Poon, K., Cumming, T. M., Lee, H. M. (2024). A PRISMA-based systematic review on the efficacy of computerised cognitive training for students with special educational needs. ADA Internal Research Grants – Seed Scheme. ($5,000).
Cumming, T. M., McArthur, I., Kriss, K., Watson, K., & Jiang, V. (2023). UDL and Neurodiversity: A toolkit for unlocking opportunities with diverse students. UNSW Division of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion ($26,000).
Cumming, T. M., & Lee, H. M. (2023). Supporting the classroom management skill development of pre-service teachers through mixed reality learning environments. UNSW Faculty of Arts, Design, Architecture. ($9,782).
Cumming, T. M., Lee, H. M., Maras, K., & Gilanyi, L. (2023). Centennial Park School: Pathways Program and Specialised Supports. NSW Department of Education. ($20,000).
Carter A., Young, A., Guy, R., Danchin, M., Skinner, R., Davies, C., Vujovich-Dunn, C., Newman, C., Klinner, C., Bateson, D., Cumming, T., Brown, S., Hepburn, L. A. (2022-2026). Vax4Health: A research project to co-design immunisation services with students with disability. NSW Health, Prevention Research Support Program ($426,719).
Cumming, T. M. (2022). Using simulations to teach the escalation cycle and parent-teacher conferences. UNSW Faculty of Arts, Design, Architecture. ($44,242).
Cumming, T. M. (2022). HyFlex delivery mode in a postgraduate special education course: Instructor and student perspectives. UNSW School of Education Rapid-Fire Research Grant Scheme. ($9,948).
Cumming, T. M. (2022). Academic partner for parent partnerships learning ecosystems. NSW Department of Education ($412,170).
McArthur, I., Kriss, K., Watson, K., & Cumming, T. M. (2022). Co-designing digital inclusion using participatory public space media with neurodiverse communities. UNSW School of Art & Design Research Support Scheme-. ($9,200).
Maras, K., Kriss, K., & Cumming, T. M. (2022). Animating Place and improving life on earth - A MSHS, UNSW, and industry collaboration. ($35,000: $15,000 Matraville High School, $10,000 Visual Arts and Design Educators’ Association, 10,000 UNSW School of Education).
Fardell, J., Ellis, S. J., Sansom-Daly, U., Patterson, P., Chard, J., Bhadri, V., Docking, K., Wakefield, C. E., Koh, E-S., Taylor, N., Cumming, T. M., Cohen, J., Dhillon, H., Wlwyn, T., Shaw, J., O’Reilly, J., Speers, N., & Schilstra, C.E. (2021). BRIDGES-4AYA: An online information resource to bridge the gaps between treatment and education/ employment for Adolescent and Young Adults (AYAs) with cancer. ($120,000).
Cumming, T. M., McArthur, I., Bober, J., Kriss, K., Watson, K., Bugge, A., & Birman, H. (2021). Neurodiverse students as partners: Co-production of course materials. UNSW Division of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. ($5,000).
Cumming, T. M. (2021). University researchers as partners in implementing school-wide UDL: An action research project. UNSW School of Education Rapid-Fire Research Grant Scheme. ($9,367).
Fardell, J., Campbell, L., Shortland, L., Cumming, T., Strnadová, I., Wakefield, C., Marshall, G. (2020). Coordinated health and education support planning. K2A Alliance ($20,000).
Cumming, T., & Strnadova, I. (2019). A Wraparound approach to ‘whole of student’ issues: Education, health, and community services. UNSW Gonski Education Institute ($100,000).
Strnadová, I., Cumming, T., Martin, A., Danker, J., & Loblinzk, J. (2018). Mobile Technology as a Tool to Increase the Social Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities. UNSW Disability Innovation Institute Research Seed Funding 2018 ($30,000).
Cumming, T. (2018). Applied Behavioural Analysis: The socially validity of an evidence-based practice. UNSW School of Education Research Grants Program ($5,000).
Cumming, T. (2016). Evaluating teacher's perceptions of school connectedness for students with emotional and behavioural disorders.UNSW School of Education Research Grants Program ($5,000).
Silvera-Tawil, D., Strnadova, I., & Cumming, T. (2015). Social stories in robot-assisted therapy for children with autism. UNSW Art & Design Faculty Research Grant ($18,920).
Dowse, L., Cumming, T., Strnadová, I., Lee, J. S., Mendes, P., Snow, P., Smith, L., Ellem, K., & Birt, E. (2015). Lost in transition: Supporting young people with complex support needs. Total $392, 000. Linkage Project; Australian Research Council. RG142451, LP150100528.
O’Neill, S., Strnadová, I., & Cumming, T. (2015). How Juvenile Justice and Education support the transition of school-aged youth from within a custodial environment to the community: Lessons to be learned and celebrations to share.Total $60,000: UNSW School of Education Research Grants Program ($20,000), NSW Department of Education ($20,000), and NSW Department of Juvenile Justice ($20,000).
Cumming, T., & Strnadová, I. (2014). Transitions of students with emotional and behavioural disorders: A flexible integration model. UNSW School of Education Research Grants Program ($5,000).
Strnadová, I. & Cumming, T. (2013). Transitions of students with developmental disabilities: Fostering school-home partnerships. UNSW School of Education Research Grants Program ($3,700).
Cumming, T., & Strnadová, I. (2013). Positive behaviour supports: Using MERP to reorganise client activities. ACES ($10,000).
Dowse, L., Lee, J. S., Strnadová, I., & Cumming, T. (2013). Young people with disabilities in the criminal justice system: Exploring patterns of involvement and frameworks of intervention. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Faculty Research Grant($10,000)
Cumming, T. & Strnadová, I. (2012) Survey of Positive Behavioural Supports and Wraparound Services Supporting Students with Intellectual Disabilities. UNSW School of Education Research Grants Program ($5,000).
Strnadová, I., Cumming, T., Knox, M., Parmenter, T. (2011). Investigating the Coping Skills of Ageing Women with Intellectual Disabilities: Developing a Strategy- BasedFramework for Promoting Healthy Ageing. University of New South Wales Goldstar Award ($30,000).
Strnadová, I. & Cumming, T. (2011). Women with intellectual disabilities becoming active researchers: Using iPads to facilitate research training. School of Education Research Grants Program. ($5,000).
Cumming, T. (2010). Needs assessment of Sydney Catholic behaviour schools Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Research Promotion Grant ($1450).
Cumming, T. (2009). Effects of technology-enhanced social skills instruction on a middle school student with an emotional disorder. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 2009 Research Promotion Grant ($1335).
Cumming, T. (2008). New South Wales Special Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Classroom Social Skills That Link To Success. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 2008 Early Career Researcher’s Grant ($5,500).