Select Publications


Goodwin-Gill G; McAdam J, 2021, The Refugee in International Law, Oxford University Press

McAdam J; Chong F, 2019, Refugee Rights and Policy Wrongs A frank, up-to-date guide by experts, UNSW Press,

McAdam J; Chong F, 2014, Refugees: Why Seeking Asylum in Australia is Legal and Australia's Policies are Not, UNSW Press, Australia,

McAdam J, 2012, Climate Change, Forced Migration, and International Law, Oxford University Press

Saul B; Sherwood S; McAdam J; Stephens T; Slezak J, 2012, Climate Change and Australia: Warming to the Global Challenge, Federation Press, Australia,

McAdam J, 2007, Complementary Protection in International Refugee Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Goodwin-Gill GS; McAdam J, 2007, The Refugee in International Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Book Chapters

McAdam J; Dunlop E, 2024, 'Interpretation of the 1951 Convention', in Zimmermann A (ed.), The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol: A Commentary (Second Edition), Oxford University Press, pp. 77 - 122,

McAdam J, 2021, 'Displacement in the context of Climate Change and Disasters', in Costello C; Foster M; McAdam J (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law, Oxford University Press

McAdam J, 2021, 'Complementary Protection', in Costello C; Foster M; McAdam J (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law, Oxford University Press

Costello C; Foster M; McAdam J, 2021, 'Introducing International Refugee Law as a Scholarly Field', in McAdam J; Costello C; Foster M (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law, Oxford University Press,

McAdam J; Weerasinghe S, 2020, 'Climate Change and Human Movement', in The Future of Human Rights and Climate Change, Amnesty International,

Dunlop E; McAdam J; Weeks G, 2019, 'A Search for Rights: Judicial and Administrative Responses to Migration and Refugee Cases', in Groves M; Boughey J; Meagher D (ed.), The Legal Protection of Rights in Australia, Hart Publishing,

Kaelin W; McAdam J, 2019, 'Environmental Displacement', in Aguila Y; Vinuales J (ed.), A Global Pact for the Environment: Legal Foundations, pp. 159 - 166,

McAdam J, 2018, 'The High Price of Resettlement: the proposed environmental relocation of Nauru to Australia', in Population, Migration and Settlement in Australia and the Asia-Pacific: In Memory of Graeme Hugo, Routledge,

McAdam J, 2017, 'An intellectual history of freedom of movement in international law: The right to leave as a personal liberty', in Crock M (ed.), Refugees and Rights, Taylor and Francis, pp. 3 - 32,

McAdam J, 2017, 'Swimming against the tide: Why a climate change displacement treaty is not the answer', in Crock M (ed.), Refugees and Rights, pp. 379 - 404,

McAdam J, 2016, 'Forced Migration from Disasters', in World Disasters Report 2016: Resilience: Saving Lives Today, Investing for Tomorrow, pp. 21 - 21

McAdam J, 2016, 'Climate Change-Related Displacement of Persons', in Gray KP; Tarasofsky R; Carlarne CP (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of International Climate Change Law, Oxford University Press, pp. 519 - 542,

McAdam J, 2014, 'Human Rights and Forced Migration', in Long LIIDK; Sigona LABFN (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 203 - 214,

McAdam J, 2014, 'Conceptualizing 'Crisis Migration'', in Martin SF; Weerasinghe S; Taylor A (ed.), Humanitarian Crises and Migration : Causes, Consequences and Responses, Routledge, London, pp. 28 - 49,

McAdam J, 2013, 'Migrating Laws? The "Plagiaristic Dialogue" between Europe and Australia', in Lambert H; McAdam J; Fullerton M (ed.), The Global Reach of European Refugee Law, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, pp. 25 - 70,

McAdam J, 2011, 'Climate Change Displacement and International Law: Complementary Protection Standards', in Legal and Protection Policy Research Series, UNHCR, Geneva,

McAdam J, 2011, 'Environmental Migration', in Betts A (ed.), Global Migration Governance, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 153 - 188,

McAdam J, 2011, 'Interpretation', in Zimmermann A (ed.), The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol: A Commentary, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 75 - 115,

McAdam J, 2011, 'Refusing 'Refuge' in the Pacific: (De)Constructing Climate-Induced Displacement in International Law', in Piguet E; Pecoud A; de Guchtenieree P (ed.), Migration and Climate Change, Cambridge University Press/ UNESCO, Cambridge, pp. 102 - 137,

McAdam J, 2010, 'Introduction', in Climate Change and Displacement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, pp. 1 - 8

McAdam J, 2010, '"Disappearing States", Statelessness and the Boundaries of International Law', in McAdam J (ed.), Climate Change and Displacement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 105 - 130,

McAdam J, 2010, 'An Insecure Climate for Human Security? Climate-Induced Displacement and International Law', in Edwards A; Ferstman C (ed.), Human Security and Non-Citizens: Law, Policy and International Affairs, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 357 - 403,

McAdam J, 2010, 'Individual Risk, Armed Conflict and the Standard of Proof in Complementary Protection Claims: The European Union and Canada Compared', in Simeon JC (ed.), Critical Issues in International Refugee Law: Strategies for Interpretative Harmony, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 59 - 84,

McAdam J, 2010, 'Introduction', in McAdam J (ed.), Climate Change and Displacement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Hart Publishing, Oxford, pp. 1 - 8,

McAdam J, 2008, 'Humane Rights: The Refugee Convention as a Blueprint for Complementary Protection Status', in Forced Migration, Human Rights and Security, Hart Publishing, pp. 263 - 282

McAdam J, 2008, 'Overstayers', in Cane P; Conaghan J (ed.), The New Oxford Companion to Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 857 - 858

McAdam J, 2008, 'Visas', in Cane P; Conaghan J (ed.), The New Oxford Companion to Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 1225 - 1226

McAdam J, 2007, 'The Qualification Directive: An Overview', in Zwaan K (ed.), The Qualification Directive: Central Themes, Problem Issues and Implementation in Selected Member States, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen, pp. 7 - 29

McAdam J; Durieux J, 2006, 'Non Refoulement through Time: The Case for a Derogation Clause to the Refugee Convention in Mass Influx Emergencies', in Bayefsky A (ed.), Refugees and Displaced Persons in Process: Essays in Honour of Joan Fitzpatrick and Arthur Helton, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, pp. 211 - 231

Edited Books

Costello C; Foster M; McAdam J, (eds.), 2021, The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law, Oxford University Press

Vidas D; Freestone D; McAdam J, (eds.), 2019, International Law and Sea Level Rise: Report of the International Law Association Committee on International Law and Sea Level Rise, Brill,

McAdam J; Lambert H; Fullerton M, (eds.), 2013, The Global Reach of European Refugee Law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

McAdam J, (ed.), 2010, Climate Change and Displacement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Hart Publishing, Oxford

McAdam J, (ed.), 2008, Forced Migration, Human Rights and Security, Hart Publishing, Oxford

McAdam J; & Others , (ed.), 1995, Displaced Worlds: Experience and History in Modern Europe, Sydney Studies in History No 4, University of Sydney

Journal articles

McAdam J, 2025, 'Evacuations as Displacement: Conceptual and Legal Challenges', Refugee Survey Quarterly,

McAdam J, 2024, 'Preserving Statehood through Population and Government: Safeguarding Nationality and Franchise in the context of Sea-Level Rise and Mobility', New Zealand Yearbook of International Law, 20, pp. 3 - 39,

Jefferies R; McAdam J, 2024, 'Locked Down and Locked Out: Australia’s COVID-19 Restrictions on Internal Movement', Australian Year Book of International Law, 42, pp. 39 - 86

McAdam J, 2024, 'Foreword', Sustainable Development Goals Series, Part F3368, pp. v - vi

McAdam J, 2023, 'Will International Refugee Law Still Be Relevant in 2033?', International Journal of Refugee Law, 35, pp. 365 - 369,

Jefferies R; McAdam J, 2023, 'Locked In: Australia’s COVID-19 Border Closures and the Right to Leave', Australian Year Book of International Law, 41, pp. 185 - 231,

McAdam J, 2023, 'Turning Points in International Protection: Onwards and Upwards, or U-Turns and Roundabouts?', International Journal of Refugee Law, 35, pp. 1 - 9,

Burson B; Kaelin W; McAdam J, 2023, 'Statehood, Human Rights and Sea-Level Rise: A Response to the International Law Commission’s Second Issues Paper on Sea-Level Rise in relation to International Law', Yearbook of International Disaster Law, 4, pp. 265 - 280,

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