, 'On the energy impact of cool roofs in Dubai', Solar Energy, 272,

Adilkhanova I; Santamouris M; Yun GY, 2024, 'Green roofs save energy in cities and fight regional climate change', Nature Cities, 1, pp. 238 - 249,

Roumi S; Zhang F; Stewart RA; Santamouris M, 2024, 'Indoor environment quality effects on occupant satisfaction and energy consumption: Empirical evidence from subtropical offices', Energy and Buildings, 303,

Haddad S; Zhang W; Paolini R; Gao K; Altheeb M; Al Mogirah A; Bin Moammar A; Hong T; Khan A; Cartalis C; Polydoros A; Santamouris M, 2024, 'Quantifying the energy impact of heat mitigation technologies at the urban scale', Nature Cities, 1, pp. 62 - 72,

Khorat S; Das D; Khatun R; Aziz SM; Anand P; Khan A; Santamouris M; Niyogi D, 2024, 'Cool roof strategies for urban thermal resilience to extreme heatwaves in tropical cities', Energy and Buildings, 302,

Pignatta G; Ullah KR; Santamouris M; Prodanovic V, 2024, 'Assessing the Impact of Heat Mitigation Measures on Thermal Performance and Energy Demand at the Community Level: A Pathway Toward Designing Net-zero Energy Communities', Building Simulation, 17, pp. 1379 - 1400,

Xu D; Bai T; Song Y; Xia Z; Duan X; Santamouris M; Cui Y, 2024, 'Reassessing the climate mitigation potential of Chinese ecological restoration: The undiscovered potential of urban', The Innovation Geoscience, 2, pp. 100068 - 100068,

Boccalatte A; Thebault M; Paolini R; Fossa M; Ramousse J; Ménézo C; Santamouris M, 2023, 'Assessing the combined effects of local climate and mounting configuration on the electrical and thermal performance of photovoltaic systems. Application to the greater Sydney area', Renewable Energy, 219,

Khan A; Santamouris M, 2023, 'On the local warming potential of urban rooftop photovoltaic solar panels in cities', Scientific Reports, 13,

Khan A; Carlosena L; Khorat S; Khatun R; Das D; Doan QV; Hamdi R; Aziz SM; Akbari H; Santamouris M; Niyogi D, 2023, 'Urban cooling potential and cost comparison of heat mitigation techniques for their impact on the lower atmosphere', Computational Urban Science, 3,

Vasilakopoulou K; Ulpiani G; Khan A; Synnefa A; Santamouris M, 2023, 'Cool roofs boost the energy production of photovoltaics: Investigating the impact of roof albedo on the energy performance of monofacial and bifacial photovoltaic modules', Solar Energy, 265,

Feng J; Gao K; Khan H; Ulpiani G; Vasilakopoulou K; Young Yun G; Santamouris M, 2023, 'Overheating of Cities: Magnitude, Characteristics, Impact, Mitigation and Adaptation, and Future Challenges', Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 48, pp. 651 - 679,

Morales-Inzunza S; González-Trevizo ME; Martínez-Torres KE; Luna-León A; Tamayo-Pérez UJ; Fernández-Melchor F; Santamouris M, 2023, 'On the potential of cool materials in the urban heat island context: Scalability challenges and technological setbacks towards building decarbonization', Energy and Buildings, 296,

Mohammed A; Khan A; Khan HS; Santamouris M, 2023, 'Cooling Energy Benefits of Increased Green Infrastructure in Subtropical Urban Building Environments', Buildings, 13,

Mohammed A; Khan A; Santamouris M, 2023, 'Numerical evaluation of enhanced green infrastructures for mitigating urban heat in a desert urban setting', Building Simulation, 16, pp. 1691 - 1712,

Garshasbi S; Khan A; Santamouris M, 2023, 'On the cooling energy penalty of urban photovoltaics: a case study in Sydney, Australia', Energy and Buildings, 294,

Carlosena L; Ruiz-Pardo Á; Rodríguez-Jara EÁ; Santamouris M, 2023, 'Worldwide potential of emissive materials based radiative cooling technologies to mitigate urban overheating', Building and Environment, 243,

Adilkhanova I; Santamouris M; Yun GY, 2023, 'Coupling urban climate modeling and city-scale building energy simulations with the statistical analysis: Climate and energy implications of high albedo materials in Seoul', Energy and Buildings, 290,

Koohestani SS; Nižetić S; Santamouris M, 2023, 'Comparative review and evaluation of state-of-the-art photovoltaic cooling technologies', Journal of Cleaner Production, 406,

Ifaei P; Saman Tayerani Charmchi A; Santamouris M; Yoo CK, 2023, 'Comprehensive performance evaluation of water and power production technologies using water-exergy nexus analysis', Energy Conversion and Management, 284,

Wang J; Meng Q; Yang C; Ren P; Santamouris M, 2023, 'Spray optimization to enhance the cooling performance of transparent roofs in hot-humid areas', Energy and Buildings, 286,

Khan A; Khorat S; Doan QV; Khatun R; Das D; Hamdi R; Carlosena L; Santamouris M; Georgescu M; Niyogi D, 2023, 'Exploring the Meteorological Impacts of Surface and Rooftop Heat Mitigation Strategies Over a Tropical City', Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128,

Roumi S; Zhang F; Stewart RA; Santamouris M, 2023, 'Weighting of indoor environment quality parameters for occupant satisfaction and energy efficiency', Building and Environment, 228,

Garshasbi S; Feng J; Paolini R; Jonathan Duverge J; Bartesaghi-Koc C; Arasteh S; Khan A; Santamouris M, 2023, 'On the energy impact of cool roofs in Australia', Energy and Buildings, 278,

Santamouris M; Vasilakopoulou K, 2023, 'Recent progress on urban heat mitigation technologies', Science Talks, 5, pp. 100105 - 100105,

Heshmat Mohajer HR; Ding L; Santamouris M, 2022, 'On the Thermal Environmental Quality of Typical Urban Settlement Configurations', Buildings, 13, pp. 1 - 38,

Mao H; Meng Q; Li S; Ren P; Wang J; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Convection heat transfer coefficient of building glasses under salt deposition conditions', Building and Environment, 224,

Haddad S; Paolini R; Synnefa A; De Torres L; Prasad D; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Integrated assessment of the extreme climatic conditions, thermal performance, vulnerability, and well-being in low-income housing in the subtropical climate of Australia', Energy and Buildings, 272,

Ngarambe J; Santamouris M; Yun GY, 2022, 'The Impact of Urban Warming on the Mortality of Vulnerable Populations in Seoul', Sustainability (Switzerland), 14,

Lagisz M; Vasilakopoulou K; Bridge C; Santamouris M; Nakagawa S, 2022, 'Rapid systematic reviews for synthesizing research on built environment', Environmental Development, 43,

Nazarian N; Krayenhoff ES; Bechtel B; Hondula DM; Paolini R; Vanos J; Cheung T; Chow WTL; de Dear R; Jay O; Lee JKW; Martilli A; Middel A; Norford LK; Sadeghi M; Schiavon S; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Integrated Assessment of Urban Overheating Impacts on Human Life', Earth's Future, 10,

Khan A; Papazoglou EG; Cartalis C; Philippopoulos K; Vasilakopoulou K; Santamouris M, 2022, 'On the mitigation potential and urban climate impact of increased green infrastructures in a coastal mediterranean city', Building and Environment, 221,

Wang J; Meng Q; Zou Y; Qi Q; Tan K; Santamouris M; He BJ, 2022, 'Performance synergism of pervious pavement on stormwater management and urban heat island mitigation: A review of its benefits, key parameters, and co-benefits approach', Water Research, 221,

Saeed Khan H; Paolini R; Caccetta P; Santamouris M, 2022, 'On the combined impact of local, regional, and global climatic changes on the urban energy performance and indoor thermal comfort—The energy potential of adaptation measures', Energy and Buildings, 267,

Mohajer HRH; Ding L; Santamouris M; HESHMAT MOHAJER H, 2022, 'Developing Heat Mitigation Strategies in the Urban Environment of Sydney, Australia', Buildings, 12, pp. 903,

Wang J; Meng Q; Tan K; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Evaporative cooling performance estimation of pervious pavement based on evaporation resistance', Building and Environment, 217,

Feng J; Saliari M; Gao K; Santamouris M, 2022, 'On the cooling energy conservation potential of super cool roofs', Energy and Buildings, 264,

Falasca S; Zinzi M; Ding L; Curci G; Santamouris M, 2022, 'On the mitigation potential of higher urban albedo in a temperate oceanic metropolis', Sustainable Cities and Society, 81,

Garshasbi S; Huang S; Valenta J; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Adjusting optical and fluorescent properties of quantum dots: Moving towards best optical heat-rejecting materials', Solar Energy, 238, pp. 272 - 279,

Roumi S; Zhang F; Stewart RA; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Commercial building indoor environmental quality models: A critical review', Energy and Buildings, 263,

Kolokotsa D; Lilli K; Gobakis K; Mavrigiannaki A; Haddad S; Garshasbi S; Mohajer HRH; Paolini R; Vasilakopoulou K; Bartesaghi C; Prasad D; Santamouris M; Bartesaghi Koc C; HESHMAT MOHAJER H, 2022, 'Analyzing the Impact of Urban Planning and Building Typologies in Urban Heat Island Mitigation', Buildings, 12,

Kassomenos P; Kissas G; Petrou I; Begou P; Khan HS; Santamouris M, 2022, 'The influence of daily weather types on the development and intensity of the urban heat island in two Mediterranean coastal metropolises', Science of the Total Environment, 819,

Sangiorgio V; Capolupo A; Tarantino E; Fiorito F; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Evaluation of Absolute Maximum Urban Heat Island Intensity Based on a Simplified Remote Sensing Approach', Environmental Engineering Science, 39, pp. 296 - 307,

Khan A; Carlosena L; Feng J; Khorat S; Khatun R; Doan QV; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Optically Modulated Passive Broadband Daytime Radiative Cooling Materials Can Cool Cities in Summer and Heat Cities in Winter', Sustainability (Switzerland), 14,

Laskari M; de Masi RF; Karatasou S; Santamouris M; Assimakopoulos MN, 2022, 'On the impact of user behaviour on heating energy consumption and indoor temperature in residential buildings', Energy and Buildings, 255,

Kyriakopoulos P; Caouris YG; Souliotis M; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Characteristics of the urban heat island effect in the coastal Mediterranean city of Kalamata, Greece', International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 41, pp. 1795 - 1818,

Giannopoulos A; Caouris YG; Souliotis M; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Characteristics of the urban heat island effect, in the coastal city of Patras, Greece', International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 41, pp. 556 - 571,

Pyrgou A; Santamouris M, 2022, 'Macroeconomic, demographic and climatic indicators for household electricity consumption model in Cyprus', International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 41, pp. 205 - 214,

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