UNSW Research Web and Researcher Profiles are undergoing scheduled maintenance between 9:00 am on 9th October 2024 and 5:00 pm on 9th October 2024.
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Select Publications

Journal articles

Bucic T; O'Connor G, 2024, 'Avoiding Harm in Technology Innovation', MIT Sloan Management Review, https://shop.sloanreview.mit.edu/store/avoiding-harm-in-technology-innovation

Nguyen ODY; Bucic T; Ngo LV; Oppewal H, 2023, 'Disposal-based scarcity: How overstock reduction methods influence consumer brand perceptions and evaluations', Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51, pp. 1305 - 1326, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11747-023-00969-9

Ngo L; Bucic T; Sinha A; Lu V, 2019, 'Effective sense-and-respond strategies: Mediating roles of exploratory and exploitative innovation', Journal of Business Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.10.050

Bucic T; Gill O; Ngo L, 2018, 'DECIPEHERING SUCCESSFUL NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH: FINDING BALANCE BETWEEN DESIGN FORM AND FUNCTION, AND CONSUMER INNOVATIVENESS', Global Fashion Management Conference, 2018, pp. 1233 - 1234, http://dx.doi.org/10.15444/gmc2018.10.04.05

Northey G; Govind R; Bucic T; Chylinski M; Dolan R; van Esch P, 2018, 'The effect of “here and now” learning on student engagement and academic achievement', British Journal of Educational Technology, 49, pp. 321 - 333, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12589

Nguyen N; Ngo L; Bucic T; Phong N, 2017, 'Cross-functional knowledge sharing, coordination and firm performance: The role of cross-functional competition', Industrial Marketing Management, 71, pp. 123 - 134, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2017.12.014

Bucic T; Ngo LV; Sinha A, 2017, 'Improving the effectiveness of market-oriented organisation: Empirical evidence from an emerging economy', Australian Journal of Management, 42, pp. 308 - 308, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0312896215611189

Bucic T; Robinson LJ, 2016, 'Motivational engagement in the marketing classroom: individual goal orientations and class climate', Journal of Strategic Marketing, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2016.1182579

Luu NT; Hau LN; Ngo LV; Bucic T; Cuong PH, 2016, 'Outcome versus Process Value in Service Delivery', Journal of Services Marketing, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JSM-12-2014-0410

Northey G; Bucic T; Chylinski M; Govind R, 2015, 'Increasing Student Engagement Using Asynchronous Learning', Journal of Marketing Education, 37, pp. 171 - 180, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0273475315589814

Harris JA; Arli D; Bucic T; Lasmono H, 2014, 'Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility Among Indonesian College Students', Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, 15, pp. 231 - 259, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10599231.2014.934634

Tjiptono F; Arli ; Bucic T, 2014, 'Consumer confusion proneness: insights from a developing economy', Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 6, pp. 722 - 734, http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/MIP-05-2013-0082

Bucic T; Ngo LV, 2013, 'Achieving alliance innovation via alliance learning: An empirical study', International Journal of Innovation Management, 17, pp. 1350013 - 1350013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S1363919613500138

Bucic T; Harris JA; Arli D, 2012, 'Ethical Consumers Among the Millennials: A Cross-National Study', Journal of Business Ethics, 110, pp. 113 - 131, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10551-011-1151-z

Bucic T; Ngo LV, 2011, 'Examining drivers of collaborative inbound open innovation: empirical evidence from Australian firms', International Journal of Innovation Management, 16, pp. 1250017 - 1250017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S1363919611003660

Bucic T; Robinson L; Ramburuth P, 2010, 'Effects of leadership style on team learning', Journal of Workplace Learning, 22, pp. 228 - 248

Bucic T; Gudergan S, 2004, 'The Impact of Organizational Settings on Creativity and Leaning in Alliances.', M@n@gement, 7, pp. 257 - 273, http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/mana.073.0257

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