Select Publications

Journal articles

Cumming TM; Han C; Gilanyi L, 2024, 'University student and instructor experiences with HyFlex learning: A scoping review', Computers and Education Open, 7, pp. 100229 - 100229,

Cumming T; Jolly J; Saint-James A, 2024, 'Australia at an educational crossroads: special schools and inclusive education', Frontiers in Education, 9,

Han C; Cumming TM, 2024, 'Teachers’ Beliefs About the Provision of Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review', Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 11, pp. 545 - 563,

Woo H; Cumming TM; O’Neill SC, 2024, 'South Korean University Lecturers’ Opinions About Initial Teacher Education in Gifted Education', Journal of Advanced Academics, 35, pp. 482 - 508,

Maras K; Cumming T; Lee HM, 2024, 'Supporting early-career teachers with external mentoring: a scoping review', Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 21,

GOVINDASAMY P; Cumming T; Abdullah N, 2024, 'Validity and reliability of a needs analysis questionnaire for the development of a creativity module', The Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs,

Cumming TM; Gilanyi L; Han C, 2024, 'Hyflex delivery mode in a postgraduate course: instructor and student perspectives', Discover Education, 3, pp. 24,

Woo H; Cumming T; O'Neill S, 2024, 'South Korean University Lecturers’ Opinions About Initial Teacher Education in Gifted Education', Journal of Advanced Academics,

Roberts P; Scott SV; Cranney J; Cumming TM; Angstmann E; Nehme M; Watson K, 2024, 'Design principles for dual mode readiness in an uncertain future', Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 61, pp. 240 - 250,

Marsh RJ; Brandon RR; Cumming TM, 2024, 'Exploring Education Beyond Traditional Contexts: An Interview With Dr. Sarup Mathur', Intervention in School and Clinic, 59, pp. 218 - 222,

Schilstra CE; Ellis SJ; Cohen J; Gall A; Diaz A; Clarke K; Dumlao G; Chard J; Cumming TM; Davis E; Dhillon H; Burns MA; Docking K; Koh ES; O'Reilly J; Sansom-Daly UM; Shaw J; Speers N; Taylor N; Warne A; Fardell JE, 2024, 'Exploring Web-Based Information and Resources That Support Adolescents and Young Adults With Cancer to Resume Study and Work: Environmental Scan Study', JMIR Cancer, 10,

Cumming TM; Gilanyi L, 2023, '‘Our Classes Are Like Mainstream School Now’: Implementing Universal Design for Learning at a Special School', Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education, 47, pp. 63 - 77,

Woo H; Cumming TM, 2023, 'South Korean Preservice Teachers’ Self-Perception as Gifted: Impact on Teacher Self-Efficacy and Attitudes Toward Gifted Education', Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 46, pp. 374 - 397,

Sianturi M; Lee JS; Cumming TM, 2023, 'Shifting the belief of the “hard-to-reach parents” to “reachable parents”: Parent-teacher collaboration within schools in a post-colonial country', International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 97, pp. 101892,

Cumming TM; Strnadová I; Gilanyi L; Lee HM, 2023, 'Supporting students with complex needs living in rural and regional New South Wales: is wraparound the answer?', Australian Educational Researcher, 50, pp. 1551 - 1570,

Woo H; Cumming TM, 2023, 'South Korean Preservice Teachers’ Self-Perception as Gifted: Impact on Teacher Self-Efficacy and Attitudes Toward Gifted Education', Journal for the Education of the Gifted,

Marsh RJ; Cumming TM; Randolph JJ; Michaels S, 2023, 'Updated Meta-Analysis of the Research on Response Cards', Journal of Behavioral Education, 32, pp. 450 - 473,

Danker J; Strnadová I; Tso M; Loblinzk J; Cumming TM; Martin AJ, 2023, '‘It will open your world up’: The role of mobile technology in promoting social inclusion among adults with intellectual disabilities', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51, pp. 135 - 147,

Sianturi M; Lee JS; Cumming TM, 2023, 'Using technology to facilitate partnerships between schools and Indigenous parents: A narrative review', Education and Information Technologies, 28, pp. 6141 - 6164,

Boaden N; Lee J-S; Cumming T, 2023, 'Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and social work practice in Australia: A narrative literature review', Australian Social Work, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 12,

Mulholland S; Cumming TM; Lee J, 2023, 'Accurately Assessing Teacher ADHD-Specific Attitudes Using the Scale for ADHD-Specific Attitudes', Journal of Attention Disorders, 27, pp. 554 - 568,

Mulholland S; Cumming TM; Lee J, 2023, 'Accurately Assessing Teacher ADHDSpecific Attitudes Using the Scale for ADHD-Specific Attitudes', Journal of Attention Disorders,

Marsh RJ; Brandon RR; Cumming TM, 2023, 'Exploring Education Beyond Traditional Contexts: An Interview With Dr. Sarup Mathur', Intervention in School and Clinic,

Cumming TM; Bugge ASJ; Kriss K; McArthur I; Watson K; Jiang Z, 2023, 'Diversified: promoting co-production in course design and delivery', Frontiers in Education, 8,

Gunderson JL; Cumming TM, 2023, 'Podcasting in higher education as a component of Universal Design for Learning: A systematic review of the literature', Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 60, pp. 591 - 601,

Cumming TM; Strnadová I; Boaden N; Dew A; Athanassiou U; Dowse L, 2023, 'Policy Context for Transitions to Adulthood Experienced by Young People with Complex Support Needs: Australian Federal and State Perspectives', Child and Youth Services, 44, pp. 393 - 412,

Sianturi M; Lee JS; Cumming TM, 2023, 'Strengthening Indigenous parents’ co-leadership through culturally responsive home-school partnerships: a practical implementation framework', Pedagogy, Culture and Society, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 24,

Cumming TM; Rose MC, 2022, 'Exploring universal design for learning as an accessibility tool in higher education: a review of the current literature', Australian Educational Researcher, 49, pp. 1025 - 1043,

Brandon RR; Marsh RJ; Cumming TM, 2022, 'International Collaboration in Special Education Teacher Preparation', Intervention in School and Clinic, 58, pp. 59 - 63,

Sianturi M; Lee JS; Cumming TM, 2022, 'A systematic review of Indigenous parents' educational engagement', Review of Education, 10,

Woo H; Cumming T; O'Neill S, 2022, 'South Korean pre-service primary school teachers’ opinions about acceleration for gifted students', Gifted and Talented International,

Cumming TM; Strnadová I; Lee HM; Lonergan R, 2022, 'Education-Centred Formal Wraparound Services in Support of School-Aged Students With Complex Support Needs: A Systematic Review', Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education, 46, pp. 47 - 60,

Woo H; Cumming T; O'Neill S, 2022, 'South Korean pre-service primary school teachers’ attitudes towards gifted students and gifted education', Gifted Education International,

Han C; Cumming TM; Strnadová I, 2022, 'The Education of Students With Disabilities in Remote or Rural Areas of China', Intervention in School and Clinic, 57, pp. 268 - 273,

Lonergan R; Cumming T; O'Neill S, 2022, 'Exploring the efficacy of problem-based learning in diverse secondary school classrooms: Characteristics and goals of problem-based learning', International Journal of Educational Research, 112, pp. 101945,

Han C; Cumming TM, 2022, 'Behavioural supports for students with autism spectrum disorders: practice, policy, and implications for special education reform in China', International Journal of Inclusive Education, 26, pp. 41 - 60,

Strnadová I; Cumming TM; Lee HM, 2021, 'A Review of the Grey Literature on Education-Centred Wraparound Services to Support Students with Complex Support Needs in Australia', Educational Practice and Theory, 43, pp. 69 - 93,

Cumming TM, 2021, 'The Ethics of Research with Children and Young People', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHILDRENS RIGHTS, 29, pp. 1007 - 1012,

Martin AJ; Strnadová I; Loblinzk J; Danker JC; Cumming TM, 2021, 'The role of mobile technology in promoting social inclusion among adults with intellectual disabilities', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 34, pp. 840 - 851,

Basckin C; Strnadová I; Cumming TM, 2021, 'Teacher beliefs about evidence-based practice: A systematic review', International Journal of Educational Research, 106,

Cumming T; Strnadova I; Danker J; Basckin C, 2020, '“I Was Taught That My Being Was Inherently Wrong”: Is Applied Behavioural Analysis A Socially Valid Practice?', International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 5, pp. 72 - 72,

O'Neill S; Strnadova I; Cumming T, 2020, 'A Conceptual Framework for Creating Transition Plans for Incarcerated Youth', Journal of Applied Juvenile Justice Services, pp. 131 - 155,

Chandroo R; Strnadova I; Cumming TM, 2020, 'Is it Really Student-Focused Planning? Perspectives of Students with Autism', Research in Developmental Disabilities,

Cumming T, 2020, 'Using technology to prepare 21st-century educators.', Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education,

Cumming TM; Strnadová I; Danker J, 2020, 'Transitions of Students with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities in Inclusive Settings: The Nexus Between Recommended and Actual Practice', Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education, 44, pp. 28 - 45,

Davidson JJ; Cumming TM; Strnadová I, 2020, 'Supporting Service Dogs in the Classroom', Intervention in School and Clinic, 55, pp. 313 - 318,

Alshehri A; Cumming TM, 2020, 'Mobile Technologies and Knowledge Management in Higher Education Institutions: Students’ and Educators’ Perspectives', World Journal of Education, 10, pp. 12 - 12,

O’Neill SC; Mathur SR; Cumming TM; Griller-Clark H; Strnadová I; ONeill S, 2020, 'Stakeholder awareness of reintegration practices for incarcerated youth: A cross-national comparison', Preventing School Failure, 65, pp. 1 - 11,

Ballam N; Sturgess A, 2019, 'Meeting the Needs of Gifted Learners Who Just Don’t ‘Fit’: Parent Perspectives', Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, pp. 6 - 16,

Chalwell K; Cumming T, 2019, 'Radical Subject Acceleration for Gifted Students: One School's Response', Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 28, pp. 29 - 46,

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