Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'Preserving Statehood through Population and Government: Safeguarding Nationality and Franchise in the context of Sea-Level Rise and Mobility', New Zealand Yearbook of International Law, 20, pp. 3 - 39,
,2024, 'Locked Down and Locked Out: Australia’s COVID-19 Restrictions on Internal Movement', Australian Year Book of International Law, 42, pp. 39 - 86
,2023, 'Will International Refugee Law Still Be Relevant in 2033?', International Journal of Refugee Law, 35, pp. 365 - 369,
,2023, 'Locked In: Australia’s COVID-19 Border Closures and the Right to Leave', Australian Year Book of International Law, 41, pp. 185 - 231,
,2023, 'Turning Points in International Protection: Onwards and Upwards, or U-Turns and Roundabouts?', International Journal of Refugee Law, 35, pp. 1 - 9,
,2023, 'Statehood, Human Rights and Sea-Level Rise: A Response to the International Law Commission’s Second Issues Paper on Sea-Level Rise in relation to International Law', , 4, pp. 265 - 280,
,2022, 'Exploring the Legal Basis in Australia for Evacuations from Disasters: Avoiding Arbitrary Displacement', UNSW Law Journal, 45, pp. 1329 - 1366,
,2022, 'Evacuations and Relocations after Disasters: Safeguarding Lives and Rights', Australian Environment Review, 37, pp. 46 - 49
,2022, 'Ocean Cultures, the Anthropocene and International Law: Cultural Heritage and Mobility Law as Imaginative Gateways', Melbourne Journal of International Law, 23, pp. 1 - 22,,-McAdam-and-Tupou-Advance-Copy.pdf
,2022, 'ANALYSIS OF 'IMMINENCE' IN INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION CLAIMS: TEITIOTA V NEW ZEALAND AND BEYOND', International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 71, pp. 975 - 982,
,2022, 'Moving beyond Refugee Law: Putting Principles on Climate Mobility into Practice', International Journal of Refugee Law, 34, pp. 440 - 448,
,2022, '‘Time' in Refugee Status Determination in Australia and the United Kingdom: A Clear and Present Danger from Armed Conflict?', International Journal of Refugee Law, 34, pp. 163 - 191,
,2022, 'Evacuations: A Form of Disaster Displacement?', Forced Migration Review, 69, pp. 56 - 57
,2022, 'Can we still call Australia home? The right to return and the legality of Australia’s COVID-19 travel restrictions', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 27, pp. 211 - 231,
,2021, 'Refugee Protection in the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond: The Capacity and Limits of International Law', UNSW Law Journal, 44, pp. 103 - 124,
,2021, 'The Concept of “International Protection” in the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration', Interventions: international journal of postcolonial studies, 23, pp. 191 - 206,
,2020, 'Displacing Evacuations: A Blind Spot in Disaster Displacement Research', Refugee Survey Quarterly, 39, pp. 583 - 590
,2020, 'Protecting People Displaced by the Impacts of Climate Change: The UN Human Rights Committee and the Principle of Non-Refoulement', American Journal of International Law, 114, pp. 708 - 725,
,2020, 'A Well-Founded Fear of Being Persecuted … But When?', The Sydney Law Review, 42, pp. 155 - 181,
,2019, 'Editorial', International Journal of Refugee Law, 31, pp. 179 - 181,
,2019, 'Editorial', International Journal of Refugee Law, 31, pp. 179 - 181,
,2019, 'Managing Displacement in the Era of Climate Change', Georgetown Journal of International Affairs,
,2019, 'The global compacts on refugees and migration: A new era for international protection?', International Journal of Refugee Law, 30, pp. 571 - 574,
,2019, 'Imminence in Refugee and Human Rights Law: A Misplaced Notion for International Protection', International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 68, pp. 111 - 140,
,2019, 'Introductory Note to Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration', The American Society of International Law, 58, pp. 160 - 194,
,2018, 'The Duty to Move People out of Harm’s Way in the context of Climate Change and Disasters', Refugee Survey Quarterly, 2018, Vol.37, pp. 379 - 407,
,2018, 'The Guiding Principles on internal displacement: 20 years on', International Journal of Refugee Law, 30, pp. 187 - 190,
,2018, 'Filling gaps and verifying facts: Assumptions and credibility assessment in the Australian Refugee Review Tribunal', International Journal of Refugee Law, 30, pp. 71 - 103,
,2017, 'International cooperation and responsibility-sharing to protect refugees: What, why and how?', International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 66, pp. 863 - 892,
,2017, 'The enduring relevance of the 1951 refugee convention', International Journal of Refugee Law, 29, pp. 1 - 9,
,2017, 'Part one: The protection of stateless persons in Australian law - The rationale for a statelessness determination procedure', Melbourne University Law Review, 40, pp. 401 - 455
,2017, 'Part two: The prevention and reduction of statelessness in Australia - An ongoing challenge', Melbourne University Law Review, 40, pp. 456 - 505
,2017, 'International Cooperation and Responsibility-Sharing to Combat Climate Change: Lessons for International Refugee Law', Melbourne Journal of International Law, 18, pp. 180 - 218
,2017, 'Self-Determination and Self-Governance for Communities Relocated across International Borders: The Quest for Banaban Independence', International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 24
,2017, 'The High Price of Resettlement: When Nauru Almost Moved to Australia', Australian Geographer,
,2016, '"Under Two Jurisdictions": Immigration, Citizenship, and Self-Governance in Cross-Border Community Relocations', Law and History Review, 34, pp. 281 - 333,
,2016, 'Editorial', International Journal of Refugee Law, 28, pp. 1 - 6,
,2016, 'Building International Approaches to Climate Change, Disasters and Displacement', Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, 33, pp. 1 - 14,
,2016, 'From the Nansen Initiative to the Platform on Disaster Displacement: Shaping International Approaches to Climate Change, Disasters and Displacement', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 39, pp. 1518 - 1546
,2016, 'Guy S Goodwin-Gill: The International Refugee Law Scholar', International Journal of Refugee Law, 28, pp. 552 - 563,
,2016, 'The Prevention and Reduction of Statelessness in Australia: An On-Going Challenge', Melbourne University Law Review, 40
,2016, 'The Protection of Stateless Persons in Australian Law: The Rationale for a Statelessness Status Determination Procedure', Melbourne University Law Review
,2015, 'Relocation and resettlement from colonisation to climate change: the perennial solution to 'danger zones'', London Review of International Law, 3, pp. 93 - 130,
,2015, 'The emerging New Zealand jurisprudence on climate change, disasters and displacement', Migration Studies, 3, pp. 131 - 142,
,2015, 'Asylum in Australia: ‘Operation Sovereign Borders’ and International Law', Australian Year Book of International Law, 32, pp. 33 - 64
,2015, 'International Law and Sea Level Rise: The New ILA Committee', ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law, 21, pp. 397 - 408, file:///D:/Users/z2127562/Downloads/21ILSAJIntlCompL397.pdf
,2015, 'Lessons from planned relocation and resettlement in the past', Forced Migration Review, 49, pp. 30 - 32
,2015, 'Planned Relocations in the Context of ClimateChange: Unpacking the Legal and Conceptual Issues', Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law, 4, pp. 137 - 166,
,2014, 'Historical Cross-Border Relocations in the Pacific: Lessons for Planned Relocations in the Context of Climate Change', The Journal of Pacific History, 49, pp. 301 - 327,
,2014, 'Complementary Protection in Australia Two Years On: A Developing Human Rights Jurisprudence', Federal Law Review, 42, pp. 441 - 483