Select Publications
Conference Papers
2010, 'Can Australians mark KS3 mathematics exams? A study in cultural differences', in Published Proceedings of the 7th British Congress of Mathematics Education, In M. Joubert & P. Andrews (Eds.), Manchester, UK, pp. 25 - 32, presented at 7th British Congress of Mathematics Education, Manchester, UK
,2010, 'Reducing intrinsic cognitive load: Different strategies with a common explanation', in Published Proceedings of the 2010 EARLI SIG 6/7 Conference, In T. Seufert, G. Corbalan, J. Zumbach & B. Logorio (Eds.), Ulm, Germany, pp. 164 - 166, presented at 2010 EARLI SIG 6/7 Conference, Ulm, Germany
,2008, 'Investigating the influence of transitory information and motivation during instructional animations', in International Perspectives in the Learning Sciences., Utrecht, Netherlands, presented at 8th International Conference for the Learning Sciences, Utrecht, Netherlands, 23 June 2008 - 28 June 2008
,2006, 'Grade 12 Mathematics Teachers` Views on Curriculum Reform in NSW', in Annual Conference 29 Maths Education Research Group of Australasia, Canberra, presented at Annual Conference 29 Maths Education Research Group of Australasia, Canberra, 01 July 2006 - 05 July 2006
,2002, 'Teachers` Perceptions of the Implementation of the New South Wales Higher School Certificate', in Cowley T; Williamson J (ed.), AARE Conference Papers - Electronic, AARE, Victoria, presented at AARE 2002: Australian Association for Research in Education National Conference, Brisbane, Qld, 01 December 2002 - 05 December 2002
,2002, 'The stability of young students probability notions', in International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Norwich, UK, presented at International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Norwich, UK, 21 July 2002 - 26 July 2002
,2001, 'Effective teaching and student independance of Grade 12', in AERA Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, pp. 1 - 2, presented at AERA Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, 10 April 2001 - 14 April 2001
,2001, 'The effects of instruction on likelihood misconceptions', in 25th conference of the international group for the Psychology of mathematics education, Utrecht, the Netherlands, presented at 25th conference of the international group for the Psychology of mathematics education, Utrecht, the Netherlands
,2000, 'An analysis of bracket expansion errors', in PME 24, Hiroshima Japan 2000, presented at PME 24, Hiroshima Japan 2000, 23 July 2000 - 27 July 2000
,2000, 'Knowing the Sample Space or Not: The Effects on Decision Making', in PME 24, Hiroshima Japan 2000, presented at PME 24, Hiroshima Japan 2000, 23 July 2000 - 27 July 2000
,2000, 'Mental effort and errors in bracket expansion tasks', in Mathematics Education Beyond 2000, Fremantle, WA, presented at 23rd annual conference of the mathematics education research group of Australasia incorporated, Fremantle, WA, 05 July 2000 - 09 July 2000
,Conference Presentations
2019, 'Investigating the role of hand perspective when learning knot tying from instructional animations.', presented at 12th International Cognitive Load theory conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 17 June 2019 - 19 June 2019,
,2018, 'Helping Hands? Learning hand motor skills from static graphics and animations with and without hands.', presented at 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, USA, 13 April 2018 - 17 April 2018,
,2016, 'Does gesturing improve the learning of human motor skills for children, when learning from instructional animation and statics?', presented at The 9th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference, Bochum, Germany, 22 June 2016 - 24 June 2016,
,2016, 'The Impact of Gesturing when Learning to Play Piano Clips from Animations', presented at The 9th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference, Bochum, Germany, 22 June 2016 - 24 June 2016,
,2013, 'Does adding gestures to both instructional animations and statics improve learning human motor skills?', presented at 6th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference, Toulouse, France, 26 June 2013 - 28 June 2013
,Conference Abstracts
2017, 'Is reading, writing or typing a better way to learn.', in International Cognitive Load Theory conference 2017, Wollongong, Australia, presented at 10th International Cognitive Load Theory Conference, Wollongong, Australia, 20 November 2017 - 22 November 2017,
,2017, 'Adaptive Tutorials to Support Learning', in International Cognitive Load Theory Conference (ICLTC2017), Wollongong, Australia, presented at International Cognitive Load Theory Conference (ICLTC2017), Wollongong, Australia, 20 November 2017 - 22 November 2017